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Everything posted by craigb

  1. In times like this, I've found a proper beer helps. (Please note that I didn't say it would resolve the issue! ?)
  2. No problem! I'm always thinking of me! ?
  3. Jim Roseberry (member and owner of Studio Cat / Purrrfect Audio ) has written about this several times here. I'll see if I can find one of the posts (and, maybe, Jim can jump in for an answer too!).
  4. Hmm... What's a synonym for Thesaurus anyway? ?
  5. Heh, I used to live in So. Cal. right near El Toro air base! Yeah, we've got your helicopters! *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!* *WHOP!!!*
  6. I feel like I've seen this déjà vu before! ?
  7. Too bad Roger Waters and Bono don't get that! ?
  8. It's a real SQL Server database, but the part that will be intensive will be taking thousands of rows for each of over 4,000 objects, making mathematically different copies that get stored back to the database (same table, different "type"), then doing that once more before comparing each of these final objects to each other. That's part one. The next part will first create a similar amount of data (but for about a dozen different types of objects). These will be combined in a few different ways (some are still TBD), then each of these will also get compared to each of the original 4,000 objects! If this phase produces results, the next one will have millions of rows for many of those objects. Funny you should mention about spreadsheets and flat files not being databases. I once had a manager who "thought" he knew what he was talking about (LMAO!) and he would definitely call any collection of data a database!
  9. If only more people would read that and GET what he was saying!
  10. Now I've got that one stuck in my head...
  11. The radio stations hated that so many of us would call in to have them play this because of how long it was! ? Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and Heart's Dreamboat Annie were the only two 8-track tapes I ever owned. You gotta love when the tape fades out mid-song and switches to the next track to continue it! SMH...
  12. Past due for a Bill check! Are you surviving Mr. Bayou? ?
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