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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Way to go Ed. Start the rumor that cats taste like becan and the results would not be good! ?
  2. Got a new batch for ya! ? Might be a repeat or two, deal with it! ?
  3. This post should be reported to the mods! What a mean thing to say! I wouldn't wish Budwiper on anyone! (?) I've had beer in 18 different countries and, still, Bud is the worst stuff I've ever tasted. Best marketed? Maybe. But horrible none-the-less. Then there's the light variety along with it's equally useless "competition" Miller Light, Coors Light, etc. We like to call these s3x on the Beach (because they're f****** close to water! ?).
  4. Just low enough to reach a beer from the floor? ?
  5. Well, they DO make better points than you guys are! ?
  6. Once I got the obvious out of my head (only because the camera focused elsewhere! ?), I must say that is some tasty guitar playing! Then I saw that one gratuitous shot of the bass player and noticed he's playing an Epiphone Jack Casady bass! At one time (thanks to the Cure's bass player) I was on the hunt for a hollow-body bass and the Casady was one of the two I considered (and probably should have gotten). The other was an Ecclestone similar to what the Cure's bass player actually used. However, after talking with Richard himself (Ecclestone), the instrument was going to be waaaaay more than what I was going to use it for! Many thousands of dollars (sure, they're custom, but I'd rather get more custom guitars instead).
  7. Maybe someone got this forum confused with the one that's discontented? ?
  8. Wow, how did she manage to pi55 off a drummer??! ? ?
  9. It came up on my YouTube algorithm feed. Probably not for the music, but I'm sure some of you will appreciate that too! ?
  10. I like the concept of an autograph book! Not sure why I've never heard of one before. Typically the dolt just signs whatever you're holding so you're stuck having to keep that object if you want to keep the autograph. This is a much better (and longer lasting) keepsake. ? My favorite autograph would have to be that of Eric Bristow MBE - Dart World Champion (x5). Why? Because it was on the back of the tournament card after I beat him in the mid-80's! ?? At first he refused to sign it since he felt it was disrespectful that some "nobody Yank" would beat him even though I did average 14-dart legs over the entire match and he missed three darts at double 16 to win the match! His fan-boys and the tournament Director eventually talked him into playing by the rules, unfortunately the same Director wouldn't allow me to keep the card... Oh yeah, and ESPN filmed us warming up than wandered off before the match started! Bastages! That's one film I would have loved to have had.
  11. Stay strong Bill! (And, just to help, can we have your becan so it doesn't spoil? Seeing as you won't be able to have it and all. Just 'sayin... ?)
  12. It's a good thing you're not Bapu or that might be called Sax Ed! ?
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