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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. I would guess..... Have seen similar comments (here on the forums) using Aux tracks. Might be a good idea to send the project to cakewalk for analysis. Could be a bug.
  2. Hey john. Most of them should be in- C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins Other locations for VST3 plug ins should in- C:\Program Files\Common Files
  3. Example : I hope this clears things up because I've already explained this to death Song starts out at 4/4 time. - Measures 5 thru10 are in 2/4 time. - I insert a meter key change from Measure 3 thru 5 - As you can see clearly in this video, I changed Measures 3 thru 5 to 3/4 Nothing changed with existing meter keys. they are still 2/4 from 5 thru 10 and still 4/4 from beginning thru 3
  4. Thanks for the response. I did a few tests as well before commenting on this because I wanted to make fully sure I wasn't confusing the OP. The timeline will indeed change when you use a meter key adjustment, but once you correct the meter key change, Timeline will go back to normal. this is all about time, IE- Beat per measure. If there is existing material and time signatures need to be adjusted meter key works as intended. If however, you are adding parts, new material to existing mater key changes, this will throw everything off. that's why I suggest using ripple editing.
  5. I am not noticing any issues but I probably have a totally different set up than yourself. you would help your cause by listing a few things like your OS type, Soundcard.
  6. I use Melodyne as well. But in the old days AudioSnap was all we had. It does appear though from your OP photo that AudioSnap is enabled for that track (white vertical lines). You can turn Off the AudioSnap visual using the Edit filter in the track box. That should at least hide it I believe. Cheers Chuck
  7. Possibly a graphics issue ? changing presets requires changing the UI. I would check my onboard/graphics card for updates (may require Open GL2). I would even go as far as turning Windows 10: Ease of Access to its original default. I know it all this sounds like over kill but if you want to figure out the issue, I would go to the extremes. Ozone does require quite a bit of demand from the graphics, Add that to a moving play head and your asking your system to do a bit of work.
  8. That's what they look like to me as well. They appear to be offset just a tiny bit compared to the original transients. Like 2 moved in AudioSnap.
  9. @msmcleod What I want to know is am I any closer to getting my Mackie db8 working using HUI Vs. MCU
  10. Chris, Personally I would save the money and buy a used Mackie Control. You can pick one up used at guitar center for 200 bucks. This is of course, the older Mackie Control units. I bought one about 5 years ago on Craigslist for 150.00. It was the best investment I have ever made (for my studio). The older Mackie Control units run through Midi Ports vs. USB like the newer units. You can control Plug ins, Selection points, loop points, Markers, Views and sooo much more compared to limited buttons on the iCon. Mackie control also has a half sized meter bridge (LCD). iCon doesn't unless you plan on ponying up more bucks for the add on meter bridge. Its up top you, but I would do the research before investing.
  11. I really like this idea. An exploded view (zoom in) to make fine detail in automation adjustments. I have always said that Automation, weather it be on a clip or the lane is too small. Its had to do any kind of professional, detailed work in a 1/4 inch space. To accurately move a node from -20db to 0db can only be done by expanding the lane to 2 inches in size or by means of the properties pop up box (double clicking on a node). Great idea @Promidi imagine the possibility's.
  12. Here's a more defined explanation... Your meter key changes are Timeline dependent. They don't move just because you change 1 instance at the beginning of a song. You must however, change the meter key back to the original timing (4/4, 3/4, exc). Example- If you have all these meter key changes going on after 1:09:00 but want to insert a meter key change from 1:01:00 thru 1:09:00 Place the Nowtime at 1:01:00 Change it to 3/4. Then place the Nowtime head at 1:09:00 and change the meter key to 4/4. No Meter key changes will be affected down stream. There are instances in which you want to insert new data into the project and this will indeed throw off all meter key changes. This is the perfect time to reach into your tool box and grab Ripple editing. RE ALL will move all tempo and meter key changes.
  13. Not necessarily. If you go back and want to change the intro for say.. 4 bars. then go back and change the intro for 4 bars. just remember to place the Nowtime after the 4 bars and change it back to 4/4. Those meter changes you made previously (down the timeline) wont be affected. Its similar to ripple editing in the fact you are Inserting a meter change. Except your previous meter key changes don't get pushed down the timeline to new locations.
  14. This is a very interesting statement James. I do agree with you. I remember when loop packs first came out, many musicians including myself were a bit insulted that some users needed to use samples loops vs making their own. I have worked years at my craft and it is a bit (just bit) irritating to see a "musician" use a color by number coloring book to create what we call music. However if these tools were available for me when I was learning, I would have probably jumped at the opportunity. Your a good guy Jim, very logical, very considerate too. I enjoy reading your comments.
  15. +1 To be honest, the Dark PRV was too much for me, the first thing I did when this was changed was create a new theme using the default Tungsten theme and make a white PRV. Like it used to be.
  16. This should work, as im using IE 11. If it works in IE 11 it should work in just about any browser. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.01.html
  17. Frequent time changes/meter key changes can be made using the meter key view. Personally when I have a song with only a few of them, I use the Project > Insert Meter/Key Change that I have stored in my Custom module. - Say you start out in 4/4 time. - Put the Nowtime where you want to make the change (example from 4/4 to 3/4). - Open the meter key and change it to 3/4. - Now move the Nowtime (example 4 bars ahead) and change the meter key back to 4/4. Meter key is used very similar to Tempo change/Inset new tempo.
  18. Hey that's okay, I have the same set up for my guitars too . When trying to problem solve though, its critical to use comparisons. As I said in my first post though.. And its true, one only needs track changes to find any issue. In my travels using Cakewalk software, I have found 3 major things to cause crashes, 1- Plug ins 2- Hardware/Audio devices 3- Corrupt drivers. (my 4th) - The software itself/Cakewalk bug. An honorable mention for falling Windows updates as well. Glad your figured out what was causing it. Best wishes. Chuck
  19. Yup, I remember when I upgraded from 8gigs to 16 gigs (back in 1849 I believe ). It made a huge difference. Especially loading times with VST-I's w/ large samples.
  20. Not true at all. Read my first post... Also, Unless the clips ends are off screen, you can always use Aim Asst to see where the clips ending is. other wise... This the next best thing.
  21. You probably didn't start a New project...as in New (no plug ins).
  22. Yea I think what it comes down to is we all like to work in our own way and when something is thrown in to our motorized fan it knocks everything out of kilt. just like those old reel to reel machines I used to keep up (and still do). Software can be complicated. I also respect the fact "you cant please everyone". I would just like a way to disable some of these features that I don't care for. As I said before, using CNTRL+SHIFT+A does indeed Deselect the green arrows making it possible to click in the timeline without obstruction. With the way Punch in markers and Loop markers overlaid each other I thought this was a problem even before this "selection marker" was introduced. Now its one more marker to add to a timeline that was already jammed packed and starving for more room/size.
  23. I would love to see this as well. The long awaited Pitch knob. Im not sure it is possible though the way Cakewalk is wired using their base stretch algorithms. I would however think, putting a stretch plug in on the master bus could solve this issue. only real issue would be with real time sampling having to be stretched on the cuff.
  24. You can find more info here. This is from Noel post in the Feature overview thread.
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