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Everything posted by kloon

  1. kloon

    Happy Place

    Thank you very much guys, appreciate it alot! ❤️
  2. kloon

    Happy Place

    @ Sabby Brown & Douglas Kirby Thank you very much for your kind words and listening!
  3. kloon

    Happy Place

    New song out today, hope you like it. Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/album/5hReGw1Mg7fr8GjFnGXQxo?si=raa3E8vESLy2oqGxjJzFlg
  4. kloon

    I Feel (Synthpop)

    Thank you very much guys!
  5. kloon

    I Feel (Synthpop)

    Thank you very much Douglas.
  6. kloon

    I Feel (Synthpop)

    Wow, thank you very much Lynn.
  7. kloon

    I Feel (Synthpop)

    Thank you very much guys for listening and your kind words!
  8. kloon

    I Feel (Synthpop)

    Thank mate! I wrote it.
  9. kloon

    I Feel (Synthpop)

    Updated with spotify link as well.
  10. kloon

    I Feel (Synthpop)

    First new song of 2020. Thanks for listening. ? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0vBFzHKedDEscyOHevBErm?si=obR-NEYeSBmunxfp98YmsA
  11. Lovely Bjorn, perfect for my morning coffee.
  12. Great well produced and arranged track Paul. Very 80s indeed. Liked everything but the humanized piano in the intro. Almost wished the song started at 0:33.
  13. That was a challenging listening. Very experimental indeed.
  14. kloon

    This Is Your Life

    Thank you very much.
  15. Wow, great sounding track. Sounds "Radio Ready" to me. Personally i would probably raise the volume a pinch on the vocals, but that is just a matter of personal taste.
  16. Can also relate to this. Nice trippy track on a serious subject freddy.
  17. kloon

    This Is Your Life

    Thank you very much freddy. Appreciate you listening and your feedback.
  18. kloon

    This Is Your Life

    Thank you very much Paul for listening and your kind words.
  19. kloon

    Red Light Blues

    Hehe, even i was yelling "come on light" by the end of the song. Good work Bjorn.
  20. kloon

    I Wanna Be Free

    Sounds "radio ready" now!
  21. kloon

    Science Rock

    Wow, this is great! But i do think that the non-spoken vocals are a bit low.
  22. kloon

    I Wanna Be Free

    Great. I think it sounds really good now RR! 2 minor observations and a suggestion: 2 Mouthklicks i found distracting, one at 0:19, and one Your love is the "K"ey at 1:45. I could be completely off but im thinking that the drums could use a tamburine on some parts to make them less static?! Just a thought. I dont know why and i cant explain but i get a tamburine feel.
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