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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Rain


    I can do much worse - I don't get Yes at all. That being said, I just got Rush a few years ago, and Genesis last month, so, all hope isn't lost. And obviously, Owner of a Lonely Heart was such a massive hit that does bring back fond memories. Ah, 6th grade... I seem to remember that it sounded quite good in terms of production. I may have to check it out again.
  2. I get your point and I guess it's a matter of determining one needs. I've actually squeezed a lot out of my old 13" MacBook Pro and Logic 9 for the few years we were travelling. And then hooked a monitor to it and used it for another year after we moved here. That 2010 laptop still works just as well as the day I took it out of the box, and I still use it to record ideas when I hang out downstairs in the living room. It was replaced by a 23" iMac which itself has just been replaced by a 27" iMac. There are Macs and PCs out there with dozens of times the processing power, but to be honest, maybe I'm an idiot but I really don't need it. If I were working on movie scores with hundreds of tracks, I could definitely see the need. But for what I do, and my own weird kind of music, I never really ran out of power. If a project grows to over 30 or 40 tracks, I feel it's getting out of hand - the problem is not the computer but my old brain that doesn't have the ability to keep up with that kind of track count. When the time came to replace the old iMac last summer, I debated the idea of moving back to PC quite seriously, because, financially, it made a lot more sense. And Apple really didn't make things easier because in order to meet my requirements, the options they had were extraordinarily limited. Having been through the process of switching platforms once before definitely contributed to hold me back. And even though I spend 40 hours a week on a Windows PC, I still prefer and feel more comfortable on Mac OS. I would dare say it works better, because the term better is entirely subjective, so that's obviously my take. And then there's Logic, the software that works the best for me. Although I've kept up with Cubase and really like Studio One, I couldn't imagine not having Logic at the center of my musical life. That software is like an extension of my brain. So I bit the bullet and got an iMac. And not one of the more recent ones because those didn't meet my requirements - they now come with smaller internal HD (which is completely stupid), fewer ports that aren't compatible with my "legacy" hardware. So let it be said that I have my own share of dislikes when it comes to Apple and their strategies and decisions. But the one I settled for works perfectly, and in terms of processing power, it has more than enough for my needs - which are admittedly quite modest compared to most people around here. If I had similar requirements to you guys, of course it would be a no-brainer. There's no way I would fork out the kind of dough that Apple demands for a Mac Pro. I'm just glad I don't need it.
  3. Rain


    And yet K*nye lives. On the other hand, around 5 million children under five die annually, before they even have a chance to pick up a guitar. Maybe the 4-year old club with potential to become a musical genius is even scarier. Who knows how many of them 5 million kids would be talented artists - heck, there's probably at least a few potential Hendrix and Van Halen nipped in the bud every year. On the bright side, the vast majority would be K*nye at best, so...
  4. Man, that waj shpot on! Let'sh jusht hope hij eshtate doejn't shue you for copyright infringement.
  5. The funny thing is that I have both a PC and a Mac sitting a few inches from each other on my desk right now, and there is no religious war or tear in the fabric of the universe. Both machines are doing precisely what I expect of them. I'm not sure why this crusade goes on. Not saying that there aren't dumb Mac owners out there, but dumb people are dumb on any platform. None of the Mac owners I know have the least interest in debating platforms or putting Windows down, and, even though historically it definitely was not the case, for well over a decade and a half, most seem to acknowledge that Windows PCs are absolutely fine. Most of us buy a computer and move on, and we really don't care to keep thinking about that machine and agonizing over specs and performance. What's important is what it does and that it suits our workflow. For all the talk about people buying Macs just because they are shiny (and I know that this is usually said with humour), PC owners are often way more inclined to be obsessed with their machine and how amazing it is. And if anyone is looking for shiny, Mac really is not the platform for you. In terms of being obsessed with looks, there's no competition. Some people visibly are not done celebrating the end of those dreadful beige towers. My Mac is rather unostentatious compared to these. But then again, I'm not into RPGs and LARPing, and I'm not a virgin.
  6. Didn't watch the video either did you? Unsurprisingly, you also managed to completely ignore the part of my reply where I stated not once but twice that I was not attempting to justify the price, and that this is something 99% of the people do not need, and that I myself would never buy one. It's like talking to the mirror image of people who buy Macs because they're shinny.
  7. Rain


