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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Starise


    Looks fresh from here, but I ain't about to check it out.
  2. Starise


    Yes ,but where in the room behind the door? Hodedoho de do.
  3. I have had the software versions of the M-1 ,Wavestation and MDE-X for quite some time. I didn't really want any of the rest of the collection before the Triton deal..Migrated to the new server like 2 years ago. I'm in their system but I don't see any sales other than the one mentioned. If I could buy only Triton on a deal I would seriously consider it. It's basically the same tech taken a few steps further than the M-1 with different sound banks. Definitely worth a serious look.. I think I'll wait this one out for awhile. I appreciate the notice and I seen the email about Triton something and I guess I sort of passed over it. For me the word association said old school, so I guess I didn't realize it was a software version. Beats having a huge silver thing in my studio. Not a bad thing for sure. I have a little nostalgia going on with the M-1 since I owned the hardware version.
  4. Most of those serious about composing have several libraries minimum for composition, so you could just get them both Amadeus is my go to for putting orchestra ideas down on the fly. Works great for that for me. Round robins, arpeggios meh. I prefer to use my own. Maybe your experiences will be different. It's just hard to quantify what will work best for you anyone because I don't know what you're trying to do. The only niggle I have with Amadeus is the way the mod wheel is set up for dynamics. I have recorded and missed the dynamics and either lost the track or had to go back and record the mod wheel. This was mainly when using the whole orchestra settings which are quite amazing...One man.........10 fingers, ok 8 that are playing and I can get a whole orchestra with a choir. The solo instruments aren't bad either. The harp and organ are on par with other programs I have bought dedicated to only those instruments. Not as extensive but gets the job done in most cases. I have begun to collect Spitfire libs.....nice to mix it up. Download their app/portal and get some decent libraries free. So is that tip. If all you're doing is small string arrangements...nice indeed.. The general idea is start somewhere. Doesn't really matter where because you're going to want something else... buy more....eventually end up buying a few more hard drives lol.
  5. To be fair, I see this as a more or less minority problem of plugins for Cakewalk. Maybe I have been one of the lucky ones or maybe it's because I mostly buy plug ins known to be solid on many DAWS. My system scanned over 1100 plugins and NO crashes. Some of them are 32 bit. As a non coder but literate computer user it would seem that X plug should connect to Z if X is the same or allows for some flexibility and if Z is the host DAW. I know it's a lot deeper than that and X seems to have many sub connections that can cause issues in different DAWS. The fact that VST works in Cakewalk as well as it does with most plug ins says a lot. Buying plug ins from one man operations where they don't test with the same ferocity that others do is certainly no fault of Cakewalk. Plug ins attached to one DAW have certainly been tested in that DAW, or so one would think.
  6. Isn't there also a folder where Cakewalk stores old unnecessary files that can be cleaned up? My documents folder is a big hog. Any program I've downloaded for the last 5 years still has the program installer there, also zipped Kontakt sound libraries I installed on other drives.....and multitracks I downloaded I was concerned I might loose on the other drive so I kept them. Add to that vst instruments programs that didn't let me choose another drive other than C to store the sound files. I have a 500gb C drive and I'm down to something like 8gb or less on the drive even though I have 4 other drives with stuff on them, and several large outboard drives. I'm not sure how it came to this exactly. I never would have dreamed I would be running out of drive space. One of my holiday goals is to put in a 1tb SSD I ordered a month ago and clone my C to it, maybe transfer a bunch of those zipped folders and programs somewhere else...or simply dump them. I'm one of those who keeps Ozone 6,7,8 all on the same machine. Various versions of other programs all stacked up from 5 years back...tends to add up?
  7. I can pick up a bottle for under 12.00 US. Ships from Ca. I'm surprised you can't get it in the midwest. Just to be clear I am not a trusted source of info on wine. It was the offered "house wine" and I tried it. I tend toward the reds more than anything else. FYI, doesn't taste as good after a week. Could probably be said for any wine. Sadly I have a half bottle that's stale. Someone else mentioned Apothic Red, so I tried it. Not bad either.
