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Everything posted by Starise

  1. This one is really odd and I can't seem to solve it so far. I started to get whats sounds like a ground loop hum that comes and goes but mostly stays coming from my studio monitors. I have a background in basic electronics, so I knew all of the things to check...or thought I did. Any additional ideas or insight much appreciated. Things I have checked: - Focusrite Scarlett I8i8 2nd generation interface, changed sample rates, tried various software I/O configurations. Tried re routing wires, removed all input cables. Plugged power supply into multiple outlets. Turned down all inputs. - Tried different monitor cables. Moved monitors in relation to where they were. Moved electrical items in close proximity to different locations. -Removed florescent/LED light bulbs from space. Powered down all routers and audio recorders. -Checked the basement below studio for any appliances running. Checked elsewhere in the house to make sure nothing was running. The hum seems to come and go. FWIW my monitors are plugged into the same power strip as my computer. I have a well grounded electric service, modern 200 amp. I put it in. The only thing I can determine is maybe recently something is somehow feeding interference into my main power. This shouldn't be happening. I ordered a WattBox that has EMI/RFI interference protection. I hope it helps. I haven't changed my setup though and it's been like this for a long time with no worries. Suggestions appreciated.
  2. I kinda wonder sometimes, maybe in the way some like to follow baseball team stats. We all have opinions in everything. I see nothing wrong in either case. Truth be told there are probably a few more who might like to know more than they do about CbB. I guess mine is a passing interest. I don't have a lot invested in the program as a mainstay. I really want to see these guys continue to do well as they have been. Many people have worked hard over the years to make this program what it is. Many more continue to share their knowledge with us, people like scook and Noel try to help and clarify when they have the opportunity. In the beginning I believe we were sort of kept in the loop more because things were changing and Meng wanted to keep everyone up to date. While it would be nice to know what's going on behind closed doors I don't expect this is something that will be a regular occurrence. It would probably matter more if my income hinged on decisions made at those levels. I'm always interested to hear what they care to share with us.
  3. Here's a guy I follow who really keeps up on this kind of thing. https://www.mrmbb333.com/
  4. So sorry to hear this news. An event like this has to be devastating. Words can't properly convey how sorry I am to hear of your great loss. You are in thoughts and prayers.
  5. I had this and could never get it to work so I sent it back. Love the concept though. I also had the Yamaha 1000XG board which I never managed to use the full capability of it. Since I did a lot of stuff with midi and outboard sound modules. I would write the midi and them send it to an audio recorder. Later I bought a Roland VS880 used. That was probably my first entry into more audio based recording making terrible noises that eventually ended up on a cassette tape. Hard to imagine I viewed that as some kind of a finished masterpiece at the time lol! When I dubbed copies and never heard back from those I gave them to I should have known then lol. The target at the time wasn't terribly high....80's pop was on the airwaves. Sorry if you like 80's pop. It wasn't my thing.
  6. Sorry to hear that. I know you'll get er back on. We moved our electric service last year to make room for a small addition out back. It's an underground line that the electric company was going to go halfway up my yard and cut the cable going out back to add a new cable going to the side of the house instead. My end of the deal was to dig the hole and install a new service, which I did, by hand to within a few inches of the feed. I hired a guy with a digger to dig the hole larger and make a trench. He had a bucket with 4" teeth on it. I'm standing by him saying pretty loud you're getting CLOSE to the service line. He nodded he understood and proceeded to hit the line. He had somehow misjudged his distance. POW!!! Half of my lights still worked because he only snagged one side of the feed. All ended well for me though. The short blew an opening in the line under the street. This made replacement mandatory all the way back to the underground transformer. The electric company replaced the whole line without digging using one of those moles that tunnels under things. Still billed me though. I was happy that the line wasn't spliced which was their original plan. No worries bayoubill you should get a new transformer unless it only popped the fuse. That's an easy fix for them.
  7. Glad you guys are still going at it here. Coming off of holiday. I took some extra time off to recover with will some real rest. More time to look at the deals thread.
  8. I had built my own PC. I had an Apple too at the time but didn't have big $$ for the top notch stuff for it. I think because I had built the PC I was more interested in expanding it for audio work. I had Sony Acid on the PC and was running an old copy of a Cakewalk program for an apple. Yes there was an early program that worked on Apple from Cakewalk. I was getting Keyboard Magazine and SOS and seen Cakewalk in it advertised,so I bought it. I began on Pro Audio 8 I think it was... In the early days I did a lot more tinkering than actually making music. I was more enthralled by the way it all worked and it took me a long time to develop a way that I liked to work which has changed over the years. I think it's important to define what you want to do and develop a working strategy. In those early years I was overwhelmed. All midi was going into and put of hardware. I didn't have a lot of money to throw at it with a young family to raise so I plodded along learning some of it by trial and error on a minimal setup. Learning it didn't come naturally to me. Heck I'm still learning. Loops were not as big back then or loop based music. My developing years were in the 70's not the 60's. I was still on a bottle in the early 60's, so musically i was influenced a lot by 70's rock at the time. That's what I attempted to emulate on some level in my studio, but basically it was a lot of just playing around with the tech until I started to know a little bit about what I was doing. I made some music, was in a few small music groups that never went anywhere. Sometimes much of it seems like a big waste, but in hindsight I think it was slow progressive education on several fronts. My background is full of church oriented music, so I've continued to carry that over to the present. It all still looks like a very long squiggly line to get from point A to point B. After I bought Cakewalk I just kept using and upgrading it. I think I liked the software as much as I liked the people behind it and the users on the CW board. At the time it was competitive with any other DAW out there. Still is.
  9. Have the LSR305's. They work great for my small studio! The LSR 308's have a +/- 2db LF switch if you find the bass is a bit much. I haven't needed a SW for my 305's mainly because I monitor bass in my headphones. Maybe not the best approach. Seems to work ok.
  10. I once read about the "k" designation behind chip ID info. Unfortunately I've forgotten it..How does the 9900 differ from the 9900k? My build was a 5820"K" which I think mean't less threads.
  11. Yep lots of low priced and free libraries out there fer sure. I tend to use Kontakt in a more simplistic way. I seldom build multi's in Kontakt. I don't run a lot of tracks. I just load a bunch of separate instances up. Drain on cpu isn't that bad. You can save it as a mix scene and it will be the same next time you open it.
  12. Is there a buy one get one deal? Just kidding. I knew better than that.
  13. Starise

