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Posts posted by craigb

  1. As James already knows from Beyond My DAW, you guys ought to check out the Mystery.  The best prog band from Canada you've never heard of!  (They formed in 1986!) The guitarist/founder was definitely a fan or Rush.  I can't stop listening to their entire discography...

    Here's just one of their albums that's a personal favorite plucked from the middle of their collection:


  2. 1 hour ago, Kenny Wilson said:

    Say don't feel too bad about that one my friend . All the apartments in the Ghetto of The Bronx where I'm from didn't have basements either .




    PS ,  After 25 years of therapy I have found the root of all my emotional problems .

    The freaky thing is it was right there staring me in the face the whole time .

    I had found an old photo album of when I was a baby and I saw the evidence with my own two eyes . My mama couldn't afford a proper Teddy Bear for me when I was a baby so she had gotten me a fluffy  skunk called Pepe Le Pew instead of a Teddy Bear ....It hurts Man It HURTS ....my first nick name was Stinky and this whole experience seems to have scarred  me for Life ....thankfully I found The Guitar and it has been all downhill ever since .

    And now you live in Vantucky!  It's a logical progression!  ?


    My Mom's at that age (will be 90 in May) where she's reliving old memories (what I get for having her take supplements that help remove brain fog!  LOL).  She was just relating to me yesterday how I would stand at the edge of my playpen and sing like crazy.  Apparently the Double-Mint Chewing Gum commercial was a favorite...  Then, when my voice changed as I got older, it put me right in the middle of octaves and the singing stopped, but I would doodle on a piano at every given chance.  I just wish they could have afforded to give me lessons (on anything musical!) - actually, it was the instrument itself they couldn't afford since I was already costing them an arm and a leg with my sporting endeavors.  I didn't discover guitar until late at a friend's house in Junior High.

    • Like 1
  3. I didn't reply because I just thought you were trolling.  If you play guitar, then you should be able to tell that JF's playing was no where's near average by any comparison.  I have no credentials like Kenny, but I did play in a band with Craig Goldy (Ronnie James Dio's godchild who played with Guifria and Dio), and I used to hang out with Walter Trout and Eddie Van Halen down in So. Cal.  I can tell the difference between average and above.  Most guitarists would give their left nut to play as well as JF did in those videos.


    But (I guess), that's just my opinion.


    • Like 2
    • Meh 1
  4. That's what you get for posting in the wrong forum! ;)

    The primary people who worked with Cakewalk from the beginning and kept the original forums going for years are exactly the ones that aren't really wanted around here any more.

    • Like 1
  5. And, one from the Mystery (these are just the first two examples that came to mind):

    The world is a game

    Do you know what we think of your attitude?
    Open your eyes

    Do you feel all the fear that shadowed their eyes?
    And all that remains of their lives

    And so the world is a game
    And I'm just a pawn in your hand

    You hold the world in your hand
    Like a child with a Ball
    Do you realize?

    You point a finger then you say
    One word and we fall
    But who's the winner after all

    And so the world is a game
    The Joy and the pain of our time

    Remember these pawns all have names
    The rules are the same in their lives

    In the end
    All you need is our gratitude
    We shut our eyes

    And so the world is a game

    Working on the grand design
    For some it almost feels Divine
    Sipping the last drop of their wine
    For this world is just a game

    Standing in the line of fire
    The heroes' flags flying high
    Waving way above their pride
    Can anyone win that game?

    The world is a game

    And so the world is a game
    The Joys and the pains of our time

    When you reap the loss and the gain
    Then all that remains is our lives
    ...is our lives

    And so the world is a game
    The Joys and the pains of our time

    When you reap the loss and the gain
    Then all that remains is our time
    ...is our time

    The world is a game

  6. Here's an idea of what I meant by lyrics from Kansas or the Mystery.

    This is Kansas' "The Wall"

    [Verse 1]
    I'm woven in a fantasy
    I can't believe the things I see
    The path that I have chosen now
    Has led me to a wall
    And with each passing day
    I feel a little more like something dear was lost

    It rises now before me
    A dark and silent barrier between

    All I am
    And all that I would ever want to be
    It's just a travesty

    Marking off the boundaries my spirit
    Would erase

    [Verse 2]
    To pass beyond is what I seek
    I fear that I may be too weak
    And those are few who've seen it through
    To glimpse the other side
    The promised land is waiting
    Like a maiden that is soon to be a bride

    [Pre Chorus]
    The moment is a masterpiece
    The weight of indecision's in the air

    Standing there
    The symbol and the sum of all that's me
    It's just a travesty

    Blocking out the light and blinding me
    I want to see

    [Bridge - Instrumental]

    [Guitar Solo]

    [Verse 3]
    Gold and diamonds cast a spell
    It's not for me, I know it well
    The riches that I seek are waiting
    On the other side
    There's more than I can measure
    In the treasures of the love that I can find

    [Pre Chorus]
    And though it's always been with me
    I must tear down the wall and let it be

    All I am
    And all that I was ever meant to be
    In harmony

    Shining true
    And smiling back at all who wait to cross
    There is no loss

  7. 35 minutes ago, Jyotishvarii said:

    Craig  This is partly my fault going off the deep end in public and egging brother John to explain things that are completely outside the radar but I could not resist

    These obscure questions and answers deal with the real practice of yoga This is not the incense choking parlor scene with middle aged moms in spandex trying to limber themselves and chant in Swahili  There is no religion only science involved Those that understand the science are few and far between and more precious than any wealth to be had  They are our teachers and benefactors if there is the eye to see and the ear to listen

    By chance I found a similar soul in beer drinking John  For my life I have carried a treasure that cannot be shared with neighbors with PTA members with fraternal orders of this and that  My husband Eric is the touchstone of American family responsibility but his eyes glaze over and he tunes me out when I get a metaphysics attack  I would not be surprised if John bears the same frustration  Was it George Harrison who said  Look at you all see the Love there that's sleeping  While my guitar gently weeps

    Hey John  We can carry this conversation offline or continue here for the glorious irritation of it all



    Oh no! There's absolutely no need to take this offline!  This is the Coffee House and we need the rare intellectual thread!  I'm guessing you joined after BandLab took over, that's about when I quit going to the old forum, but I went down the metaphysics path a few times in my 41,000+ threads in the original forum.  I may be a (VERY) long time IT guy, but my PhD work was in the close-to-woo-woo field of Hypnotherapy.  I've done Prana yoga, am a third-degree Reiki Master Healer, am certified in Accelerated Learning and have an array of FDA-illegal experimental medical devices (along with some they allow consumers to own, like light & sound machines).

    I certainly have no issue with metaphysics.

    Of course, I'm also a musician nerd with my own sense of humor so there is that to deal with!  LOL.  :)

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