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Everything posted by Release

  1. There are amazing presets in the Factory and scattered throughout the Expansions..... and tons and tons that I'll never use. My advice is to watch a few tutorials after you get in installed. I bought a month of SonicPass a while ago and honestly couldn't wait for it to expire. I didn't love most of the presets, working with Falcon was too much work, and it didn't sound all that great to me. A few months go by and after watching a few more walkthrough videos I decided to try it for another month. Suddenly.... after learning how to actually use it... I was FLOORED at what you can do with it. Really, anything you want can be accomplished. If you're a preset surfer, I don't think Falcon is the best choice, not by a long shot. But if you're into editing and creating sounds, it doesn't get more powerful and deep as this. I've had it for about 5 months now and I still don't feel I've even scratched the surface of what it can do. I get where JT is coming from by saying it sucks, but if you really spend the time with it, it'll surprise you every time as the utterly amazing tool that it is. It's truly as deep and as powerful as you want it to be.
  2. Dude, chill. Nobody is forcing you to use Falcon. Move on.
  3. I disagree strongly with most of JT's assessment as well. Falcon is absolutely amazing once you dig in and do the work to understand the workflow. It has unlimited possibilities. It's one of those tool that's only limited by the user. Can the workflow be better, sure. Could they optimize it a bit more, yea, probably. But light years below the competition? Nah, not at all.
  4. It still works in 7. You just can’t use the multi because those use the new chords and phrases tools.
  5. $150 upgrade for me? Despite buying T-Racks 3 times now? (Total Studio 3, Group Buy, a few modules here and there, and all the way back to T-Racks 24 back in 2003). No thanks. I'll use what I have. Someday they'll figure out an upgrade policy that's good for both the company and the customer. That day is not today though. Kinda disappointed..... but not surprised. Again.
  6. Oh, I'm not complaining about the prices. They're giving new users a TON of stuff for not a lot of money and there are some amazing tools there. And the fact that they still work no matter if they upgrade or not, I definitely appreciate that. They've actually made a lot of strides in the last year that are more customer friendly and I respect that. I'm just hoping to see a big overhaul of a few of their products (loading presets is awful in the Hammond, SampleTron, SampleTank and Syntronik. I think I'd use them a lot more if it was reworked).
  7. Well, they've been running deals on everything for months now at super low prices. Kinda wish they would just drop the new stuff instead of milking every last drop of the current lineup. We all know it's coming.
  8. Release

    UVI $20 off

    Hahaha! That’s fair. I was thinking more about testing out a companies entire line of products. If I want to demo a single synth or a plugin, yea, no way am I getting a sub for just that.
  9. Release

    UVI $20 off

    The best option would be to spend the 25 bucks for a month of SonicPass and see if any of them work for you. I looked at Falcon for years. I'm wrapping up my first month of SonicPass and I've learned that Falcon is just not for me. And neither is VV. Great stuff, no doubt about it, but I'm just not fan of Falcon or Workstation. Quite happy to have only spent 25 bucks instead of at least 200 and not really use any of it to its potential. Subs are GREAT for test driving potential purchases.
  10. Tonex, Hammond, SampleTron, about half of T-Racks, and MixBox are all worth the hassle IMO.
  11. Yup, I've pretty much stopped using my other amp sims after Tonex. And I have a boatload.
  12. Shaperbox is just amazing and can do sooooo much. I've barely scratched the surface and I'm still astounded at what's possible every time I dig a little deeper. But yea, the reverb is amazing. And the whole package, wow.
  13. I'm really liking this one. It was 19 bucks for the upgrade so I went ahead after playing with it for a bit. Another reverb won't hurt.
  14. Yea, I'd DEFINITELY hold off until you can't anymore. First off, there's no way to roll back now that it's out of beta. Second, even though it's not in the beta phase anymore..... is very much still a beta. It needs to be online, the graphics are absolutely awful, embarrassingly so, and the workflow is somehow even worse. Really, it's just a cluster*****. It actually makes me a bit irritable at how bad it is. They need to really rethink the whole thing before it damages the Spitfire brand. That's how bad it is IMO.
  15. With all the stuff I've bought from them over the years, I've only received ONE voucher.... and that's only because I asked why I never get 'em. *checks email* Nope, no love for me either. ?
  16. Do NOT install this if you're happy with the current version. This will overwrite the previous file. I tried the beta for a few days and went back to the old version while they still offered it. Not sure you can even go back at this point. I'm a very visual person (and a graphic designer) and this new version looks absolutely awful in my opinion. It looks nothing like the rest of the Spitfire catalog. Classy and sophisticated it is not. Sure, the functionality is similar (but even worse early in the beta) but it just looks like amateur-hour and makes it really hard to get inspired by using it. Just awful. It's actually a shame. I'm not against subscriptions and I had initially thought I might get it for a while. but after using it, not a chance.
  17. I've been using this for a while. It's fantastic and well worth 19 bucks.
  18. I did a few months ago. The voucher was $25.
  19. Well, there went another 50 bucks for the Blackhole upgrade. Don’t try the demo unless you want to upgrade. Trust me. LOL
  20. Tommy, multi outs aren’t implemented yet. It’s way up on their requested list, along with hardware inserts, but not yet.
  21. It autosaves all the time. It's both good and bad. I'd definitely prefer a choice though.
  22. I think it's pretty amazing and I'd LOVE to have it but since I'm just a schmuck who does this for fun, it's way out of my price range.
  23. Yea, been on their mailing list for years. LOL. I did get one a bit ago but I had to reach out and ask. Probably shouldn’t sweat it since I have way too many plugins as it is, but…. since we’re all addicts here, we’ll, you know.
  24. How do you get on the list for these? I bought a bunch of stuff from them in the past few months and even jumped on the subscription but I haven’t seen any.
  25. I've been testing this out and it's pretty nice! Tons of presets and it's super easy to tweak. Doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it makes it easy to get good results fast. I'm on the MEGA sub but this one might get added to the list of ones to pick at the end. We'll see.
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