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Everything posted by Starise

  1. There is a 100% chance that we will all be dead within the next 100 years. There's at least a 50% chance that someone will disagree with that. There'a a 100% chance I will pay it no mind. A smidgen of whiskey can knock the heck out out of the common cold. I'm occasionally self medicating in small amounts. Can't hurt.
  2. We will have to disagree on that one Wibbles. This comes from a very personal level for me because after much serious investigation and homework into a subject to have someone tell another person their ideas are and I quote "wing nut conspiracy theory" takes the easy way out of an otherwise serious subject matter. I haven't been under a rock. I realize that this has all been going of for ages and it starts in grade school whenever one kid wants to bully or make fun of the other kid. Craig really wasn't the issue. I don't agree with some of what he says. The issue was your response to it. Apparently some people think that it's ok to disrespect another person simply because they don't agree with them. The discredit was admittedly indirect. It's a guilty by association. If you don't see that I won't attempt to take it any further. Even if your statements were in humor I think if you are honest this is really what you feel about the view and you added a label to discredit his ideas. This idea is as old as the hills. Make the other side look small in any way you can. I'm not accusing you here, but in most cases, anyone who has ANY ideas that don't conform immediately to most common public thought are made out to be "conspiracy theorists" "nutters" "wack jobs' a few fries short of a happy meal...you get the idea.Much of the time the common public opinion is simply wrong. People choose a side they like and adopt the view with no further investigation. I would say this is often the case. In many ways this shows an insecurity coming from the other side, that rather than intelligently discuss a subject, they resort to belittling even if indirect. If you look at the true meaning of conspiracy and then look at history you will see that there have been many conspiracies. Looking at how they work is like looking at the "widow maker" heart attacks. If you don't check it out and assume the worst it's eventually too late. It is wise to investigate theories if you value your own self preservation.
  3. There isn't a difference in ST4 MAX and ST 4 SE as far as program is concerned. ST4 CS seems to simply be ST 4 .10. No difference. The only difference is in the libraries and maybe some of the plugins that look to be TRacks carry overs. I don't recall seeing not purchased libraries before either. Thankfully you can hide that. If you don't mind I might show some screen shots later on to show the file structure. It seems confusing to me. I had ST3 SE and ST 4 SE. It appears that MAX has a bunch of ST 3 sounds in it. ST 4CS has additional libraries. It seems to me that the MAX version should be most of the sounds and I shouldn't need anything but the ST CS libs or any other recent additions. No reason to have any overlap or double coverage for sounds since that simply wastes disk space. It does not appear that the explorer/metadata functions weed out possibly double sounds.
  4. Sorry to hear this Old Joad. Hopefully your loss will be short lived.
  5. I downloaded ST CS. I have ST 4 pointing to the files.. What is confusing to me is that I already had the custom shop which covers TRacks Amplitube and Sampletank. Is this something different from that? I registered ST CS in the Authorization manager. When I clicked the download link it simply uipdated my ST4 from the 4.09 to 4.10 version. The GUI has not changed. No "CS" GUI here. Like all of the IK libraries they send you a zipped folders of everything . I think I might need to figure out exactly the best way to point to these files. I'm not sure this meta data is all in order.. I have Libraries from ST 3 , ST4SE and now I am downloading ST4 MAX files. Everything prior to my MAX purchase is on one big folder. I decided to make separate folder for MAX and point ST to it as well. I want to make sure I'm unzipping these libraries correctly. 230 gigs is a lot of files to accidentally put somewhere it isn't supposed to be. I REALLY wish IK had an automatic file downloader/unpacker and combiner. I understand it's in the works. When it's all in the right place though it rocks. I like the way their explorer works and how it selects sounds both by instrument and mood or type.
  6. I hope you get to make some music. I finally went with Sampltank MAX. I'm downloading as I type this......all 230 gigs of it. *yawn* At the rate things are going this is going to take awhile.
