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bats brew

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  1. very similar to what i do already, bass always gets an eq on channel, then sent to a bass bus, which has compression, eq, saturation, maybe MaxxBass, Maybe DBX, Maybe waves Magma BB tubes (mono), and sometimes i'll even do a little new york compression. but often times, the bass sounds exactly the way i want it going in, and i'll do nothing to the channel. but this is a trickier mix, because of the acoustics carrying the rhythm.
  2. hm.... maybe need to tweak it some more. i high passed acoustics at about 150hz, maybe a bit higher, then favor the bass around 100hz...
  3. hey steve!~ thanks for listening you can hear the bass, right?! someone told me they didn't know there was bass in the song.....!?
  4. i don't know, it has never happened yet. if it does, i'll come back and update my deep and dark personal feelings. LOL it's a plugin. i don't need any updates. i just need to be able to install it again as is, in the future. i'd stick with ALL of my Presonus Studio One plugs instead, if ever the waves plugs stopped working. all those S1P plugs are perfectly fine as is.
  5. i bought the platinum bundle on sale way back in 2018, for about $60, and have never spent another penny on it since, still use, works like a charm. no WUP involved.
  6. NEW MIX UP! https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/worlds-goin-down rolled off a bit more low end off the acoustic guitars, shifted the frequency peaks of the kick and the bass guitar. i like this one better!
  7. pre-juneteenth bump
  8. brand new mix up!
  9. used these guys for this tune
  10. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/world-goin-down a new mix from me, this is a groovy tune with acoustic guitars, electric slide, and a bunch of vocal harmonies. will be on an upcoming album re-release. it's a bit different from my latest instrumental releases.
  11. the strat i used on this one
  12. dexter..... morgan.... brother sister, husband wife real life? LOL what a funky uptempo tune... it's a bit bright, but super clear recording. didn't care for the sound of the drum kit tho, the snare is a bit annoying, and cymbals a bit bright too... could be just the kit that's bugging me, but the bass line is so groovy, i tend to forget the snare. LOL, can you change the snare? and back off the cymbals a bit, they are splashy and you can hear the compression working. i watched all of 'dexter', and the season they tagged on years after the fact, i was a micheal hall fan from 'six feet under'
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