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Everything posted by equality

  1. I really like this song and listened to all versions. Harmonies and the rich acoustic guitars reminds me of the group America. There's a huge leap from first to second version, essentially going from mono to stereo. Seems like the bass is more active on the video version? Good job with that btw. As my ears are 67 years old and have documented an upper frequency hearing loss, I can't give a clue about the upper region. I really like the arrangement as well but as I am getting a bit nostalgic for the 70's, I just thought how it would sound with the drums and strings shifted to congas, piano and Hammond. But by no means don't change anything. It's great as it is.
  2. equality


    This is so good! Great feel to melodies, vocals and the whole arrangement. Love this, don't change a thing.
  3. Very cinematic soundscape, like on a space ship. Well picked sounds.
  4. equality

    They Lied

    I like your new wave style or whatever it should be called. Understand the vocal effect, I think, and it's nicely balanced by the natural sounding background choir. Original and interesting.
  5. Tried to accomplish some MoTown-vibes with the help from VHorns and Chris Hein brass. Kudos to Meter who worked hard on remixing and mastering this one! Link to the new version: https://on.soundcloud.com/D5J7eaHdcR6fpQ2CA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to Meter music sites: https://www.youtube.com/@Metermusic99 https://soundcloud.com/meter
  6. equality


    Thanks pwalpwal for coming back to this one and providing the link. Alex Rome is amazing and a great educator. I've got some Serum synth presets after his youtube instruction. The build ups and drops seems a bit more complicated but would be fun to learn. I'll give it try. Thanks again!
  7. equality


    Thanks Nigel. A bit beyond my skills but I'll give it a try.
  8. equality

    Right Now

    This is as great as the other tunes I have heard from you. Your music should be air played if not already. Amazing!
  9. equality


    So glad you liked it! πŸ™ Happy new year!
  10. equality


    Sorry for late reply. Very glad you liked it. Thanks Mark!
  11. equality


    Right, I do too and feel a bit liberated after retirement. Your work is awesome subvibe, very glad you enjoyed this one.
  12. Awesome cover with excellent arrangement and performance! πŸ‘πŸ‘
  13. equality


    Thanks! Words of wisdom.
  14. equality


    Sorry for late reply and thanks for asking. The track is built around different presets from the synth Arturia Lab Pro. BPM 120. The preset Sequence 7 Osc Chord Rave Seq makes up the first riff. Triaz drum machine with the presets TOM Boy then comes in complemented by Triaz Non Euclidian at bar 8. At bar 12 Arturia Gaw Bass starts and S.K.Y synth preset analog bass kicks in at bar 16. There's a build up (thanks pwallie!) at 58 sec with snare and cymbal(?) from the Triaz presets and some stacatto organ (Vintage organ Basic rock 3 - NI) before and after the S.K.Y brass theme at the last part and the outro.
  15. equality

    Moving On

    My favourite of yours is Heart but this one is very good as well. Very balanced and tasteful mix but too compressed? I don't fancy fade out endings but it's a matter taste I guess. Awesome talent behind this, love your stuff. Keep up the great work!
  16. Nice piece. I like the dreamy atmosphere. Great vocal performance. Wish the mix to be more dynamic with the vocals (and trumpet!) more forward and the outro finished without fadeout. Musically very good!
  17. equality


    I really don't know what you're talking aboutπŸ€” but it sounds like useful ingredients. Have to check that out. Thanks for listen! πŸ™‚
  18. equality


    I am too old for modern electronic dance music (EDM) and I have no idea of the different subgenres. Sometimes I find it very monotonous but in right light conditions and localities, it could be fascinating. Since the correct tools (VSTi:s) are there in my computer, I thought I give it a try. Too old for this genre but not too old to have fun. πŸ˜ƒ
  19. equality


    Nice harmonies and transitions. I enjoyed the listening.
  20. equality


    Thank you Sir! Steely Dan...awesome. I'll try to change to a better sax (VST) on this one. Merry Christmas!
  21. Thanks a lot Nigel. Glad you liked the strings. πŸ™
  22. Thanks BjΓΆrn for your kind comments. There is reverb already on vocals but not emphasized on the chorus.
  23. Wonderful rendition! My father is smiling from his heaven. Thanks! 😊
  24. Thank you Larry. Very glad you liked it. πŸ™
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