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Everything posted by Starise

  1. I seen this for years with Audacity. It seems every other online conversation involving newbs mentions it. CbB is miles ahead of Audacity, not that Audacity is a bad program. If newbs eventually "get it" and see the possibilities CbB will soar to new heights. I've been throwing suggestions here and there but I get tired of it. There will be this thread where someone asks about audio programs and someone always mentions Audacity. I then pop in with , "you know there's CbB and it does all of this other stuff". Three posts further down someone else once again says, Audacity, yeah man, try dat. Duh. If they don't get it I'm growing tired to try to get them to get it Go use Audacity. CbB is catching on with more knowledgeable users though, and I believe it's causing paid software prices to drop.
  2. Agreed. I mean the overall volume of the mix.... Doesn't really matter in one context. If all the outlets that play music limit to it, then that's our threshold.
  3. Hope it all pans out ok for you Bill. I admit I haven't been watching the weather forecasts much. Didn't even know there was a flood. It's been raining here in SE PA. Nothing bad...and if my GPS is right I'm about 500 ft above sea level. I dread the day a twister finally makes it's way here. They happen occasionally and so far we have been lucky. I don't think my stick built house would do very well in that. Hope it doesn't turn out to be very bad at all.
  4. Well yes understood. Me neither(on learning a new DAW). It's the other frills added to the daw that sometimes tempt me, and it might do one or two things that CbB can't do. I just don't have the time. I have 4 other daws as it is. Does v10 come with the full version of Halion? That might be a deal breaker.....or I should say deal maker for a person with uncontrollable GAS. I should just stay away from this place
  5. Essentially anyone can get the crossgrade deal. Most people reading this have at least one of those DAWs. I'm probably still on the Cubase server from years ago trying their basic version. SE I think it was. Never went to the Steinberg dongle. I think this sale is reflective of the times. When a giant like Steinberg has a sale like this it's not typical. They almost NEVER do this. Have you noticed ProTools is loosening the pricing a little too?
  6. I like this theme as well...would go right nicely with those softube plugin designs. Light colors. Clean uncluttered look.
  7. Glad ur ok Dave.......Many more sunrises and moons to you. I mean that in a good way.
  8. Starise


    Thanks Canopus. That and a Canopus always helps.
  9. Starise


    Ya know looking at Meh from the outside it doesn't look so good. Thanks Jim( and everyone else) for the UnMehing. I'm not Mehing around any more. Sorry dental work....I'll eventually be able to talk.
  10. Cakewalk could come out with the most astounding stuff ever devised for a DAW. Could shine buttoxes without wax and I guarantee within 3 months or less someone would be wondering what's next.
  11. Starise


    Meh... Can someone unMeh me?
  12. It's a nice library. Still on the fence. Mainly because I haven't recently mixed any material that would use it. 50% off looks good though. I have the dough for it. That isn't the issue here. I think I've been on the deals forum for so long that 200 quid seems high to me. I know it isn't for a lib like this. I don't know what the future holds. I might tend to use more of this in the future and by then it might be back up there again and I'll be smacking myself I didn't buy it. I'll need a hard drive too. I have 4 almost full drives. 50% of a million is a lot of dough. 50% of 500K is a lot of dough..........makes 50% of 400.00 look a lot better. Keep going, I'll talk myself into this.
  13. I admit I don't like LUFS very much. I've had to really adjust my gain staging to the limiter. Does often seem to need a second master after the white glove work to get LUFS right. The first time I ran a mix through a LUFS standard before master I almost couldn't hear it. I mean, sure you can always run your studio levels up a bit higher at the monitor amps. I think they could have come somewhere in between for levels. LUFS feels like I'm neutering my mixes.
  14. Did you ever feel really misunderstood? ?
  15. I came so close to pulling the trigger on this my finger was all sweaty. I even began squeezing lightly. I guess if a person is into remixing, MPC etc might make sense. Seems to be the market they're going after. Doesn't make sense for me. I had wondered what the new things were going to be in the new version. This looks like it. CbB makes acid loops, has the matrix and I seldom ever touch it. I wanted to like it. Just can't thus far. Not for what I do.
  16. A Big THANK YOU Hidden Symmetry and Rob for your comments!This helps a lot. I looked at some demo video for Albion 1 and was pretty impressed. Seems a good library in combination with some of the others. I was under the impression that VL used an iLok dongle which it apparently doesn't and instead uses something more proprietary. This in combination with the Steinberg replacement in disaster solution is enough to tilt me away from VL. I don't make any income form any of this so far, so for me it isn't worth that hassle. Spitfire is practically a household name among cinematic music composers. I watched a few of their YouTube videos. I'm impressed with what it can do! TheSteven can you spare some change?
  17. Thanks for this review Rob. I believe I seen an ad for Vienna in my email also on sale. I don't really intend to compose for film, plus I already have a lot of the cinematic swoohes, rises and such in Komplete, has some Heavyocity multi stuff in it which I seldom ever use. My main intention would be realistic orchestra mock ups of my compositions and possibly backing tracks for my violin. For a guy like me who has Amadeus which is an excellent writing tool, Hyperion strings and all the strings included with Komplete, Kirk Hunter Diamond ( I know it's getting long in the tooth but it works still). I have a few dedicated violin libraries including Joshua Bell which doesn't make a lot of sense for me I guess. I'm supposed to be playing my violin lol. Would Vienna be a better overall bet in your opinion?
  18. I missed this one. Probably just as well. I think it's an awesome value at this price. The hardware unit was something like 10K. The software version once sold for 349.00 US. Now it's down to 129.00. This sale had it at 49.00. I was tempted too for what it does. Please tell me the sale is over. Otherwise I might need to explain to myself why I bought it....of course I would have had a viable explanation.
  19. 700 tracks??????? Did you accidentally type an extra zero here?
  20. Thanks Craig. I was successful in the mastering. Sounds pretty darned good! I only added light compression where needed and EQ in the mix stage. Final EQ and limiting in the master stage. Studio One can't be beat for this application. I had forgotten how easy it is. Drop the tracks in and they all line up in order. Low cpu hits. Master. Burn disc. Done!
  21. I started out with Ableton on PC fully intending to use it every week. It is truly an amazing program for this application of for making your own backing tracks. This might not be what you wanted to hear but I'll share what happened to me. I invested in a nice PC laptop and Ableton, began using it, Realized I could replace it with something way more intuitive. An iPad with the prime app you can get for free from loopcommunity.com. Buy their tracks for Prime and have everything on a music stand in the iPad. You can change keys, mute/solo parts all in the app.The tracks all have cue and metronome that you route to channel B whilst routing the audio to FOH in channel A. You use earbuds on stage from a stage mix. One track in each ear. Sooooooo much easier than Ableton. By a mile. The only thing I use Ableton for now is mostly new track construction. All tracks in Ableton can be uploaded to Prime app as indivisul tracks. PRIME separates them. "If" you only want mainstage for the synth sounds. Yeah you can get that in multiple other ways on PC. You could use Sampletank and any other similar program. Alternately go hardware for the bread and butter sounds mostly used in worship music.
  22. Thanks cclarry I think the main question I had with these sales was , Should I buy individual plugins or wait for the package deals? In my case it was kinda both. I bought a handful of the singles at good prices. Around the holidays they had a good deal on the packages. It can be redundant if the packages have the same plugins. If you only plan to use a few waves plugins this is excellent. I highly recommend the package deals as well. Once you buy one package it's less to jump to the next one up. If you buy Waves Silver, upgrade to gold is less.
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