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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Another funny hockey-related anecdote... My neighbor to the left is a Canadian guy named Chris. He roots for Boston and Toronto. Then there's me, also Chris, also Canadian, and also a huge Boston fan. Then a couple of years ago, a new neighbor moved into the house to the right of mine. His name was also Chris, not Canadian but from New England and, you guessed it, he was a Bruins fan too. How does that happen?! It's like a living, human Boston Bruins slot machine. 3 B's in a row, and all named Chris. Oh and the guy who lives in front is from Rhode Island. His name isn't Chris, but you can figure out what team he roots for. Since I often wear Bruins jerseys and sweaters, we eventually realized we all had that in common. Chris to the right moved last year, sadly enough. But still, pretty much every time I see a neighbor outside, it's hockey talk. Like last week, I stepped out of the house to meet my Postmate driver. Chris : Hey. Me: Hey. Him : The Bruins, eh? Man… Me: Right, eh? Man… Both: G’night. Things that really matter require very few words.
  2. That was the case tonight - Boston was playing Toronto, and the Leafs won. Techically, I should be happy for the winner no matter what. BUT Montreal was playing Vegas (whom I really don't like) and lost. It would not be so bad if it did not mean that Vegas, who had the same number of wins as Boston before this game, now has one more win. So it's like Boston was double defeated. This negates all the rest. Therefore, I'm miserable. That therapist's got his work cut out for him, I tell you.
  3. Reminds of that one time in Moscow, when I was waiting in line at the grocery and there were a few very happy fellows behind me buying vodka. Them: You Canada?! Me: Yes. Them: Ah!! You hockey? Me: Yes. Them: Russia hockey too. You friend!!! Look, look: Vodka! Canada hockey, Canada friend! Friend Vodka! Say what you will about stereotypes, they sure can bring people together at times. lol
  4. Just because they don't wear high heals and make up doesn't mean they're not a good band. Sheesh.
  5. I remember Pelle Lindbergh! A phenomenal young goalie. What a tragedy... It was a huge shock for me to hear of his passing, and it was all over the news back home as well. The Flyers have always had a warm spot in my heart. I grew up in the 70's, so, that is hockey for me, and they were a huge part of it. Got this book a while back, but haven't had the chance to get to it yet. Maybe I should get started...
  6. Actually, the only Gibson is the white one, still my main guitar, aka the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name the Angry B!tch. The others are all Epiphones - and sadly, all gone too.
  7. Not as some. I've rooted for Boston and Montreal for most of my life, but as a Canadian, I tend to support all Canadian teams. But at some point Toronto really started growing on me, so you could say I am a masochist, as I knew what I was getting myself into. I became a huge fan of theirs. I know it's kinda weird that my 3 favorite teams are some of the biggest rivals in the sport, but, that's the way it is. For me hockey is as much about history and tradition as it is about the current stats, and those teams all have a long and fascinating history. With a name like HockeyJX, I would guess that you must have a favorite too, right?
  8. I really like those Vegas shows! Not until I was 11 or 12 did I really grasp that there was a world of music outside of my parents record collection, so Elvis was the center of my musical universe and its unidputed king until that time. When adults asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer was "Elvis Presley". I remember the news of his death in stunning details - I was 5 and it was the first person I "knew" who'd died. I've always remained fond of the early years but in recent decades, I've come to be a huge fan of late 60's and 70's Elvis. I never became Elvis, but I did become a musician and eventually moved to Vegas, which is certainly Elvis-y. A friend brought to my attention that I also tend to smirk a little when I play guitar, maybe because his mannerism rubbed off on me. And, well...
  9. Personally, in 50 years on this earth, I never found anything more worthy of my attention and energy. Except maybe playing guitar so that it's the other way around and they chase me.
  10. Wine. Always. Not the expensive stuff. I used to love Concannon - inexpensive and good - but my grocery does not carry it anymore. So I usually pick a cheaper Clos du Bois and a Carnivore. Sometimes I decide to spend a few extra dollars and try something different. This one was not a good selection though - I ended up emptying it in the sink and reaching for my usual instead.
  11. That's one thing I really miss from up north. And maybe snow but just on Christmas.
  12. It's amusing to think back on those days. As a metalhead, I know that we had a lot of disdain for almost anything with synths, or anything where the guitars weren't distorted. Or even anything you could dance too. It was "music for girls", and if you as a guy listened to that sort of music, well... The gap between punk and metal was nothing by comparison, and the prejudice against synths and drum machines lived on for quite some time. Who would have though that a band like Depeche Mode would end up being one of my biggest influences...
  13. I remember a segment from Behind the Iron Curtain where a fan asked Bruce Dickinson about adding keys to Maiden and his answer was unmitigated: You can't play heavy metal with synthesizers. Of course, when the next album came out, they'd brough in guitar synths and by the following one, actual keyboards.
  14. Another favorite... Van Halen - Drop Dead Legs
  15. I had not listen to that album in decades when I grabbed a copy in a bin at walmart after we moved here and I was rebuilding my library. I popped it in for a trip down memory lane and it quickly became painfully obvious that the guy never could sing, although he did a fait job rockin' on some of that stuff. It is a cool debut album, regardless. Guys like Vince Neil are the reason why I grew up taking for granted that most heavy metal singers couldn't really sing, and decided to not let it bother me. For every Dio or Halford, you had a few dozens of Neils and that's just the way it was. I didn't expect them to actually be able to sing those songs live. On a positive note, I guess that it's also why I ended up fronting all my bands, even if I never thought of myself as a singer. If those guys could do it... I also remember that Too Fast For Love was released with a bunch of different album covers in Canada and some of them included Stick to your Gun. Mine didn't have it and I felt I'd been cheated. A while ago my younger brother found this among the things I'd left when I moved out. For a little while when I was 12-13, it was one of my most precious belongings.
  16. An old favorite. Killing Joke - Love Like Blood.
  17. Ozzy Osbourne - Bloodbath in Paradise
  18. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - Riviera Paradise
  19. Fields of the Nephilim - Paradise Regained
  20. Temple of the Dog - Say Hello 2 Heaven
  21. One of my favorite Ace Frehley solos!
  22. I see I am being censored again. How about The Six Pestols, would that work?
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