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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Nah, Gary's is obviously PhotoShopped! ?
  2. I love how he embraces and utilizes even the silliest ideas. I can see the thought train as something like this: Ok, I need some new material... *think, think, think...* [Stupid idea that most would discard] Hmm... wait, we can just use that as long as I make fun of myself at the end! ?
  3. Someplace for the bass player to crash? (Drummers are fine on the floor.) ?
  4. That was nice and a bit different! But I feel the need to get Dean's pro status verified... I mean, does he even own an Alembic? ?
  5. I've heard of foot fetishes, but that's taking things a bit too far IMO! ?
  6. Proper Equipment Necessitates Intense Showing!
  7. I'm guessing you didn't know about the Mooch-Cam either, eh?
  8. If he did that, he might as well pull in the tip jar too!
  9. Proof that the proper coffee WILL get you moving! ?
  10. I love a girl that can talk dirty! ?
  11. Oh, c'mon guys! Next you'll be saying that post count actually matters! ?
  12. To be fair, it said it was brave, not useful Paulo! ?
  13. I certainly don't see a problem with that here! ?
  14. Oh, I like that! I've been using "It rhymes with orange." as a stock reply to stupid questions for a long time, but no one has ever said it doesn't before! ?
  15. Just don't kill Bapu's fun thread with this B.S., 'K?
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