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bats brew

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  1. hey, if you've got GUMS to gnash, that works too!! LOL
  2. Sunday bump, I did re-write some new drum parts, will repost soon
  3. bumpin' for the weekend, for any of you rockers that need to gnash teeth.
  4. bumpin' for the weekend
  5. tom, as i've posted this before at bandcamp (just because the streaming is better) and took it down, and put it back, etc, etc, ad naseum, i want you to have the latest, if you can't log on and just re-download the latest file, let me know, i'll just send you a link for the full bandwidth file, if you want it. and thanks for your support!!
  6. ALRIGHT EQUALITY! thanks so much man, i appreciate it.
  7. the drum parts, i've been thinking, there are a couple of areas where i can simplify the drum parts, and it will still work as designed.. so i'm going to edit the drum parts in about 3-4 key places, and make those sections just 'straight drive' a bit...
  8. Thanks Jack! Glad you listened
  9. thanks so much andy! glad you dig it.
  10. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/hear-the-Call an early single release from the next bats brew album called "Singularity" i hope you enjoy it. used my new Tele build to cover the rhythm guitars, a fun track to play.
  11. ha, only problem with my taylor is, it's so big! it's bigger than i am! LOL but it has a lovely sound. i only ever use microphones to record my acoustics, and that can be problematic with this big auditorium sized box, it has a lot of lows. i have to watch out for proximity effect, and usually pull the microphone all the way up to the neck joint, or well past the sound hole.
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