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Everything posted by SVSX

  1. Everything was working good (IK Sampletank, Miroslav, Syntronik Libs, Dimension Pro, XLN AD2 and many more) with exception of Spitfire LABS/BBC. Tried the repair and relocate function, it startet processing data but wasn't usable after it went "installed". Besides that, i had a bad experience with older Kontakt 2 Librarys (Ethno World 4, Complete Classical Collection 2, Galaxy Steinway, and Drums Overkill) whitch dind't include the .nicnt file. Native Acces 2 cannot locate Librarys without this file. So i had to install Native Access 1 to let it locate my data. Could not figure out a different way to do it manually. When i kontakted the support team they basically told me i should try to kontact my library supplier and bye. FU Native Instruments! Oh and i had to redownload 65 GB of my Independence 3 Pro Library through Magix website again, because the Magix DLM coudn't recognize my existing folder correctly... So i dont know what to think about all of this... Some day it seems that many expensive and important librarys will not work anymore, whitch upsets me, cause i still use them and paid a good amount of money for their crap.
  2. Bought VCL 864U, VCL 4, VPRE 376 whitch adds a nice flavour on my voice, and VREV 305 (awesome!) I think that was the best Black Friday deal 2022 .
  3. I recently installed my new PC and just wanted to use the library from my old SSD. I couln't get it running and had to redownload the whole LABS library again... Spitfire is awesome, but their management app is crap!
  4. Ok, now i know whats going on here ?. THX i found a thread on UA forums, where this question came up. So its intended to check in with UA Connect. An UA employee there mentioned, that some users are unistalling UAC after authorizing, or that you can leave it as it is and it doesn't take CPU cycles away. I'll be looking further and decide how i handle it.
  5. Hey guys, i installed some native versions of UAD lately and noticed, that everytime i start my PC and load a project with UAD X plugins included, UA Connect starts too and does a online check. Is this necessary? Cause i have my iLok stick connected with them and UA Connect takes some RAM (i hate unnecessary usage, even if i got enough). Tried to deaktivate Universal Aufio Helper on Services and on Startup menu, but it still loads.
  6. SVSX


    Is there a reason for deleting your account?
  7. Yes to both! THX Craig, cann't wait to read the next chapters of these books.
  8. THX guys, it seems to be my mouse. Tried a different model and this one was working flawless. There arent dedicated drivers for my mouse (Microsoft Wireless 5000), just HID conform mousedrivers. Everything else ist workig fine, so i'll turn knobs on CW with mousedragging and leave it as it is. Thank you all for your help.
  9. I changed these settings, but it did nothing for me. And the problem happens only on the Cakewalk faders, sends and knobs. Plugins, even the Cakewalk ones like TL64 or Sonitus are working fine.
  10. Hi guys, i bought a new PC and installed Win 11 as my OS. Now everything is working fine, but on Cakewalk i found out, that my mousewheel isn't working correctly. Normally i could do very fine wheel adjustments on buttons and faders, but not anymore. Now i have to turn it fast to react and it isn't doing fine movements, more like jumping around. I loaded some plugins to check, if it is the same behaviour there, but it's not. Tried Cakewalk 09.2022 and Sonar Platinum, both are acting the same way. On Windows its scrolling fine. For your info, i didn't change my mouse, its still the Microsoft Wireless 5000. What could be the cause for this?
  11. SVSX

    Old versions

    Wait, how is it handled? If the original Cakewalk team is working for BandLab under the Cakewalk brand, how aren't they owning them? Maybe they own Cakewalk but not Sonar. Are you sure about this?
  12. VX64 is still awesome. Deesser is meh on it, but the Compander is really good. I also dial a little bit of saturation on my mid EQ band witch gives it more grittyness and the Doubler/Delay is nice. Delay is on almost every project from me. You guys know, that new Cakewalk users have to enable it on hidden plugins in the manager? Cannot recommend it enough. PX64 too btw.!
  13. THX, do you have some mainboard recommendations for a tighter budget? About 200-300 Dollar?
  14. Hey Jim i've got a question: What mainboard chipset do you recommend for a intel K CPU (i'm considering to buy 12600K) Z690, H670 or B660? I'm asking cause many are saying that you don't need a K CPU without Z690, but i want just the better performance compared to non K, without manual overclocking. Or are they running like a non K without the Z690 chipset?
  15. Saw this to late, but this was my initial thought when i read your post. Had the same issue and was searching for solutions, after i discovered the copy path, i tried to delete one of these and no problems since then.
  16. SVSX

    FR: Repack.

    With the coding i meant the programmcode, not sound quality. Square1 is running stable on my PC despite 32 bit, Pentagon though is not. I think it has to do with it beeing a DXi plugin. The compatibility isn't that good with newer systems.
  17. SVSX

    FR: Repack.

    Thats true, but i could imagine it needs knowledge of the original code to implement these in a good way. Never give up though, i think Pentagon and Square where awesome synths, so who knows.
  18. SVSX

    FR: Repack.

    Pentagon and Square are from RGC Audio and i think the original programmer isn't with Cakewalk anymore. Besides that, is Pentagon an old DXi plugin which is dead nowadays. If at all either Rapture, Zeta2 (actually that one is from RGC Audio too) or something completely new whould be the better option.
  19. Do you have your old cakewalk.com account? Or Command Center, there are all your license keys.
  20. Have you considered the i5 12400f? Its a 6C/12T CPU with plenty of power but low TDP. And with an Asus B660 Mainboard you can do BCLK OC'ing. My old PC starts to power off ramdomly, so i'm starting to look for a new System. I'll just keep my GT1030, Noctua U14S and my Old Case. The 12400 seems to be a good candidate.
  21. Oh, i can't wait ? THX @ the team for your continuous work!
  22. @Paul H, i'm not doubting you about this, sorry if it sounded like that. I tried to point out, that even if its not that efficient as Reaper, its running generaly pretty good and stable. I'm running a 50-Track mixing project for example with over 100 FX instances wihout issues on my 14 year old i5 750 cpu (OC'd at 3.9 GHz on all 4 cores) and 16GB Ram. Many CPU draining FX with OS activated where it is necessary and still some room to breathe. Compared to Sonar X1 its running much much smoother now. So the thread poster can surely use it as his main DAW, nothing speaks against it ?.
  23. Noel mentioned that in case of a server shutdown, they'll allow users to authorize it without online checking. I'm trusting them to use some kind of free key we can use forever.
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