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Everything posted by antler

  1. You get a far wider range of libraries for Kontakt than you do for SampleTank though. That said, the thing I do wish Kontakt would do is to make its audio routing more intuitive...
  2. Thanks husker - I had seen that, but didn't read it carefully enough; I was copying the presets to the place where snapshots would usually go.
  3. Does anyone have this working in Kontakt 6.2.2? The instrument loads, but it doesn't seem to find any sounds other than the default ones (and I definitely have GBs of samples in the Samples folder)
  4. Not me, but it looks like Sam Fisher from the Splinter Cell series has
  5. https://www.timespace.com/blogs/offers/weekend-deal-70-off-zero-g-inspiring-guitars-kontakt-instrument
  6. It was a little while ago... maybe I'm confusing Obelisk for another plugin that gave me GAS
  7. Thanks for the detailed write-up Piotr. I was thinking that if I was to go for the AmpleSound route, I'd probably wait for their Winter sale
  8. In the meantime, you could always create a symbolic link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/mklink
  9. I was interested in this a while ago but got put off because someone said that the plugin startup time was quite long. Is this (still?) the case?
  10. Hey Piotr - have you tried both (EZ Bass/Amplesound basses)? I'm potentially interested in getting one (not sure which one yet) and was interested in hearing a few opinions.
  11. Maybe they meant it to mean not-shampoo; like how asymmetrical means not-symmetrical ... Still doesn't make sense... oh well...
  12. I'm confused - do you want a man, or some men?
  13. I mentioned Tapedesk as it's got a mixing-console emulation part (in addition to the tape emulation part)
  14. The demos of Ascend sound pretty good. Anyone have experience of it, compared to other piano libraries?
  15. Has anyone compared CTC-1 with other plugins in the same category, e.g. Overloud's Tapedesk? The convenience of a single plugin instance instead of one on each channel seems like a fairly big plus-point, but how's the sound/CPU usage?
  16. Big Beautiful Door looks interesting - am I right in thinking that it's the 'bigger' version of Gatey Watey? i.e. Big Beautiful Door can do everything that Gatey Watey can and more?
  17. Are there any uses that this is particularly good for?
  18. Apparently yes, for $279.99 http://www.passportmusic.com/products/encore/buy-encore-now/
  19. Suppose I've currently got Komplete (standard) 11 - if I decide to upgrade to Komplete Ultimate 12 for some instruments exclusive to the Ultimate edition, does that mean that when newer versions come out (e.g. version 13) I can only update to Komplete Ultimate 13 [and not Komplete (standard) 13]?
  20. I read a review of this some time ago - it said that it's a good library, but it would be more like a layering/strings special FX library, to complement other string libraries.
  21. Hmm... in a few years, deathbed may mean the pinnacle of something
  22. Water Polo - the water with the hole
  23. I've lost track of PA's voucher terms and conditions - are you allowed to use more than one monthly voucher (i.e. if someone lets you use theirs in addition to your own)? I thought it didn't use to be the case, but then they introduced a minimum spend.
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