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Everything posted by craigb

  1. And I just did a Google search to discover that Beth wasn't even a wife or girlfriend to Peter, but to his guitarist in a band called Chelsea. Go figure!
  2. Ha! I'm LMAO. ? The two replies before my U2 entry weren't there before I hit Submit Reply, yet the video still works. Yay! ?
  3. U2 - With Or Without You (Nigel's favorite band! ? )
  4. (Probably beating Wibbles to this one! ? ) KLF - Justified and Ancient
  5. Love And Rockets - Yin and Yang (The Flowerpot Man)
  6. Can't help but be reminded of this little band that had a few OK guitarists in it... ?
  7. From the business side I agree, but the thing that drives me crazy as a user is not being able to use a tool at all if I'm not subscribed. Maybe some kind of hybrid approach where, if you want to create new stuff and use the latest and greatest, then you subscribe but, for a small, one-time fee, you can also use an older version that only has limited abilities? I keep Photoshop CS6 installed on my computer just for this reason. It was the last version that you could pay for and own. Am I missing out on lots of new features, compatibility and bug-fixes that I would get if I subscribed? Probably, but for occasional use there's no way I could justify paying for this monthly!
  8. Another man walked into his house and broke his nose...
  9. Is Lydia his wife? Did Beth get ticked off that he was playing with the guys all night long?
  10. How about something from A Taste of Honey?
  11. Yep... Just popped in here to post about this. ? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/11/arts/music/jeff-beck-dead.html
  12. *Pfft!* It's the mixing board that's the most important! ? (If you want to make gold records that is! ?)
  13. Read that band name wrong at first glance... ?
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