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Everything posted by treesha

  1. Good luck with the next Eq-ing. My problem is corel video studio. Ive read its crashy. I just downloaded davinci free and watching videos to learn it. I used the Microsoft one in photos to do the single image with a song thing you mention.
  2. Yeah using the eq should have done something. And problems with vsts, no fun. Im working on a video project that wont let me add anything new, these things can be amazing or amazingly frustrating !
  3. treesha

    Crazy Fool

    Clever. Kinda funky and fun. Unserious and put together well. Sounds great. I do like it!
  4. Sounds great ! It really made me smile it’s so good.
  5. Quite interesting. Mix sounds very good. Nice instrumentation. Journey music. Sounds a bit ethnic at times. I just downloaded DaVinci this evening. Looks like you made good use of the effects. Some of your clips are intriguing. Arches and Canyonlands came up next. Two of my favorite places. Went to a night program at Canyonlands, Arizona skies are amazing but that is one of the darkest spots in North America. Mind boggling. I was just talking about my last trip to Utah/Colorado today (someone asked about the circular rock formations in my yard) so timely for me to stumble on your song, especially enjoyed it and the video.
  6. Yeah I think the bass works better now. Taking it down 9db was a lot ! It still sounds rich. Something like Izotope tonal balance control can show you the balance of the song in sections, like low, high, I think 4 sections set to what you are going for like rock or jazz or whatever. I dont trust my untreated environment very much, so check on that. It is true as you say that most people listen on devices that leave a lot to be desired. In my experience my bass is the first to be missing if I listen on my phone. So I try to add some higher frequencies in the bass part so something of the bassline can be heard, definitely not felt. Hasnt arizona been crazy, its like there was no winter but for a day here or there, like today.
  7. Nice groundwork sounds and interesting things coming and going. I needed a journey today and this worked for me! I used to have a picture of those pillars on my fridge. Inspirational for sure
  8. treesha

    They Lied

    Hi Paul, thanks for listening and leaving your feedback, I appreciate both ! Yes they are a bit too....and to think some comments want them louder ha, which I will do in a while. Glad you think my songs are original, and hopefully you enjoyed some of the other aspects of what's going on in this one. Likely one of a kind from me so don't expect more like this ha. Cheers to you too
  9. Sounds great. Especially like the drums and of course the guitar. Its in the songs nature to succeed ! good luck with the album
  10. treesha

    testmix drm

    It sounds really great. Very well done song in all respects!
  11. treesha

    testmix drm

    I like it, I think it sounds great. I’m not sure how to say what I mean, something like the song is midrangy? Like the guitars and vocals don’t have much highs? Maybe its my system or that the pollen is horrible today ! Good song, well done
  12. Sounds lovely, has a bit of that psychedelic feel to me. Definitely a talented guy. Condolences again for your loss. You did really good if this is a 3rd generation mp3. Yes, on we go…..
  13. Interesting. I agree that a change of some kind would add to it. I am a definite lover of bass and deep low end, but the low end in this seems overpowering. I also wonder how it would sound on playback devices that don’t handle those low low lows, if they are missing it could sound a bit empty. I like how you use vocals in your music. It does sound mysterious indeed ha
  14. treesha

    They Lied

    Hey t, Welcome to the party ha. Thanks for stopping in and your positive feedback. Not surprised you were a bit surprised, it’s different from what I’ve shared, and I’m glad you like it!
  15. treesha

    They Lied

    Hi Clint! Thanks for listening and your feedback. In thinking more about it I think the way I made the contrast fits the dark light, pretty/ugly theme of the song/lyrics. Appreciate the good work comment!
  16. Lovely, very soundtrack-y. Nice structure. I think some bass would add another dimension. Enjoyed it.
  17. treesha

    On The House

    Very creative, unexpected stuff here and there, sounds really good!
  18. Enjoyed it. I think it sounds great. Love the guitar. I like the picture too.
  19. treesha

    They Lied

    Hi jwnicholson78, thank you for listening and your comment. I will be addressing the lead vocal to have more clarity and presence in a redo. Interesting feedback that the backing vocals sound in a different space. I think I sort of intended some other world role for them since the lyrics are dark, something opposite of that. I will ponder your feedback when I redo it so ty! Appreciate the perspective.
  20. I love your colorful family ! Very clever and creative. The song and video demonstrate it well. As for the mix, I responded to the kick drum like it was a bit too strong for the song. Otherwise, all good.
  21. Very nice tribute to your friends song. You are lucky to have video from back then! It wasnt all that common then. I think the instrumentation you created goes very well with the song. The vocals arent too bad quality really. He has an interesting voice. If you wanted to try to improve them I think some plugins that take out resonances, room sounds, dereverb kind of stuff whatever are probably available as a trial. Anyways, nice work and you had a good singer/songwriter/bandmate in Rob.
  22. Haven't heard this song in ages so nice to revisit it. Enjoyed it, especially the bass playing! Glad its up in the mix.
  23. treesha


    Each step you took made it better, good work!
  24. Lovely melancholy tribute to Missi. Wow, Ms W and Missi. My condolences. Glad you are doing ok after your surgery in that respect. My hockey goalie son’s beloved yorkie humorously named Rambo, well up in years, coincidentally died on my birthday and he is still sad about him many years after. We sorta have matching birthday trauma cause on his birthday I got the call to evacuate my home due to an encroaching wildfire that fortunately skipped my neighborhood. Im not a pet person but know its tragic for those who are to lose their pets. Take care, that’s a lot to go through!
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