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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Saxon - Bad Boys (Like to Rock 'N' Roll)
  2. But that's like a time portal! You even have access to the old Cakewalk forums, and probably Gearslutz. I have my own time machine, stuck in 2010 - before Apple got rid of coverflow (I've not yet forgiven them for that one).
  3. I "built" a few of mine back in the days ... So to speak. Actually, a friend of mine who's a computer geek did all the work. Since he is more of a gamer and into video more than audio, I had to do the research for my own needs, usually on the Cakewalk newsgroups. I'd bring my findings and requirements to him and we'd figure out how to make that work within my budget. Once we had all the parts, I'd buy a case of beer and we'd spend an evening working on it. Or more accurately, I'd watch him work. Then I'd wake up hungover the next morning and find my new PC all put together, vaguely remembering the rest of the evening. I guess it's not entirely surprising that I ended up switching to Mac. I never really liked the challenge of figuring out the parts and planning and putting them together. Heck, I've played guitar for 40 years and I never adjusted a truss rod or changed a pickup. I prefer to let other people do that. I admire people who like to tinker, build their own guitars and all, but it's not for me.
  4. Assemblage 23 - I Am the Rain. Am I not?
  5. Lynyrd Skynyrd - What's Your Name
  6. Cradle of Filth - The Forest Whispers My Name
  7. Wanda Jackson - Hot Dog! That Made Him Mad
  8. Was doing groceries this weekend and when I passed in front of the magazine stand, there were all those magazines about a guy named Harry Style. From what I understand, he is some sort of pop idol/singer, but I've never heard him and wouldn't have the slightest idea who he is if I'd not seen mentions of him on social media. Likewise, I mention Cardi B but I never actually heard her. Nor Kanye. I may have heard a bit of a Justin Bieber song in NY in 2010. I had the immense displeasure of hearing what my then wife told me was a Rihanna song in a shopping mall in Russia in 2012. And being this disconnected feels phenomenal. I do find myself wishing that stores would bring back muzak - for the rare times when that I need to go out. Would lessen the chances of me being exposed to garbage even more. Then I really wouldn't need Music Accident Inurances.
  9. Unless we're refering to these?
  10. At least it was his. Not like that other time... https://www.guitarplayer.com/news/captain-kirk-douglas-talks-signature-gibsons-and-the-time-prince-destroyed-his-epiphone
  11. In case you accidentally hear Cardi B or something?
  12. I remember seeing Them Crooked Vultures in 2010. Past the 3rd songs, it could practically have been anyone on stage playing anything. I get that people want the energy, but what about the actual music? Nine Inch Nails is the one band I saw that was both really loud and extraordinarily clean. In an arena famous for its awful sound, of all things. I remember that first kick drum hit feeling like a train passing through your chest, but the sound being perfectly balanced and clear. Incredible definition. It was shocking, really. I'm not sure how that's even possible. It would seem that such an assault on the human ear could not possibly be intelligible, that it would be physically impossible. And yet, it sounded great. My only complaint would have been that it was a little too perfect and controled at that point - no matter what they did onstage, they couldn't seem to sound bad. Great show though.
  13. Charlie Feathers - Bottle to the Baby
  14. Faith No More - Take This Bottle
  15. Googled Wordscapes. First suggested search was "Wordscapes Cheats". Not for me but I can only respect someone who puts their brain to work and keeps sharpening their cognitive abilities, staying in shape intellectually. As I think I mentioned some time ago, I'm teaching myself a bit of Japanese. Learning the hiragana and katakana syllabaries was fun, and now learning kanji adds a whole dimension because of the caligraphy - it brings me into a sort of meditative state. I've also been picking up a tiny bit of Chinese and learning the Korean alphabet. That keeps my brain on its toes. So my body is thankful for Japan because of martial arts and food, and my brain because of the complex language. Oh and my eyes too, because of the ladies.
  16. Not a documentary but a very nice interview with Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson.
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