    I'm back!

    PECO? That explains it.
  14. Same here Grem! Don't get me wrong, I liked many of the toys in Platinum. It would be great if one day we could get some of the non 3rd party ones back, even if it's a paid sort of thing. I don't think it's healthy for the user base to come to expect this all the time when that really just isn't practical. That said, I agree that for a DAW it's mainly workflow and stability that are of main importance.
  15. Gee John, you didn't want to give Traktion, Bitwig or Ableton a shot? I guess I just get tired of the lone masked snipers that sometimes drop by. We have a positive thread about CbB and here comes the wicked witch of the west to try and stick a hole in the balloon. Never could understand why a person would expend so much time cutting on something they have no intention of using or don't like. Just go have fun doing whatever it is you like to do, unless it's DAW bashing lol.
  16. You bought Kontakt and not Komplete right? The basic version of Komplete, IOW not the ultimate version should have Kontakt in it. Some qualify for a 99.00 move to Komplete. 99.00 instead of 49.00 upgrade. I could have went that route but I have all I need right now is Kontakt 6. I dropped 49.00 for Kontakt 6. For 50.00 more a person could get Komplete basic which includes Kontakt6. Not a shabby deal either. Thanks for the heads up on the deal. I probably wouldn't have upgraded otherwise.
  17. Bat did you take the track down? I don't see it here.
  18. Starise

    Simon's Song

    Pleasant kind of feel I get with this. I like to take older material and rework it. Lots of possibilities. Thanks for sharing!
  19. Nice work Wookie. Does have a sci fi feel to it!
  20. Starise

    Only One Life

    Thank you Johnbee.
  21. Same here, Studio One 4.5 Pro with the latest updates. I would have to agree.
  22. Thanks cclarry. All I need to do now is download it.
  23. I looked at my version last night and it's version 10 Ultimate. Bought it on a sale. I like that Komplete 12 comes with Kontakt 6. Probably couldn't buy separate sample libraries from reputable library companies and get similar things bought separately for the discounted price, no doubt if you want it this is the time to buy it. Great prices. Kontakt 6 has a few cool new additions in it as well.
  24. Someguy...whoever you are and whatever DAW you use, we will have to agree to disagree. My opinion is based on the facts. I'm not sure what you base your opinion on. CbB hasn't been standing still. Not by a long shot. If you want to compare DAWS obviously they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I know Cakewalk has a lot of strengths. I could bring up a few well known DAWS as a comparison that haven't had as many changes as CbB has had in the same amount of time. You think I don't own multiple DAWS? I know how they work dude. lol.
  25. Live 10 just had a recent update to 10.1.
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