  8. I have liked the restaurants that leave a whole carafe. I often empty it. No need to wait on the waitress to come back around. Lately if it's in the evening I'm more likely to go for a glass of wine....but there's always that back and forth going on in my mind, like if I'm going into the studio or practicing my instrument after dinner should I go for the wine? The answer is mostly no if I need to practice. I'm more flexible if it's only mixing. If I was already in the studio before we went, anything goes and I might go for a second glass of wine, then I get that "look" from my wife because A. I might get tipsy and B. Wine served at restaurants by the glass is expensive. If the wine is REALLY good I might take the second glass and try to tolerate the wife stare. The last really good wine I had was 7 moons. They served it at room temp which seemed to make it taste better. Coffee, like wine, demands some self control LOL. I'm like a heroin addict with coffee. I like the good stuff. I look for and buy the good stuff, but in a pinch I'll drink almost anything black that says "coffee". I have been known to drink some pretty disgusting coffee if it was all I had. The absolute worst I have drank....as in, that was more than kinda dumb, is that dry instant stuff they call coffee. I'm not sure it really is coffee, sort of like imitation butter. They should call it, " Almost Coffee".
  9. I was glad Meng? Hope I spelled his name correctly, took Cakewalk on. Apparently it was part of a larger business decision. I am thinking that by now, we would probably have had the additions to Platinum as extras to purchase unless something is amiss concerning the original transaction that may have prevented that from happening. The legalese of it might be holding them back, or it could be a simple as things were misplaced or lost during the server takeover. I really don't know. I mean, I could live without those extras. It's nice to have them in Platinum if I want to use them. Not a deal breaker.
  10. I'm actually surprised we haven't had more of those kinds of comments given the fact that Cakewalk can now be had by anyone which includes those who are not gifted technically or rather might not have bought it otherwise. Things have changed. 1st graders now have smart phones and know how to use them. They grew up in a software world, so maybe Cakewalk isn't really much of a challenge to them. Nice that Cakewalk has the included guide and now a .pdf download. I see technical fires regularly put out upstairs. More helpful than some paid software forums. I seldom ever see the attack designed to look like a question any more. I hope they can keep it that way. Overall I am VERY pleased with the direction CW is taking. Instead of a sinking feeling that things are "going south" I have a sense of moving ahead and improvement coming from them. I know it's only software, but it's good software and I am glad someone took it on as something to improve and maintain....still for free.
  11. Dust is the enemy here. They make record cleaner. Years ago when I listened to records I never cleaned them....and yeah, I would get those pops and clicks. Pretty common actually to get them here and there. I admit to not taking very good care of my records back then.
  12. I always liked the sound of LPs. I have an old turntable in my attic. I'm pretty sure the belts on it melted because of the heat up there. Could probably be revived. My plan was to get it working again or get another turntable. There was a window or opportunity where vinyl was cheap and accessible. That window might be narrowing. In some places you might stumble across great deals on good records. If you already had an old record pile laying around I guess you are ahead of the game. Playing records takes a little bit of know how concerning what can happen if you use the wrong needle, to know which rig to get to have the best sound within a given budget. Those cheap little players you see at large stores probably aren't a very good listening experience. To me CDs still are pretty good. A lot of the upper harmonics can likely be EQd away. I was looking at the Bose systems and ended up buying this KEiiD to put in my kitchen. Close to Bose in sound. Don't laugh until you hear it , it's a Volkswagon head unit modified to use a remote and fitted with speakers. If and when I get my turntable working I plan to plug it into this.
