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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. This is final master of "The Song" by Norwegian country band Hobo Train. Thanks for taking the time to listen.
  2. garybrun

    The Song

    @PhonoBrainer Fantastic feedback. Its exactly what we where thinking too. Too much high pass filter on it. The one thing about this band is that they want all the vocals to be the same level... not how we would normally mix a track. It creates more of a chord.
  3. garybrun

    The Song

    Hi Eric. Thanks for commenting and taking the time to listen.
  4. garybrun

    The Song

    Thank @Wookiee ?
  5. garybrun

    The Song

    Thanks for the listen and comment. We all paint different pictures.. Regarding the reverb that's how I like it. In the intro its there on purpose to catch the listeners attention.. then you are hit by the vocals.. Its all about ear candy and grabbing attention. Some comment was mention about feedback on vs two but I couldnt hear it.
  6. garybrun

    The Song

    Thanks for the listen and comment Nigel Appreciated, Gary
  7. garybrun

    The Song

    Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment. Working on another six original songs...
  8. garybrun

    The Song

    Thank you Jack
  9. garybrun

    The Song

    Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment Jeff. Appreciated. Gary
  10. garybrun

    The Song

    Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
  11. garybrun

    The Grove Lock

    Shouldn't the kick/ 808 be more prominent to drive the beat and groove?
  12. garybrun

    River's Bend

    Very nice. My kind of music
  13. garybrun


    Mix is fine.. We all paint different pictures... its a little monotonous for me. Needs more to keep ones attention. Well done.
  14. To be honest not my kind of music. The mix separation is great on the guitars. The rap you've got it ? We all pain different pictures.. but compression on the voice could be used a little more to make the vocal come forward and a little more understandable.
  15. garybrun

    Song For Ruth

    Very nice and moving composition.
  16. Like it. You cant beet the sound of a nice piano.
  17. garybrun


    Very well done. My only suggestion would be bring up the snare as well as the other drums. Vocals are spot on.
  18. garybrun

    The Song

    Thanks Andy. Appreciated.
  19. garybrun

    The Song

    Thanks so much for the comments... will check the feed back. We are on the up and up here in Norway as we are backing band to some very big names. Lot of time spending working out "stage presence" and how to go into a flowing concert with no breaks!! Arranging song order and instruments to cover cappo changes etc. Must admit I am loving it. The vocals are recorded on my Townsend mic. Love it.
  20. garybrun

    The Song

    Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. Gary
  21. garybrun

    The Song

    "The Song" performed by Hobo Train. Written by Thomas Wold - Lead Vocal. Its been a while. Here is our rough mix. I would value your thoughts as we are nearly there now. Many thanks. Gary
  22. Hi Pete. First time I ve listened to one of you tracks. I really like your voice. Gary
  23. The one thing I really appreciated about Cakewalk being free at the time was that the developers were not under pressure each year to bring out new features as if it was a paid version. Many bugs have been fixed in Cakewalk since Bandlab took over.
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