    Had no idea why but the naked photo at around 1:45 probably explains it.
  8. Bullshit. Did you even watch the video or are you just reciting the usual anti-Apple clichés? I am not saying that it is useful or reasonably price. I am saying that it is superior from an engineering, design, and manufacturing point of view. None of that makes a difference to 99% of the USB-C using population so most of us are okay with a cable that's not a 10th the price. I wouldn't buy one.
  9. Fascinating! If anyone cares to actually watch it, the answer is right there. The Apple cable is infinitely superior in every aspect. I've always wondered if there was much of a difference between cables and what caused those differences. Although I would never buy a $130 cable for my purpose, and it's questionable whether 99% of people buying USB-C cable need that sort of quality, the product is definitely in a league of its own.
  10. I think I posted it before, but I could not not... Assemblage 23 - I Am The Rain
  11. And since they have no song with a lake or a pond... That leaves water. Led Zeppelin - The Rain Song
  12. Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues
  13. Led Zeppelin - Down by the Seaside
  14. This is a direct result of the album above - I learned that song off of the Live at the Star Club record, years before I even heard the (demo) studio version. Not sure I'd have ever heard such a song otherwise, to be honest. They exposed me to a lot of music. A minute of me noodling around on a demo for a project with my then-wife and overdubbing guitars. I don't think it's quite as good as theirs, but we were going after a different energy.
  15. Back in the days, I was so anxious to put my hands on anything by The Beatles that even poor audio quality recordings such as the ones on this record would be played constantly. I learned every track on that thing because we always needed more songs when we played weddings and ballrooms and such. Much of it they eventually recorded on their first few albums but there were a few odd numbers that never made it on any official record. And I was still discovering their official discography, anyway. In many cases, it was the first time I was exposed to those songs (Be-Bop-A-Lula comes to mind). I thought it was amusing because a lot of material was stuff that The Beatles themselves had learned because they needed to play for hours every night back then. Man, I love the Beatles. They weren't even around anymore when I was born and I feel I owe them so much.
  16. Here's a soundtrack for your event, Kenny.
  17. Funny that you mention Good Night because it crossed my mind. Actually, I probably skipped it more often that Revolution 9 when I was listening to them all the time.
  18. I also like both for different reasons, but also in very different proportions. I probably like 90% of the Beatles' catalog, and the remaining 10% is nothing that I really mind listening to. Besides Revolution 9, I don't really think there's much I skip when listening to their records, and I listen to all their albums. Not saying that it's all great, but for one reason or another, I enjoy most of it. The Stones, there's probably 10% that I like, much of the rest I just can't be bothered to listen to, and then some stuff that is, to my ears, simply awful - sometimes entire records. Of couse, they've had a much longer career. The percentage would be greater if we only looked at the 60's and 70's, but still nothing close to the Beatles. Even the albums that I really like usually have a few songs that I consider stinkers. But I wouldn't want to be in a world without those Stones songs that I really like. And Keith.
  19. The old plasma I inherited from a friend is dying on me so I had to get a new tv. It had been getting worse and worse fo the last few weeks, but I was hoping to be able to wait until BF, but it doesn't look like it will last until then. Got a 50" for $199.99 - had had my eyes on it for a while and it was listed at $299.99, but the price went down last weekend. Quite the coincidence. Hard to believe how inexpensive these things have become. For the studio, the recent upgrade also meant moving from 23 to 27. Considering the distance between my eyes and the screen, ergonomically speaking, that is as good as it gets.
  20. Finally watched it last night. And indeed!Thanks for the reminder.
  21. So that's yet another thing I have in common with G-d's chosen people. Although, I love pork chops, so... Okay, now I know what's for dinner tonight. You guys make it real hard to keep one's weight under control, you know?
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