  7. News is a business. A product that is sold and people make money off of it. They go after an intended audience. I don't see how a person would be confident in everything they say. If you are exposed to a state run press, things are even worse. Neither is everything they say a lie. Comparative analysis among news outlets will show different views of the same events, sometimes grossly extrapolated. Sometimes minus important info.There's enough truth in it to make you think it's all true. Video can now be manipulated so well that you can't really tell what's real and what isn't real. Most people rely on that screen to elighten them on what's happening. I does a great job of that, though I think we often need to read between the lines. It seems that what they ( news delivery) think is important at the time trumps anything else....no matter that there is always a lot more going on. They are just very selective. News is consumed and they are choosing your meals.
  8. This seems as if you are referring to control not free will. I could be wrong. How do you classify indoctrination? Training for adulthood is not indoctrination.
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmmm....Wibbles, I only read what is typed and take it at face value. I don't get into what kind of a relationship someone has with someone else. Just note that what you type here, if it is in any way name calling or bashing as a result of someone having a different view than you do will be reported to the mods. I might not agree with everything Craigb says , still we are all entitled to our own opinions and should not have labels attached to us as a result. If you have some kind of hidden joke going on with craigb I'm not a mind reader. If a person has done their own investigation into any given subject of discussion they at least have some credibility even if we disagree. Words and labels are often only smokescreens used because the person ( or group) either doesn't want to deal with the subject or doesn't know anything about it and doesn't want to appear as if they don't really know, so they take the easy way out instead of admitting that. Worst case, they are intentionally misleading others. I hate to imply laziness, so I'll leave it at that. I think it's probably just more they are usually averse to the subject and would rather kid their lives away than face facts. If that title fits you, you won't have a tough time finding plenty of others just like you. Craig I agree with a lot of what you say. In my opinion, there is a very real world agenda with a set of goals which are all in line with what you say. Also, as you mention, the UN agenda is there for anyone to read. The way these people operate is often putting something right out in the open but we don't recognize it for what it really is, or for the potential behind it. It might be 1 year, it might be 5 years. It might be 10 years. It might be next week. At some point I believe we will see a contrived plan to cause the public to riot. It might be a series of events that are planned. I can't say how much this virus issue plays to the plan or if it does at all....the main point though is, at at some time there will be public dishevel. When that happens the government will step in and take total control. When that happens you will no longer live in a free society. From then on the government will decide which religion is the religion. If you don't follow it you will be "culled". Probably never seen again this side of heaven. You will follow their financial system or you won't eat. They will take charge of your bank accounts. Everything is mostly already in place. My statements are not political statements, they are simply opinions based on what I know. The secret services won't have to work as hard as they did in the past because they already know pretty much everything about you down to the last minute detail. The anonymous Georgia Guide stones have point one as maintaining the world population at under 500,000,000. That is a serious culling if it is truly a goal of theirs. There will be financial motive for those involved. Just imagine taking the assets of millions of missing or dead people. While I believe some wars were planned I don't think they all were. Not everything that happens was a planned event. Call me a nutter if you want to , but 9-11 was planned and not by terrorists.
  10. Wow is it a full moon or something?
  11. So if I said, Wibbles likes to put out dumb a** stuff every few weeks. He is best ignored.............That wouldn't be offensive to you?
  12. Thanks InstrEd...we need to lighten it up again. I dunno I hear that word a lot coming from posters in the UK. Must be a favorite over there. Basically anyone who isn't far left and doesn't think like the sheeple is a wing nut. We have the right to be left or right here. Sometimes our views will reflect that. That's ok either way IMHO. Referring to someone as being associated with "wing-nuts" is pretty close to calling them a wing nut. Name calling on this forum is in bad taste and should be reported to the Mods.
  13. I don't care what your relationship with Craig is frankly. You are now back peddling sir. You were attempting to set up a standard on this forum about what a wing nut is. Your attempt has failed. This is simply a public way of attempting to set up an personal standard and trying to put it on everyone. You have failed. Everyone has their own take on this . You may call it anything you want to call it. Doesn't change anything. If you choose to ignore it that's fine by me, but no need to tell me what I'm supposed to ignore. I won't listen anyway lol, and I'll decide what and who I think a wing-nut is. Thank you very much
  14. Wibbles Craig is actually a very intelligent guy and he is entitled to his opinions same as you are and should not be exposed to reproach because of that so long as he isn't breaking the TOS for this site. The first sign that a person has no ammo for an argument is when they resort to belittling their opponent.
