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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Starise


    My apologies to all for taking awhile to get back to you. I have had a few "events" transpire that took me away. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to this and comment. Douglas- Thanks man! David- Thanks for listening and comments. My "stuff" is sort of all over the map though I'm heading back in the Celtic direction again. Tom- Much appreciated!! Bat- thanks for stopping by. Your take on this is much appreciated. Tom (emerald soul) - I had thoughts to extend this or add to it...maybe segue into another track from it. Your thoughts on the drone are good ones. Wookie- Many thanks to you for comments!
  2. Starise


    This one started ok and then I sort of got carried away at the end.
  3. No worries. I have matches.
  4. Ouch. They haven't stretched the truth here at all. Put yourself in his place. What would you be feeling? Me? There would be enough propane in the space to displace all the oxygen.
  5. Because she's cooking tonight? How about desert?
  6. Admittedly my experience is not in rabbit holes. I like the sound of having an Unbirthday though. Second thought. I might not like the Uncake idea.
  7. And how would you know this ? unless.................................. ?
  8. I feel bad for that little furless smacking hunk of chocolate.. I will be more than happy to finish him off. Put him put of his misery. And if you happen to have a peanut butter egg laying around I could assist in removing it.
  9. Craig has crabs? Pretty creative there Sheens. Happy birthday Craig (belated) . I figured you might want to hear it again in a few days.
  10. So I'm getting a real education here. Bunnies wear shades and get jacked up? I think I'll be hopping along now.
  11. Scientists looking for better antioxidant solutions decided to open the prison. They needed free radicals. * ducks and runs* the most unfunny pun of 2020-2021.
  12. I can't talk like one. I understand them most of the time. Which is better, a wise illegible statement or a statement devoid of wisdom we understand?
  13. He said I also wonder how the local villagers have any hearing left!
  14. Yes, If you tell someone they have nice buns, you had better know them pretty well. I have also heard fanny used less frequently . I have heard ***** used most often when people talk about certain politicians. There should probably be an IQ test for entry. This doesn't appear to be a prerequisite. Whoops! did I just type that? In hindsight, I am learning an O'Carolan tune called " Fanny Power". I don't think this is what he had in mind when he wrote it. I'm going to run now before SLIP pulls out a set of buns from his 100000000000 photo collection. Let's keep it rated R though. I think I'll get up off my buns and do something now.
  15. I read about windows jumping into ARM. Didn't know the extent. Apple already made ARM chips, so I guess it stands to reason they might go back to them for their laptops. The argument for the "why" was they will be more efficient and have less heat. I don't believe this is the whole story behind it.
  16. I believe I seen her sister yesterday. I kept my distance.
  17. The term Buns over here has another meaning probably not heard of in the UK. Thank goodness for that...so far. I find something oddly comforting looking at rabbits wearing glasses.?
  18. A basic Apple Mac pro laptop was in the 2500.00 range..over 3K for one with an i9 chip. If you want to make music with it you still need to buy Logic, Pro Tools or similar. Unless 2.5K is ok to putz around in garage band. I paid less than 1200.00 for a gamer lap top PC. i7 two hard drives. If you want a Pro desktop bring somewhere in the neighborhood of 5Ks along. Add to this the fact that Apple comes out with something new at the expense of something you were using. Let's scrap those DVD players no one uses them any more. Who would record a CD ? Head phone jacks? Who needs those, we'll just sell you another connector so you can use the lightening power connection instead or better yet buy a set of 200.00 blue tooth ear buds. Apple has been all about change. I remember when they adopted Intel . Now they are swinging back. At what expense? Whatever you own now will probably be somehow obsolete or require some kind of an upgrade in the near future. If you bought a pre ARM machine right before the change you bought old tech a week before the new tech ( and payed dearly for it). Apple took us to the 1000.00 iPhone. No thanks. True story, a friend of mine just jumped in the pool. Forgot he had his phone in his front pocket. I know, they have insurance for that. Don't forget they don't give insurance away either. If things keep going the way they seem to be headed, I see Apple eventually being the IBM of the 2000's. I have a few ipads. Both were gifts that I use often. So far they seem to have that market cornered. Prices aren't astronomical and they deliver a good device and experience. If they start meddling with ipads though, the same thing is going to happen.
  19. Lord... that must have been some good whiskey.
  20. I find this entire thing very shocking.
  21. Bunny weight lifting?
  22. I'm not sure if this was mentioned. I didn't see it. There are panning laws in Cakewalk are there not? I haven't used them because I use the BOZ plugin Dave mentioned when I want to pan a stereo track. Most often though I track acoustic guitars in mono because it avoids so many headaches. Cuts down on the "spacial gobbledy *****" in many mixes. Sometimes even a good stereo panning solution isn't as good as making it stereo using mono tracks panned IMHO due to some of the undesirable effects that can happen with reverb , phase issues and comb filtering. If you have a compromised stereo track there isn't as much you can do to redeem it compared to a mono track. FYI right clicking on a track will let you convert it to mono. Some people are looking for a natural feel to a mix as in a classical composition. Others want more of a pseudo kind of thing, similar to some of the results one can get with many electric guitar plugins. I'm thinking mainly some of those metal mixes that make the guitar more spacial with a chorus effect. This ventures away from the goal of simply panning though so I'll let it at that. I bought the 2CAudio PBJ pack awhile back and thought I would use it to death. Part of it is a psycho acoustic stereo field positioner. It works wonders for small classical ensembles or placing the players in a rock band all in their respective positions without compromising the reverb in the constructed space since that reverb "follows" the position.
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