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jono grant

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Everything posted by jono grant

  1. Hey there, when I update my UAD software to latest version, the "Neve 33609" compressor has been updated... all good except they changed the name to 33609c and Cakewalk doesn't open the plugin in any older session that have the original 33609 plugin. I think simply because of the name. (Which can't be renamed, doesn't work) Anyhow, I've gone to UAD tech support and of course no one has that problem... is it a Cakewalk issue? Anyone have a solution or work-around? I keep having to roll back my UAD version which is not what I want to do. Please help! Thanks Jono @msmcleod
  2. Annoying, yes! I think you have to cut/paste or cut/paste special to include envelopes etc
  3. Hmmm. In Sound Forge, you select one bar and go to edit tempo and say how many beats are selected, it does the math. I thought there must be something in Cakewalk that can do it as efficiently. Perhaps audio snap or something. There really should be a simple plugin for that. I have on for iphone that creates a tempo map etc.
  4. Hey, is there anything I can use within Cakewalk that will tell me the tempo of an existing clip? I usually bring it into sound forge and do it there but wondered if there was something I could use in Cakewalk. Thanks Jono
  5. I'll try to reproduce the issue and send a small bundle file. I know that consolidating the clips or trimming would prevent this, but sometimes you want to keep the clips un-bounced for various reasons. Like you might not wish to commit something. I only mentioned it as I don't remember it happening in the past. I rarely use the process/apply effect methods much anymore as there are so many ways of doing things nowadays. Cheers
  6. Hi, I've noticed a bug in Cakewalk, where you select multiple clips, apply a gain effect, and get crazy distorted or missing clips after. If you do them one at a time the problem doesn't occur. The clips I've noticed often have clip fades on them. Anyone else get this?
  7. I've got most of this info in my brain now, a few things I didn't know. The main thing I'm wondering is: How to get audio snap to put so many random, poor markers, right in the middle of a transient. Not even sure why it decides to put them there. It would certainly help to find a way to add the marker in a better place.
  8. Thanks for the info Clovis, such a great feature! Though, by the time I go through and correct all the weird markers etc. it's close to the time that it takes to do it manually. I will dig in and find out what I can. Just trying to get it to work better. Cheers JG
  9. Hi, Is there a place one can go to adjust the settings of how Cakewalk will "Split clips at audio snap pool"? Audio snap puts it's markers at the peak of the transient, I feel like that's not the best split-point when trying to quantize real drum multitracks. Also, after splitting, it seems to put crossfades but they don't cross, so there are gaps all over the place. Wondering if I can tweak any settings to get this working better? Thanks J
  10. Thanks everybody, gonna try all these things! Cheers
  11. Thanks! I think I need to figure out how to do #2 method... I'll give it a shot.
  12. PS. I see that groove clip looping can do this but the quality is terrible in comparison. Is there a way to get better quality out of groove clips, similar to the quality of the audio snap algorithms? Thanks J
  13. Hey there, I have a problem I need to solve. I'm using audio snap on a full song mix, I set it to (set project tempo from clip) after that, I set it to (clip follows project) and at that point is make make a simple tempo map and the audio follows it really nicely. (using the Radius mix algorithm) All good! My problem is: Now I need to deliver the track but I need to do a split mix vocal and music separate. When I try to do this, the vocal track doesn't follow correctly, it's all crazy. I assume because it can only do (set project tempo from clip) properly from the music track and that the vocal is different in that regard. Is there a way for the vocal track to follow the tempo map the same way as the music is? Difficult to explain this, but if anyone has a clue I'd be very grateful! Thanks Jono @msmcleod
  14. Hi, Cakewalk added "all external inputs" I don't know what this is, but it goes to the top of the list when I go to choose a midi input on a track. I have to go in and choose a different input all the time. Is there a way to get rid of it? I can't easily find any info on it...
  15. Hi, there's a little button (X) up in the transport "mixdown audio window" that will cancel a render if started. There is a bug with it that sometimes it disappears during a render and you can't stop the render (even by hitting escape). Annoying when you start to render a long file nd realize there's a problem You can't stop it and have to wait until the render completes. This is a bug. Jono
  16. I disabled some other midi devices to test and got my keyboard controller working again. Something in the new update is messing things up though. I see some new features. Something in inputs now called "External" Not sure what that is yet. Thanks J
  17. Hi, I just installed the latest Cakewalk update. Now I have no midi input. Settings are the same Please help! Thanks Jono
  18. Hi, I have a file with the synth "Nerve" by xfer. I try to turn up one of the pads, like the kick drum. Soon as I hit play cakewalk seems to be telling it to turn back down to where it was. It's driving me nuts! There is no volume envelope or anything, it just keeps resetting. The track volume it at 127. When this happens in Kontakt, I open the instrument options and tell it to ignore standard controllers for midi and pan and it seems to let go of Kontakt and allows me to adjust a volume. This is so annoying. Anyhow, nerve doesn't have the same option that I can see, so for the life of me I can't turn up this kick drum. Any advice out there? (PS, I can't reload the Nerve drum patch because the program doesn't show what preset is loaded. Really poorly designed plug. But it sounds good and I need it...) Please help! Thanks Jono
  19. How is this different than bouncing the track? Just wondering... Thanks!
  20. Hi there, I can't seem to get Melodyne to auto scroll with the timeline in cakewalk. Does it do that? Is there some setting I need to change? Thanks Jono
  21. Gonna try a new template first. I was able to add synths randomly before... not sure why that changed. Perhaps the new template will not have that behavior. I'll post my result. Thanks Jono
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