  15. I recently did a clean out of a few of my drives. I only removed unused file packages like installers where the product was already installed. With the lower cost of drives now I guess I haven't considered it. If I had a bunch of dead weight I thought I would never use I would maybe be looking to sell the licenses or offload unused programs to an outboard storage drive, but that's just me.
  16. Maybe I should but no, I don't really care what Stephen Hawking thinks (thought). Same as Einstein he got a few of his calculations wrong. Free will as I see it is the ability to determine our own direction. Just look at the world around you. Much of the problem is that people are doing what they want to do. One person can impose their free will over another person if they have the power to do that. In that sense wills can clash. My boss could decide to fire me on the spot for no reason other than he wanted to do it. He made a decision I was forced to accept. That still would not change MY will that I wanted to keep working.
  17. Well thanks Jesse. Much appreciated. You mean you might have done that when you didn't want to? You will need your free will in order for me to convince you...because you see, you have to be willing to be convinced
  18. It must be true. you just posted because you wanted to do it Right? People regularly fight over a lot less. Hey, who ate the candy bars? ?
  19. Thanks Peter...I guess what I'm really asking is since I still haven't upgraded from ST4 SE. If I decide to upgrade from SE to MAX is the installation process different now? Can I upgrade from SE to MAX in the CS using it as my downloader?
  20. Will existing owners of a paid ST 4 product be able to upgrade from the new ST4 CS?
  21. I guess we'll know more in 14 days. I'll come back to this in two weeks. I think it will get worse until it gets better. All depending on what your definition of "worse" is. Anything worse than now is a degree of worse worser than now I don't think it will get better in less than a few months. I can see why you are concerned with the UK. I am not really as concerned as maybe I should be... I'm going to go home and enjoy my afternoon. That probably means leaving CNN off. Might as well die happy.
  22. I hope this will make downloads easier for ST Libraries. Looks interesting!
  23. I don't trust the news media. Case in point- Aug of 2019. Weather long range US forecast" It looks like we are up for a really bad winter this year" . This has been the warmest winter here in my area I can remember. They regularly put out false information or hype existing information to either make a political point or infer things that simply aren't true. They also create "fires" to make you look somewhere other than where you might otherwise look. I hate to go so far as to call it manipulation but it sure looks that way to me. Statistics and polls are about the most unreliable things you can imagine. Just look at the DAW poll. lol. I realize that this virus is something that has the potential to go from bad to worse. I also realize that it can be curbed and it isn't the end of the world. I tend to think that some of the actions in my area are probably overkill for what this is. For one thing, if you get the virus you aren't automatically marked as having no hope. A fairly large number of those who get it seem to recover without any kind of outside help. China closed everything for two weeks and things seem to be in recovery there as I type this. China is where the virus is said to have originated from. If it were really as bad as some say it is here in the US, everyone would know someone who has it, even if it is a few people down the line. In other words, someone who knows someone you know has it or knows someone who does. Right now in my area there was only one distant reported case. This is out of thousands and thousands of people. It might get worse before it gets better. Probably will. I see it settling down in the near future though. Remember this is if you believe all of the info your are being given which most of us can't confirm.
  24. Thank you Christiano. If it joins the clips end to end that's sounds like a nice work around. Since accurate timing of the music is often involved with respect to joining clips sometimes an almost surgical effort is involved in joining two (or more) clips together with pinpoint accuracy, I was looking for a solution where I could mate the two clips together with this detail. Then using right mouse click..see a selection that says "join clips" which would then merge them together exactly where I placed them as one clip. If the work around you posted does that then I will look at using it, though I would think a solution like the one I mentioned seems more efficient. Does the solution you mentioned keep the clips on the track or export a new combined clip?
  25. I guess if I had been using those program versions and couldn't part with them I might be attempting something like this. I liked the B4 organ and will miss it. Upgrade pricing being what it is around the holidays I generally just update the products every 2 or three years. Most who have Komplete seem to agree that the price of upgrades these last few years has been greater than the incentive to do it because NI only adds a few new packages every year to Komplete and they often are not the kinds of libraries that I would use very often. After 5 plus years though I would begin to wonder how much longer I could use the program before there were issues with compatibility and updates.
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