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Everything posted by Leizer

  1. Leizer

    The Gas Giants 4

    Tasteful collection of sounds. I liked the intro a lot, fantastic echo soundscape. Crystallizer in there? Nice work!
  2. Hi Walt, good to see you here again! Lovely groovy song, very creative. Nice touch with the piano fills and voice inserts.
  3. Great stuff all around. If I compare to earlier BJZ songs I think the vocals fits better in the mix now. Well played in a great song.
  4. Nice mix, good blend of sounds. The guitar solos are outstanding! Great work everyone. ?
  5. I have EWHO Diamond and I'm very interested in upgrading to Opus because I use EWHO a lot in orchestral projects. I have had lots of timing issues with strings and woodwind primarly, and there seems to be improvements in that area. I have EWHO Diamond currently on a 1 TB Samsung 970 EVO Plus m.2-disc, but there is only 97GB left on the disc. I also have a Samsung SSD 860 EVO with 1,5 TB left. On the m.2 I also have Ivory II, Soundiron Mars and Venus Choir, and Spitefire BBC SO Core. Would you in an upgrade: 1. Move EW Hollywood Brass (and the solo intruments, I probably won't use them) to the 860 EVO SSD so the rest of Opus fits on the m.2 2. Move Ivory II, Soundiron Mars and Venus Choir, and Spitefire BBC SO Core to the 860 EVO SSD so the whole Opus orchestra fits on the m.2 Ivory II is my go-to-piano and I use BBC orchestra a lot as well. I can't afford another m.2 disc at the moment.
  6. ...and who is the short guy standing between Benny and Charlie? ?
  7. In the old forum there was a fiddle shredder by the nickname StringJammer, is he still around? He would have been an excellent collab choice. This one is from his soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stringjammer-1/13-freirish
  8. Finale user since the mid 90s. I still use Finale 2011, because I know it and it works on W10. When it wont work anymore, I either upgrade or change to something else.
  9. Can I use my orange slices + 60% (if it goes that far) at the same time? If that's the case I got 24% of slices, so either 60+24= 84% or 60+ (40*0,24) = 69,6% off? Edit: sorry, I saw the answer now in the GB description: "If you've saved up any Orange Slices points, they can be combined with the group buy discount for even greater savings." Nice!
  10. I like the finger pick bass as a starter, and often like it so much I don't exchange it later on. I also like the easy-to-use mixing layers (up to 4 different sounds).
  11. I just rediscovered an old Youtube account that I havn't used for almost a decade. There I found Pippins channel with lots of SONAR X1 tutorials, and remembered how it helped me a lot back then when I was learning X1. I saw he's still going, now with some nice CbB tips and tricks so go check it out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-GqZrVkWv1uTf021Got1Mg
  12. AAS and XLN Audio has been quick and very helpful with a few issues through the years. XLN gets often critique of not develope their software/making new ADPaks, but I like it and still use it.
  13. I had this one, superior with 32 kB memory!
  14. Today when I was going to dig into it, ...it just worked. It was obviously correctly connected, but for some reason believed it was a control surface. I think I did a restart of CbB, but not a reboot so that seems to have solved it (like so many other times!). ? Thanks for all help, also for all the "obvious" answers, because often the answer can be stupidly simple. CbB forum is the best!
  15. Sorry, I was unclear. It's a soft synth track I'm trying to record. My other USB keyboard works fine, and I have chosen both in the input list.
  16. I am trying to connect my Yamaha P-80 piano (MIDI out) to a RME UCX (MIDI in) interface. I got no sound at all and no reaction in the chosen CbB track and nothing is recorded, but on the other hand some keys trigger functions in Cakewalk. F.ex. metronome on/off, auto-punch toggle on/off and loop on/off. How do I get rid of the triggering keys and get the piano to actually play so I hear the sounds from the chosen track? If I set Local On in the piano I can hear the internal P-80 piano sound. The rear-panel HOST SELECT switch is set to “MIDI”. Easy fix? Please enlighten me.
  17. And it takes up (unneccesary?) space on the HDD. Not my kind of music either, but it sounds cool.
  18. This is a problem I have had for a long time and every time I think "there has to be a solution". Maybe I have an ancient or very odd way of recording stuff, but anyway... For example: I record a melody in a track, then I record some completary notes on the same track with "sound on sound". Then I want to copy only the melody to another track (not the completary notes). The melody is hidden under the second recording! I've tried double-click, ALT-click, CTRL-click, SHIFT-click - nothing makes the melody move in front so I can copy it. Usually I get tired and shrink the second recording so I can see and mark the melody, but there has to be a simpler solution to this, right? Tell me, please. ?
  19. Ahh, thanks! The CbB master output was set to "headphones". When I changed output to speakers it worked, of course. Easy solution as always, you just have to think about it...
  20. On my working laptop (HP Elitebook), I have a CbB device setup with Focusrite 4i4 inputs and Realtek standard phones/speakers output (see pic). When I plug in phones in my HP Elitebook I can hear the sound from CbB output. If I play without the phones to use laptop speakers playback stops and I get faulty message (see other pic). I there a way to "fix" this? Or have I got this all wrong - that the Realtek speakers actually are lined out speakers from the phones jack or something, and not the internal HP speakers?
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