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Everything posted by SVSX

  1. How is this in comparison to TS64? I'm asking cause i try to not grow to big with plugins, that i dont use. Got already to many ?.
  2. SVSX

    Samplerate at 96k

    Thanks azslow for your knowledge. Crazy! I tried different VSTi's and some sounded similar, some had a huge a difference, like my example here from Vital synth. The other bad example i found was Kontakt 6 "Hybrid Keys 2" Library from Native Instruments. So i keep staying at either 44.1k or 48k and use 2x upsampling if needed. That way i dont get these frequencies.
  3. SVSX

    Samplerate at 96k

    If you are interested i have some pics taken from Span:
  4. SVSX

    Samplerate at 96k

    Thats interesting ? Do you know which one of these is the right sounding one? The 96k file or 44.1?
  5. SVSX

    Samplerate at 96k

    This is a Vital sound i've recorded as an example. 96k SampleRate.mp3 44.1k SampleRate.mp3
  6. SVSX

    Samplerate at 96k

    Hi folks, i allways was recording my stuff at 44.1k. After watching some videos about audio aliasing and folding back of overtones into the audible range, i've tried to set my samplerate to 96k. Now when i compare Kontakt 6 Hybrid Keys sound quality i can hear a big difference. Problem is that it shouldn't be that much of a difference, or am i wrong? Its extreme, so that you can see it on your spectrum analyzer. The bass sounds much louder and the frequency curves are much thicker, than on 44.1! Something seems to be wrong here. Whats the cause for this? Did someone have similar results? I'm working on a ESI Juli@ PCI interface btw. Maybe its converters cannot reproduce higher samplerates right?
  7. If you are a longtime Cakewalk user, you could own the Pro Channel 4k Expander/Gate which is awesome.
  8. THX everyone involved in this software, for your awesome work. Cakewalk ist still my no.1 DAW!
  9. Thanks for your explanation! Interesting. ?
  10. Whats going on with these Analog Obsession plugins? I've heard something about them, that they are containing malware in the installer. Is that true? On the other side the snake oil guy on youtube reviewed some plugins from AO and was amazed about them. Are these things trustworthy?
  11. I've got some issues to with SampleTank 4 CS. This month i bought some ST soundpacks due to the 25th anniversary buy and when im closing my ST4 window CnB just shouts down. I tried some settings, till i found that it saved my root folder 2 times. After i deleted the second folder it was working again... But sometimes it happens again, regardless. I dont know why this happens, but at least its not everytime im closing the ST4 plugin window now. IK Instruments are really buggy, i also had some issues with Miroslav 2.
  12. I dont have other DAW's for a comparison, but my i5 750 (first gen iCore) is overclocked to 4 GHz and runs beautifully with Cakewalk on Win10. So CnB seems to be not so heavy on CPU. With 16 Gigs of Ram i can use plenty VSTi's and FX, without having issues. My only bottleneck i ever had, was when some plugins needed GPU reccources. I bought an used GT1030 and everything runs fine again.^^
  13. VX and PX 64 are still included, but you have to unlock them manually in the plugin manager. They are under the hidden plugins menu.
  14. That would explain a lot. I'm not home, but i wanna do some testing, when i'm back.
  15. I' using Sonitus Plugins extensively, because the're awesome. No need to throw them out. They're not going to get suddenly broken just for beeing old. DX is still supported and backwards compatible, as long they are 64Bit everything is fine. ?
  16. I've got the newest version and my DX Plugins are still there ? Maybe try to rescan in Plugin Manager?
  17. Some years ago, i discovered a issue in combination with UAD Plugins, where my rendered tracks had crackles too. I used to render in fast mode. When i switched to realtime rendering, my issues where gone. Later i found out, that it has to do with the checkmark "Sonar compatibility mode" wich i had enabled. Now everything is fine. Maybe your problem is related to this?
  18. I'm sorry, i thought you meant master matching.
  19. I think you mean TDR Nova? Yes its free, versatile and holds up well against commercial plugins. Highly recomended!
  20. I agree with abacab, besides Dimension Pro 1.5 (still working without issues on my system) wich has even now really good sounds available. Same for Pentagon, Zeta 2 and Rapture Pro. I am using them on almost every project. But you are right, if you cant use them, you have many options, even if you are looking for feebies only. ?
  21. SVSX


    If you installed the newer FX and Instrument Suites since SPlat or CnB, everything is DX 64Bit or VST. I'm loving my Sonitus FX btw. still usefull tools^^
  22. Wasn't Beatscape supposed to be a sampler back in Sonar 8? I am not sure, cause i was using allways Battery 3 for my drums, but why not taking this as a starting point? Off course i dont know, if Bandlab has the source code for the older Roland software.
  23. Yeah, its awesome for stereo widening. I'm using it for adlibs for example.
  24. Have you tried the "Flat White" theme from Colin Nicholls? Looks awesome and minimalistic, although ist a bright theme.
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