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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Thank you for that! One of the first Priest songs I ever heard.
  2. I plan on getting everything up until Unmasked. But that's long term. I also got this one, which I'm sure you would appreciate. Faith and Pornography are in my cart.
  3. Never liked it quite as much but, oh well.... Voivod - The Nile Song
  4. Funny you mention that because I realized earlier this morning that I too draw a line, though for me it's somewhere in the early eighties. And there's a few 70's Elvis records that I am really looking forward to hearing on vinyl. That is, on clean vinyls and on a proper turntable. I have plenty of old ones with all the clicks and pops that sound fantastic on a cheap little record player with a 3 inch speaker... And genre is also a factor. I have no interest in listening to Master to Puppets or Reign in Blood or Powerslave on vinyl, even if that's how I originally heard them. So I guess I get what you mean. As for half speed... I bought this copy of Creatures of the Night on Amazon. Unlike Black in Black or Love Gun, it's not one that I felt any pressing need to listen to on vinyl. I think it's probably better on CD. But it was on sale, and it was my first heavy metal album back in the days, and there was that half-speed label, so I got curious. I've not yet had the time to listen to it, and I don't own a non half-speed copy to compare, but I'm curious to hear if there's anything I can pick up. But for this type of album/sound, I believe that digital is the way to go.
  5. Iron Maiden - Can I Play with Madness.
  6. This morning before putting on that new 45 RPM version of Sad Wings, I did have that knee jerk reaction… Like, ugh, I’m going to have to flip that record every couple of songs and then change discs altogether. Why not listen to something else? But in a sense, it helps me focus and appreciate that moment. Without trying to get all philosophical about it, that little effort keeps me grounded in the act of listening to music. It’s not simply something that’s happening - I am actively listening to this album. And even once I am done, again, action is required on my part. Draws boundaries. But that’s the way my brain is geared. And that’s but one way to listen to music. Come my night off, I’m in the studio with a bottle of red wine or two and enjoying the convenience of digital audio. And to be honest, my favorite version of the aforementioned Priest album is a Japanese master ripped from a CD that lives in my digital library. But I still had a great time lying on my back with the cans on listening to the vinyl after work.
  7. I seem to remember something like that yes! I should go visit that place sometime - admitting that I ever manage to find the will to leave this house.
  8. I still have mine. Studiophile SP-B5. One of the first piece of gear I bought after my M Audio Delta 44 in 2001. Everything in my little home studio was M Audio - audio interface, MIDI keyboard, preamp, Trigger Finger (drum pad controller), monitors... Everything was solid, except the Trigger Finger - that one never worked properly. I think I still have a little USB audio interface that I used with my portable rig in 2011-12, somewhere in storage. I was also quite happy to be able to get a native version of Pro Tools after Avid bought M Audio. A huge plus for me. I tested the Studiophiles for the first time in over a decade last year. They still work fine. The little pop sound they make when powered up brought me right back. I wrote and "mixed" so many songs on these. Only issue I ever had with them was a blown fuse just a few weeks after I bought them. They were rock solid ever afterwards. They hold lamps and tchotchkes quite well, too.
  9. Celtic Frost - Into the Crypts of Rays
  10. I’m not very good at spending money on stuff for myself. I’ve finally replaced the 9 year old dying Mac in July after a year of postponing and calculating and reassessing, and I was pressured to make a move because the upgrade options were getting fewer and more expensive by the hour. Otherwise, who knows how much longer I would have stalled… But a few weeks ago, I felt an urge to listen to Back in Black on vinyl, so I bought the album on Amazon. And a turntable to play it. Well, that was like opening the floodgates. Amazon must be very happy with me, as I’ve been re-building the record collection at a rather fast pace (especially for someone usually so careful with money). I find myself constantly looking for the next vinyl, and I have a bunch of them in my cart at all time. My last catch is a 45 rpm/2 discs version of Sad Wings of Destiny that I found on eBay. Sealed. With the embossed cover. Cool stuff. I’ve always looked fondly on the good old days when I’d put on a record and just lie on my back on the floor and listen. Used to be my favorite thing as a kid - putting the headphones on and listening to 8 tracks. That set up makes it easier to do just that. No display, no smart phone, just me and that one record that I pick. Also seems easier to commit to an entire album too - you can’t just scroll and click on something else. That’s been my thing after work recently. Try and listen to an album a day - instead of just having music playing in the background while I do chores or look up stuff on the internet. Hadn’t really done that since the 90’s. Amusing, considering that I'd done away with vinyls, CDs and tapes all those years ago and embraced the digital era. I sold my entire collection in 2004, although I did start buying CDs again after settling here in 2013. I'd simply import them on the computer and store them. And so now I’m looking into CD players, for the same purpose. But since hipsters don’t think CDs are cool, CD players are a lot harder to find and a lot more expensive than a relatively decent turntable.
  11. The Tea Party - A Certain Slant of Light
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