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Everything posted by antler

  1. The big one is usually the Winter sale, around Black Friday and Christmas
  2. It sort of already has that, in that you can expand the stock plugins in the console to get a mini view of their controls
  3. A quick example made up from a blank Cakewalk project: notice the drums and guitar icons, just below the faders
  4. To be able to put a small picture to visually describe each track strip within the mixing console; a feature was introduced in Sonar for a while now
  5. Track icons on the console would be nice too...
  6. Anyone know if DeluxeBucks have an expiry period? I don't shop from AudioDeluxe that often and I'm wondering whether I should use them up as soon as possible, or whether to hang onto them for a bigger discount somewhere down the line.
  7. Is an IK Multimedia UNO Synth out of the question? (€199.99 excl. VAT) https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/unosynth/?pkey=unosynth Disclaimer: I've never seriously looked for a hardware synth, so I have no idea what's classified as a 'good' one.
  8. Don't know quite how you did it, but you somehow managed to make Studio One look like Visual Studio PS. I know how to change the colours - I've just never made it look like VS
  9. I never quite understood why people would want a case sensitive file system though - to me it makes no sense why it would be beneficial for readme, Readme, README, and ReadMe to be completely different files. I get it for programming variable names; not so much for file names.
  10. Nah... He's about to tune a very big piano
  11. Might be easier and cheaper to just remember the jackpot-winning lottery numbers for each week
  12. Not doubting the usefulness of built in sounds; I just didn't know how extensive the samples were, and thought it might be overkill if a music theory plugin came with a e.g. 20gb library [I couldn't find any info on how big the sound library is] (that might also increase the price). Even for those with various libraries and synths, it can make the whole thing quicker to get going as there's one less thing in the chain to set up.
  13. Scaler 2 does look interesting... not sure it needs so many built in sounds, but it does looks like it could be really useful
  14. They're like a-holes: there's a problem if you have more than one?
  15. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/virtual-instruments/chord-prism Anyone used this before? Would be interested to hear how this compares with other music theory tools.
  16. MPE support please... Just in case I one day decide to buy an MPE MIDI controller
  17. Synthmaster and Synthmaster One, but no coupon ?
  18. Also, don't forget that you can use their Bundle Maker promotion with this as well, e.g. the Emotional Guitar bundle is $198, add a cheap library to bring the total over $200, and you can use a code to get 20% off.
  19. A mutually beneficial solution for those who can't stand (i.e. will ignore) lockdown would be to become key workers: they get to go out, keeping supplies/deliveries flowing/stocked up; while more vulnerable people will be able to have supplies delivered to them.
  20. If covid is really such an insignificant problem and immunity follows on from catching the disease and getting better, why is there such a high demand for PPE in medical facilities? From the logic presented in the videos, would it not follow that young and healthy medical professional would not require PPE?
  21. Not sure if these have been mentioned already, but Noctua do some fans that are really quiet. Their choice of colours may be subjective, but I would imagine someone would typically spend more time looking at the music they're making, rather than their PC case. https://noctua.at/en/products/fan
  22. You probably already know this and just forgot to type an 'x', but these are for (the new) Massive X, rather than (the older) Massive Edit: oops... didn't read the offer fully; thought it was just for the expansions
  23. Looks like a good deal. If you like the sound of glass marimbas, be sure to have a look at the (free) 8Dio one as well https://8dio.com/instrument/the-new-glass-marimba/ (Both require full Kontakt)
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