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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Congrats. I didn't get sphere. I did upgrade to SO5 and had Notion. I don't think you'll be sorry there. There are pros and cons to having instruments tied to Presonus. My understanding is those instruments have pre mapped key switches. I think they sound better than say Garritan or similar. Aside from the Sphere subscription SO users have access to the "cloud" without a subscription . If you go to Browser> Home>Cloud>Keyswitches you will see uploaded files free for download. Someone already made most of the Key switches for East West libraries and many others. Key switches can be saved with individual instruments for future reload into other projects. I have found this to be most helpful. I planned to make a template for Amadeus and upload it soon. You may also make your own Key switches and save them.
  2. This thread is really heating up fast!!!!!!!
  3. Apparently this isn't just an issue in Cakewalk since the Vienna Syncron player crashes in other DAWs as well. See additional info HERE Probably not what you wanted to hear. My guess is they have a few bugs in their player. I've been lucky because I have't used mine much. I would likely be having the same issues as you if I were a regular user.
  4. I hope this release gets a lot of fanfare. You have outdone yourselves this time on the arranger tracks, in addition to the other fixes and enhancements. Congratulations Cakewalk team!
  5. This is top notch music. I think it has a powerful message. Basically, " He is no fool who sacrifices what he can't keep in exchange for something he can't loose". I haven't listened to music in this genre for awhile. Back when I was a keyboardist playing it I almost went deaf lol. You guys could easily make an album. I think there's still demand for this music out there. The guitars are real...everything played is real. Sadly this is uncommon in our day. Thanks for sharing!
  6. Very well done as a story to music and a most tragic one at that. I love the arrangement, the vocalist is a very good fit. The guitar solo sort of took this more into the rock category. The solo guitar would be an acquired taste for me. Since it was a planned departure I see the reason for it. The entire mix sounded a little on the dry side to me. Possibly some stereo spring delay on the solo guitar would liven it up. Something like the Waves H delay in stereo. The vocals could use some reverb as well. I didn't think the mix was harsh, but then I tend to like my mixes with more mid range and less soft quality. You could go either way on the master with this mix. I think you already addressed that you are working on these things so my comments are likely redundant. Amazing how different some mixes sound once uploaded compared to how they sound in the studio, even using the proper monitor/room correction techniques. Congratulations to all involved in this. Nice work!
  7. The vibe of the city going on here. Great mix and general dance vibe. Coming across great here on my cans. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Starise

    Shadow Of Death

    A recent classical composition I made. Comments crits welcome!
  9. Cheers! I guess I err on the side of caution. I didn't want to tell the guy that all he needs is a Costco computer. Better too much and have some left than too little and come up short. Hans Zimmer......someone told me he can't read music. Not sure if that's true. I have a lot of supposed factoids like that I can't be certain of. Hans just went through a divorce....that's no fun. I pretty sure that one is true. It seems the more money a man has the less likely he is to stay married. I admit that's a leap in logic too. Seems some very wealthy popular person is always getting divorced. Hans is definitely a Cubase fanboy.
  10. This is the guy that wandered into the grocer aisle I was in. I didn't think anyone was there.
  11. The old vibe? Everyone here is old...............................er.
  12. Yes but you will know it was you who pi$$ed in the stream even if no one else notices. Just the satisfaction alone is worth it. .....I hope he was downstream when he did it ? I could also be my own streaming service. There's a local volunteer fire company down the street and I thought maybe I could donate my streaming expertise in case the truck runs low on water. On a word, online music sales for commoners (like us)....dismal. Even if my music was all good stuff it's not easy. Doesn't work well as an ego boost for me either. I be like, "Look, there's my CD on Amazon! Rated number 1000050006578342.6 under number one. " It's easier to find water in the Sahara than my CD on Amazon. Heck I can't even find it.
  13. Might have been hacked. I hate to say it. I seen this somewhere else recently. In that case they had to update the server security. If you used the same passwords somewhere else might want to change them to be safe.
  14. Chumps! I paid 5$ for that. Kinda sounds like when they started giving away CbB for free. ..........................not a bad synth. Being a hybrid myself I really like it.?
