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Ross Smithe

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Ross Smithe last won the day on February 8

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  1. Ha, yeah would have enjoyed doing more with the pipes, as per the original! Scott had just done a guitar and vocal track originally, I don't think he envisioned this growing into a full-blown thing. I didn't want to pollute the sparse guitar intro and outro he had done.
  2. Very cool with the past connection with your bro. Thanks for the listen!
  3. Use a drum VST like Steven Slate drums (has a good free version). Has a mapping menu in the UI, you can map the notes of your midi track to various kit pieces. Then, you can output the kit pieces to individual audio tracks.
  4. Hey Mark, thanks for taking time to listen and comment. Appreciate it!
  5. Thanks for listening and commenting. Do you have an account on BandLab? I could put it on there, and if you know about "forking", you can start a new project using that track and add your own parts and interpretation to it. Even the free account is fine for that. Also, you don't have to do any recording on the BandLab app. Once you fork it, you can download any tracks in the original project and then just do your adds in Cakewalk if you prefer.
  6. Cover of the 1988 hit "Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle. Started with a simple track of acoustic guitar and lead vocal by the incredible Scott Shenk. I got invited in to add keys, and also to mix and master. Also enjoyed collaborating with these incredible musicians, Fabian- Bass (Argentina), Craig- Drums (US) . Worked with only individual recorded .wav files from each artist, exchanged on Bandlab. All mixed and mastered in CbB. One out of the ordinary technique I tried that worked out quite well concerned Scott's lead vocal. He had recorded the vocal and guitar together, and though fine for a raw solo track, his voice was a bit low relative to the guitar for this project. I ran his track thru vocal isolation software, and then put the extracted vocal into the track. Voila, pushed it right to the front!!
  7. Ross Smithe


    Very nice tune, like your vocals! Agree with others a bit more variety dynamically might be good, but this does seem to fit the lyrics well.
  8. Ross Smithe


    Splendid tune, really nice work!
  9. Great cover Steve, not an easy task covering ELP, you did it justice! Maybe could be a tad fuller in the low end and drums, but great work all around!.
  10. Really great job on this one Mark! Stellar guitar work as always, nice vocs also. I agree maybe push those up a bit!
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