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Ross Smithe

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Everything posted by Ross Smithe

  1. Thanks for listening and for the kind words! Have fun with the bass line!
  2. Haven't used the mastering tools on Bandlab, I'll check it out!
  3. Very cool, driving groove! Great guitar work and nice vocal effect. Love the "honey you got a dime" break too... ??
  4. Hey, thanks for the listen and for the encouraging words!
  5. Thanks for listening and for your comments! Good suggestion about the length, I was thinking about that, anyway, so you kind of put me over the edge!
  6. Thanks for listening and for the feedback. I’m sold, vocs need to go UP!!
  7. Thanks for listening Jack and for the feedback! I have gone back and forth about the voice volume, I think you’re right it needs to be up a bit.
  8. Ross Smithe

    Program Me

    **REVISED- Took some good advice from @jack c.@subvibeand @PhonoBrainer, and raised vocal volume and shortened overall song a bit. This is a re-imagining/remix of an original song written way back in 1985. It was a signature song for an LA band I was in at the time called The Program. Originally written as a straight ahead rock tune, the funky and catchy bass pattern was the central component of the song. Our bass player played it on a Mini Moog (props to him, we had no sequencers, lol!). This new arrangement and recording maintains that original bass pattern and vibe, but definitely takes the tune into completely new realms! I originally played the high-bending synth lead part on my very first polysynth, a Roland Juno 60. I don't have it anymore, but I wanted to maintain that original flavor, so I used a TAL Juno 60 emulation on this. The rest of it is a mix of hardware (Korg Kronos, Yamaha MOXF8) and software synths (Kontakt, Surge, LABS, ASDR Loom and Hybrid). Valhalla Supermassive reverb was also used liberally throughout. The most unexpected source is the growling "guitar” solo, done with Keyscape, of all things! There is a Clavinet/Wah Pedal patch that I used, and was blown away by how cool it sounded! Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think! https://www.bandlab.com/post/7fa45535-2602-ee11-907c-6045bd31b313
  9. Wow, really smokin’ track. Well executed, both production and performance. Congrats!!
  10. Nice track John, strong songwriting, and musicianship. Vocals are good, only thing you might consider is they seem like they could sit in the mix better. Kind of loud and on top of things, which is no doubt crowding your headroom and preventing the instrumental mix from being brought up more. Overall, great job!
  11. Great job, Larry! Nice production and performance, very smooth textures and vibe. And hey, live harmonica! What else could we ask for? ???
  12. If I’m understanding you right, a really easy way to do this is just highlight the desired track/events in PRV and copy it. Then paste into your new instrument track. Copy function will also copy all the related controller events.
  13. Great job on this, Jack! Really, interesting tune, cool sounds and textures. Especially like the the organ work in intro and instrumental break.
  14. Excellent and expressive piano piece! You have mad skills, my friend! Love both versions, prefer the 2nd.
  15. First, check the interface as an input under midi devices in preferences. Second, load a VST instrument you want to trigger as a simple instrument track. Third, on your midi track, set the output to that instrument. At that point you should be in business.
  16. I hear you about EC, he definitely created beauty from ashes with this one! Thanks for listening and for your encouragement.
  17. Thanks Bjorn for listening and for the encouragement! It was a great experience composing thematically to video. The film represented strenuous activity before lighthearted fun. Thanks for your suggestions also!
  18. Fabulous performance and production. Great job!!
  19. Hey Jack, thanks for listening. I’ll check that out.
  20. Hey John, appreciate the encouragement. It’s all good, I had a blast doing it! Thanks, Ross
  21. Thanks so much for the kind words and for taking time to check it out!
  22. Hey Daryl, thanks for listening! Appreciate the kind words. The organ is actually off a hardware unit, Yamaha Motif. I usually do about half hardware and half VST on my stuff.
  23. Hey Nigel, thanks so much for listening and for the encouraging words! I’m not really a soundtrack guy, so it was a great learning exercise for me.
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