  15. There are a few Cakewalk gurus around here that hopefully will jump in with suggestions to help. I wonder if the "smart" part of the program isn't playing well with the midi settings in CbB? Did you make the original in the other DAW? Maybe there's a conflict moving things over? Something in the midi that's different or throwing things off.
  16. I use the usb dongle. I had a hardware error message right after a windows update. You would think they would have learned by now. I haven't tried my Waves plugins. I only seen the error once. Hopefully it self corrected with that last update. When I went to my dongle it showed everything was there. No issues with the dongle but my error message was indicating an issue with the hardware. I'm almost afraid to try it. I don't have an hour to burn looking to re establish my licenses. The last WUP allows use on two computers without a dongle I think....not sure if this somehow ties in.
  17. They bought Notion and took the code for SO5 which I think was a wise move. I think they kept Notion for those who would rather not work in DAW software. It seems the main advantage to Notion now is it allows a more detailed editing experience. You can rearrange part order change names of instruments, add your name and other info to the score. Things you probably can't do yet or as easily in SO5 notation view. You can bake the cake in SO5 , send it over to Notion for the icing.. Now that they have the code embedded, I can see them adding new features in subsequent versions. In hindsight Presonus likely made the performance page for clubs who regularly run tracks for shows. Same show every night, set up a template in a program that talks to your mixer. It's an angle not many others had. Many of then have SO already that came with their Presonus mixers. You can not only mix automation and FX for the mixer, but now you can arrange the tracks and loops into scenes.
  18. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm mainly referring to the larger cinematic templates that load up many many vst instruments the poster was referring to. The audio engine in Cakewalk is excellent. Cakewalk is not a video editor though and I'm not sure how well it can handle 100 plus vst instruments all at once. I know there are people here who regularly load that many audio tracks....totally different demands on the computer compared to large numbers of vsti. Maybe Cakewalk could do it? I guess there's nothing to loose in trying it. I would want a few more options if this was my bread and butter, but that's me. Most composers want to keep everything in midi until mixdown ( the ones I'm aware of) which means there's a real load on the computer. Some DAW software is better suited for that kind of thing. Not only this, but if you're sending your file to the studio and they want something familiar they would rather see something they can load up in their systems and not need to bother with it which is why it's probably going to be Cubase, Pro Tools or Logic. The exception is if the engineer is making it start to finish, mixing the video and everything in between. If the scene only calls for a few sound effects and some light background mood music a lesser system will do. I can get by with an average build because I don't do any of that stuff. If I do anything similar it's small sectionals with minimal vsti loaded. It's all a matter of what it's used for. If I'm going into the jungle for three months and taking rough terrain roads in the mud I'm going to pick the hummer instead of the Kia 4 wheel sport package. Cinematic libraries are often some of the most demanding. There are ways to work around some things but most of them are frustrating when being paid on a deadline JMOP.
  19. Hi Tony, I used VSL synchron player with no issues. If the VST is VST 3 try using the VST 2 version. FYI- If it's an older 32 bit version you'll need to upgrade it to 64 bit. If none of that works I recommend you contact VSL. I have heard they have a very responsive customer service dept. If you get a dump file you could forward that to Cakewalk support to analyze. Good luck.
  20. I remember that discussion on Overture. I think $$ was a consideration then for sure. I have a hard time believing that beats/live performance are the things that seem to be getting all of the attention as evidenced by SO5's new performance page, though they also added notation. Presonus must think they are getting reliable stats from somewhere. Looks like they sort of accommodated both groups. Depending on what you do you either liked it or not. Educated notation reading musicians are not going away. You won't go to college and have the music professor say, " Hey we decided to throw out music notation from now on". The fact that CbB is still free and two years out still aren't charging up for anything additional is sending some kind of a message. I just can't figure out what it is?? In that respect any direction they take is a big question mark. The only reason to offer good software free is usually to eliminate or weaken the competition so far as I can tell. Sort of like the way large chain stores open up and offer lower prices than the stores down the road who eventually go out of business. The DAW market is different though. I don't see the key players going out of business. Their bottom lines might be hurting some because I have heard some users of DAW sofware X deciding to stop paying and cross over to CbB. Not sure how often this happens. If I invest 2 or 3K in a rig I'm not going to let a 299.00 software purchase hold me back. If I like brand X I'll buy it. If the free one is no loss I'll use it instead. Most for $$ studios have several DAWs.
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