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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Here's where it came from. (I've had this for several years.)
  2. Facebook needs a mask.
  3. "Plug-ins" Ends Needless Inane Scrolling.
  4. I'm combating this by buying more lights.
  5. She said "can't." Now, if she had said "may not," I would agree with you! ?
  6. The three weather forecasts for Seattle: - About to mist - Misting - Just finished misting ?
  7. Foolish Pleasure with Craig Goldy on lead (he went on right after that to start Guiffria then onto Dio - Ronnie was his Godfather). BOC used their original name Soft White Underbelly.
  8. We still had quite a bit of smoke up in the air out here from the fires that are still burning...
  9. Bond. The only spy who had a better chance of dying due to an STD than from bullets! ?
  10. [shameless plug] And we opened for them on December 9th, 1984 at the Bachanal in San Diego. They were very laid back guys. ? [/shameless plug]
  11. I take that as a challenge! ?
  12. (This should be the playlist for their whole new album, Mind Over Matter.)
  13. Taupe? Can you get Mauve or Fuchsia? (Personally, I think Atomic Tangerine would be the bomb!)
  14. It's about LIVING, not just having a pulse...
  15. Being a nerd, I have fond memories of MIT grad KatieKatie too! ? And I can't believe you forgot this one!!! ? "Everything you made was taxable by TheBouy, LTD." Then there's Sharke and the Beepster and... ? Ok, now I'm depressed! Heck, just one year ago, I was active in five forums, four of which I'd been on for over 20 years (moderator on three). In just about a month, that number will be down to ONE... ? Wow, 2020 has REALLY been a shitty year!!!
  16. "I always wonder if those marriage proposals from the Coffee House boys were serious!" ~ Carissa Swenson probably
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