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Everything posted by Release

  1. I haven't had any issues at all with Sonoma. Or with NI in general. I guess I've been lucky.
  2. If you’re a fan of spring reverb, this might be the best one out there right now. I have a few and this beats them all. A really nice “air”-iness that sits nicely around everything. It’s not a million times better than the others, but there’s a subtle enough of a difference that you’ll definitely notice it. Well worth a demo.
  3. I think Pro-R2 is pretty amazing and easily one of my go-to's now..
  4. Sorry! Hold off then. It looks like it drops in price every 3 or 4 months so it'll come around again. https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/price-history/chroma-grand-piano-by-sonuscore-2/
  5. It's different. I find it warmer than Noire and any of H&W ones. But I usually play it solo so I don't need it to cut through anything else. Not sure if it would get lost in a mix. To me, this is one of those rare libraries where the demos sound exactly like what I can pull out of it. I have a few that sound completely different from what I was expecting. I thought I got it for around $75 but that might have been the intro price? Can't remember.
  6. Oh man. Hope they don't F it up. I make my living using the Adobe Suite but I also own all 3 of Affinity's products and they're solid and perfect for a lot more people than the Adobe stuff. The thing that has me concerned the most is the wording "None of that changes today." TODAY. I guess we'll see.
  7. Awesome, thank you! I'm thinking about it.
  8. Kinda off-topic but I have a question about the MEGA bundle for anyone who uses it: At the end of the year, do you take pick your choice of ANY plugin (3, 6 or 10)... or is it the equivalent of how much your tier actually costs? It's not super clear to me. I can't tell if you get a voucher for 3, 6 or 10 plugins or one for $150, $250 or $299.
  9. I had to jump in on this. I bought a few of their libraries back in their glitch sale. Now I can remove CinePerc and it's whopping 100GB off my main drive and only load what I need.
  10. The gift that keeps on giving! GREAT update.
  11. Whoa! I've seen clips here and there of him playing and it's all been great, but pretty similar in style. He's all over the place here and he shows wayyyy more than I knew what he could do. Very impressive! Great band too.
  12. Sorry to single you out here..... and I definitely get your point..... but I've made my living from the Adobe Suite for the last 25 years and a good part of that is with the subs. My work pays for one sub and my freelance pays for my personal sub. I've gotten wayyyy more equity out of it than I've put in. Adobe isn't aiming at the casual user. They're going after the people that use their subscription to make their money. Audio is different though with way more "hobbyists" than professionals. So with that in mind, I completely agree with you. I don't want to pay for a music subscription knowing that I might not even use it for a month or two. Makes no sense to me and I'm definitely not getting anything in return.... other than a bit of fun. Someone using a music sub that uses it to pay their bills? Then yea, it makes perfect sense for them. Options are good and there are plenty of alternatives for everything.
  13. This is a really impressive Neve channel strip and well worth the 19 bucks.
  14. Yea, not liking that at all. Plus, when I tried to register it on a Mac, it asked me to find an appropriate app to open it. An app to open a line of text? Nope. Deleted the plugin and all I could find of CodeMeter and some other background thing. Shame too, I really wanted to try this as I'd love to get the full Rhodes plug in one day. Well, at least it cured my GAS for it.
  15. I was hoping they finally make it so you’re not left with a massive disk image in the IK Product Manager. They did so well listening to customers about the downloads…. but not just yet. Baby steps, I guess. Still gotta delete the leftover image and if you’re on a Mac, you still need to go into Disk Utility and eject it. Oh well.
  16. Everything these guys put out is outstanding. If you're into pianos of any kind, and can swing it, I highly doubt you'll be disappointed.
  17. REALLY happy to see this! Thank you Peter!!
  18. Same one. It's a separate app to so you can keep both on your machine if you'd like. Just download the new installer and you're good to go.
  19. I used 'em both ways, but mostly for support. As far as the CPU hit, I didn't think it's bad at all but I have a pretty powerful machine. Some Straylight presets will bring my machine to its knees too. I've yet to run into the same issue with this. Check out all the demos before you make a move. It's one of those libraries that you really do get what you hear (I've had some libraries that I can't make it sound anything like the demos I've heard). Can you use other synths to do the same kinda thing? Probably. But there's an inspiration factor working with this one that inspires me. I open this and I just play. And then get lost.
  20. Lunaris 2 sounds absolutely spectacular and well worth it, even at full price.
  21. I played a BE-100 a few years ago in a shop and it was THEE tone I've been looking for forever. This sounds amazing and is MUCH more affordable!
  22. Wow, it sounds REALLY good to my ears! Much better than I expected actually. Not surprising though, I really enjoy a few of the ones in SampleTank (The C7 and Shipwreck Piano in particular). Simeon's video really showed what it's capable of, so thanks for that! But IK has conditioned me to just wait and maybe pick it up a year down the line when they basically give away everything they have for something silly, like 29 bucks.
  23. This f-ing company. Mine count is down too. Do they sit around in meetings thinking of ways to screw their customer base and find new ways to foster resentment towards the company? They have some GREAT products, but man, instead of actively listening to their customers... who regardless of our complaining probably still want the company to do well, and even exceed.... but they seem to be in a race with themselves to get to the bottom as far as customer satisfaction goes.
  24. I had to buy my re-download once when I bought a new computer. I mean, it's just 10 bucks so it wasn't really a big deal, but if I ever need to do it again, I'll just simply quit using Syntronik/SampleTank/whatever else. I have plenty of other plug-ins. If they removed the restriction, they would certainly garner a lot of good will from their users since everyone who's had to do it has complained about it. And even those who never had to.
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