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Everything posted by Leizer

  1. "This website is under heavy load (queue full) We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later." Crap, just 27 days left.
  2. Thanks Paul, glad to hear you liked the violin solo.
  3. Thanks for letting me be a part of this song and sorry if I were a bit slow in the progress. Love the 7/8 chorus, dynamics and variation, doesn't feel like a 5:36 song. Great work all around!
  4. Too bad I dont fill the req: "Pentium class CPU or greater, 32MB of RAM, SVGA video, PC running Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10". Only have W10 on my newest computer. Other than that, I'm happy with my Finale 2011.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vThuwa5RZU
  6. Thanks Scook, that was it! Good to know, I removed it.
  7. I have started to use a new computer recently with W10 (had W7 on the old one) and can't drag'ndrop any audio whatsoever (wav/mp3) to any track. Is this a W10 fault, New CbB update (I have latest update) or is it a fault setting somewhere? It worked some month ago with W7 and CbB. I can import audio by the menu but that feels like 1900-ish and take much longer time.
  8. Thanks! I'm not sure I understand the use of the F buttons (saving clips or what), but I experiment with it later and see if I get it.
  9. Big thanks to Aslow3 for the amazing AZcontroller and preset for the obsolete Alphatrack. I bought a used one yesterday for 30$ and after years looking at another brands (bought a Faderport two years ago and send it back), this works great with win10 and CbB. Thanks Gswitz for compatibility info as well. I had to install driver as a win7 compatibility to get it installed properly. To be honest I didnt understand much of Aslow3s AZcontroller, but I followed his Alphatrack preset page and it worked directly with default settings. Two questions so far: -Is there a way to flip between tracks/buses without using the mouse? -What do F5-F8 do? Are they left for assigned functions?
  10. Here is someones demo of the strings that shows how it sounds out of the box: I have had it for a long time, but have had EWHO platinum for a longer time, so it always ends up with the later one. These strings has no vln1/vln2, just violins, but if you need it you can use the violins twice with different EQ/panning I guess. I took some time to "fiddle" around with it, and with expression/modulation you can get a pretty realistic string sound. Favorites: pizz (when you hit hard there is "bartok pizz") and violin espressivo. A no brainer, if you dont have any of the 400+$ libraries. Quick to use, perfect for mockups.
  11. EastWest has Spaces II upgrade from Spaces for $92! I think it was $199 last time I checked. http://www.soundsonline.com/spaces-II edit: Sale ends 22/2
  12. Great stuff all way through. Love the use of the guitar with the synth sounds, really fits great together.
  13. Our bluegrass band has made a christmas song, "Dec 23rd". Music, lyrics and video art is made by the singer. I did the mix. Merry christmas everyone!
  14. Thanks everyone! Great idea about volume automation, why didnt I think of that? I start with trying that and see how it goes.
  15. I have been mixing a christmas song we recorded with our bluegrass band, and the mix was ok, but it is too dynamic (weak in the start/loud in the end). Is there a quick fix for this to even out the mix in the mastering stage and it still sounds nice? I haven't got the time for a re-mix. Compressor/limiter/multi-compressor? I got most of Izotope stuff, but dont know how to use it. I don't want it squashed. Just linear as it is now but a flatter line, if you know what I mean. Edit: It seems I get a better result with compression if I change not only band 1...
  16. Do you have 64GB ram (2*32 GB)? A friend of mine thought a dedicated GPU will ease the burden on the CPU? I also play some older games (like Fallout 4) but not so much. I also want the ability to have 3 monitors in the future (have 2 now), and not a VGA connected one. Good points, thanks!
  17. Thanks, got it. I was more after a "thumbs up" or thumbs down" from Jim, but that is still consultation as well. Good to know about the overseas service, I guess he later also can remote the system and optimize it for DAW use? I found his site so will hear him out there.
  18. I will buy a new DAW workstation before xmas, so what do you think of this build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Leizer/saved/#view=CY6CLk Some thoughts: - Compatibility? Is something unnecessarily overkill? - Is the Noctua 12s enough for overclocked i9-9900K? Another part picker site said the Noctua 14s were to big or heavy for the build. - Not sure about the motherboard, is it too weak? I wanted support for USB3.1 gen2 (usb-c for ext. DVD-drive f.e.) that is in the chassi, as well as 3 M.2 SSD slots, and easy overclocking of the i9 to 5Ghz on all cores. Only 2 M.2 slots here. Is MSI MEG Z390 Ace a better choice, or ASRock Z390 Taichi? I have no clue if some cards/discs are covering other slots so they couldn't be used. - What memory speed shall I go for? (DDR4-3200 in this example) - Is 650W enough for overclocking and 5-6 HDD/SSDs? - I want a quiet machine. Are any parts particullary noisy? Change to?
  19. Thanks! Got it anyway. I will install later tonight and see what samples I (it) can find.
  20. Can you use the beats from AD2 (or import them) into XO?
  21. Thanks a lot Daryl. I know I'm trespassing on the Green way, so really glad you liked it. Wait for Black Friday, maybe it goes on sale then. There is a Panda Express in Stockholm. I obviously have to try it next time I'm passing by. Big thanks for the A+ and for listening! Thanks Bapu, glad to see you in here as well.
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