  13. Thanks for the FYI on Mixcraft. My upgrade from Pro 8 is 39.00 not 29.00. Not a bad deal at all. I like that Mixcraft is making some decent changes. I will probably upgrade even though I only used the program a few times last year. I know I won't use it much this year either, but I keep several DAWS to have around just in case there's that time when you need something that might be in the loop library, or if I make another video and want to use it instead of Vegas,or anything else that maybe one can do better than the other. I like vocoders and buying a decent one would probably cost me more than the price of upgrade. The GUI looks a lot better. Like Kenny mentioned ( maybe in that older post) Even Ableton doesn't have the dual screen when working on both tracks and loops construction view....not that I even do much of that. I don't think it's because I couldn't do well using Mixcraft as my main for most things, it comes down more to me knowing how to use Cakewalk the best out of all of them which is why it continues to be my main DAW. I remember buying this when everyone questioned the future of Cakewalk and the then Sonar Platinum. A few members here also bought Samplitude. There was a good deal on it at the time. Also a decent DAW for what it does. I wonder how many have shelved those and gone back to Cakewalk as their main?
  14. Toddskins, you have a good system down. I used my Espresso machine this morning. Over in Italy they are accustomed to cups the size of doll house cups. A basic espresso is 4oz.? I have to set my machine for maximum which is 8oz. and make two to get enough to drink I like the pour over contraption. During the week I'm lucky to have 25 minutes from rise time to leaving. Just not enough time to do anything other than put something on a timer or a machine that makes coffee or espresso fast. When mixing in the studio I have to lay off the coffee if it's in the evening and I'm trying to come up with anything musical. Strictly mixing is another story. A cup in the morning and maybe one more mid day. If I get time in the studio I try to stay alert but not amped up.
  15. Great idea scook. It's a little bit alien to me mainly because I started using a hardware mixer and always seen the Cakewalk mixer as a software equivalent.
  16. Thank for this. I'm pretty sure that ACID Pro likes to use the User folder for loop storage on my C drive. Video really ate a bunch of mine up. ..........also recording in 24 bit instead of 16bit.
  17. Well .......................it's pink. It has feathers and it sings. I'm trying to mentally process the rest of it. Consider this a non comment.
  18. Kenny, Thanks man! This was almost certainly the issue since the very first thing I did was import midi. Apparently the midi default does not include a master. I seldom import midi most often playing it in. This is why I had never experienced it before. Now I'm curious as to the rational behind it. Seems that when using only midi a master isn't expressly necessary. I can't think of a case where midi isn't eventually routed through audio? Unless possibly it could be sent to another DAW or drive hardware synths. My guess would be that the team left it this way because you wouldn't need to remove a master if you were doing something differently, like sending multiple channels through a midi interface and on to hardware to be then sent as audio to pretty much anything else. Hearkens back to the old days when this was how it was all mostly done.
  19. Thanks John and Reginald. I have used Cakewalk for a long time and never opened the program with no master bus. Maybe this was a template that was omitted with the current build as part of the default launch? I right clicked the screen before I posted here and seen the "add a bus "which I regularly do when adding group reverb. Had no idea I could bring in any bus and label it as master routing through it..... seemed very odd to me that my master just disappeared. The fix seems easy enough though. Thanks!
  20. I loaded up some midi tracks. Routed those tracks to separate Kontakt instrument tracks each with it's own channel. I successfully froze the midi to audio. My template is the tracks view and console view on another monitor. I have all modules in console view checks as visible. All of my midi/audio tracks show up but no master bus. This is the first time I have ever loaded a project without the master showing. and no clear way to put it back.
  21. Thank you Matt ! Pretty cool idea to have the batch file setup in this way. I snipped your post for future reference. I will be downloading MuseScore as my XML notation to midi tool.
  22. I dug a little deeper.Unless there was a programming change in Cakewalk since the Sonar days. I don't believe Cakewalk can do this directly. Musescore is a free 300mb download. It will export XML to midi. Looks like a viable option. XML looks to be mostly a generic notation exchange solution. I don't think it is high on the priority list for many unless you make notation.
  23. She must have missed. Typewriter throwing skills were a little off. Maybe they promoted her for the attempt?
  24. So far I made it into the afternoon and everything is ok. Bayoubill must be good luck. I rubbed his post.
  25. YAY.............I think. It is the Friday the 13th . Yesterday looked like a full moon.
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