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jono grant

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Everything posted by jono grant

  1. No, most productions run video at 23.97 fps now. Not a typo. I'm a film/TV composer. It's been the norm for more than a decade. It started with animation but now everything I get sent is at 23.97. I haven't changed my frame rate in years. And I check on every project. Just in case. I've had issues in the past where I've worked at 29.97 and realize it's actually 23.97. In that case you can save your cues if they all get exported to start ON the second, rather than at a certain frame. It won't be frame accurate but it will line up as each second goes by. Don't know why I went into that but, what the heck? Still can't find what markers and pasting is snapping to in Cakewalk. There should be a way to work "wild" and not on any grid. J
  2. Not sure where I'm locked to smpte. The markers aren't locked to smpte. I'm working with a film that is at 23.97 fps. My sync is set to audio. (sync to my UAD sound card) I should be able to put a marker or paste a clip to any sample, no? Is there a way to do that? (I can drag a clip anywhere, it's when I'm pasting or adding a marker. Thanks J
  3. Trying to figure out what would cause this. If I snap TO a clip, it snaps perfectly. If I place a marker there, the marker is not accurate. Like it's snapping to some other grid. Also, when I try to cut/paste or cut/paste special, when I paste the data to my cursor, it's not perfect!!! It's off by several samples. Similar to the amount that the marker is off. I don't have zero crossings selected. Why would this happen? What is it snapping to? PS. If I paste TO a marker, it will paste to the marker, but the marker won't go where I want it! ? (no tempo changes in the session) Please help!! Thanks Jono
  4. msmcleod's post above worked in 2 seconds. Set all clips to absolute time and then lock them.
  5. That worked! Thanks! I should have asked that question 20 years ago...lol
  6. Hello! I'm in a film score, having to move a large file of audio, midi, envelopes etc. into a new position to match picture. Everything is in sync and now I'd like to set measure/beat at now so that the bars/beats line up with the newly positioned score. When I do this, it works, however it uses tempo to make the first bar line up to your cursor. So the clips that follow that position shift out of sync. I know if I consolidate everything to the start of the file, it will work fine. But in this case I can't consolidate yet. I have too much work to do on the file. long story, it's a lot of tracks/clips/layers. I tried locking the clips position/data but that didn't help. Any way to do this "set measure/beat at now" and keep the clips as they are positioned? Thanks Jono
  7. Hey there. If I export a standard midi file, let's say one instrument. A flute for instance. Tempo is 95 bpm When I re-import that midi file into a score program, in this case Sibelius, the tempo shows as: 94.9999999955566 or something like that. It's never the exact tempo I had set in Cakewalk. What could cause that?
  8. Ran the new cakewalk update, curious why the program's ".exe" file, has no icon? Usually does.
  9. Andres, with the H264, do you get the Cakewalk issue where it adds some padding at the file beginning, resulting in your exported audio being a little late? (Not late within Cakewalk but late when you export for other platforms) Curious, I've had that issue with any QT or MP4 video since version post Sonar 8. Good to know that H264 might have less CPU load
  10. Wondering that myself. I have startup items disabled except my sound card and VPN. Yet, huge list! I'll look into that. Thanks!
  11. Really? I knew it was like that for wave clips, didn't know about midi clips! Cool! Thanks
  12. Hi, curious if there are any video buffs out there who might shed some light on something. Without getting too detailed in explanation. In Cakewalk, when a quicktime or mp4 video is inserted, "pads" the video file somehow. Everything works fine within Cakewalk, but when you export your audio (for delivery) the audio you exported contains a small amount of time added, caused by the padding that was associated with the .mov or mp4 file. I've done zillions of tests and been back and forth on this forum trying to figure out a way around it without any success. - Okay, that's the quick backstory... *Very occasionally, I will get a QT or MP4 from someone, that WORKS! I opened the "media info" on a file someone recently sent me that worked, and I exported out the info tree. I'll post below. Curious if anyone can see anything in the specs that might give a clue to why it works but others don't. I'd like to ask for this spec when getting new video files from other editors. Or at least try to resave a video myself with these specs that will also work. Not having much luck trying to recreate it using Vegas video or handbrake. This info would help others that have the same issue inside cakewalk. Anyhow, not sure if this attached image will shed any light on the subject or not. Thanks. Jono
  13. Thanks, I got some better results raising the i/o buffers in cakewalk. I'll look into the overclocking, I didn't set that up but I can ask the bloke who did. Certain video files I have running in CW can slow things down as well. Cakewalk isn't great when running certain video codecs. Track and synth freezing is great for sure. Some folks don't realize though, when composing a large score to a film, there are many tweaks being done constantly to most of the tracks, especially when there is experimentation going on. At the same time you are building a score you are also still writing the score. Time frame given to work on film and tv is incredibly short these days , it's not like you get everything ready beforehand and then just build it all at once. it can be a gradual process. Lastly. the UAD system is another element here. It's very mac-centric and running on Thunderbolt. I had less issues when running the UAD system with firewire 800. (Before did the mod to TB). J
  14. Thanks Mark. Ya, I'm using several instances of kontakt. Actually, increasing Cakewalk's i/o buffers helped overcome the power reading in task manager, suggested by a user above. I'll play around with the multi-processor settings in kontakt as well. so far, the problem seems better though. Thanks
  15. Hey man, what's with your anger? You don't understand AT ALL what I said. Anyhow, I don't have time for idiot trolls. I know how to freeze an f'in soft synth. You sound like a deranged idiot on Twitter.
  16. Hi, I'm trying to freeze a section of a soft synth track but it freezes from the beginning of the session. (which is long) Is it possible to freeze a section/region, or do you have to freeze the entire timeline? Thanks JG
  17. I would freeze things if I could. I need to get at each and every track too often to deal with freeze/unfreeze. Purging samples in Kontakt help. I'm also going to try some of the midi setting ideas above and will report back. Thanks! J
  18. Everything I close/disable, helps in some way. Probably about 60 tracks in the project. I could have a session with tons of audio and plugs and it's okay (UAD DSP) - I imagine i could have a fair amount of midi tracks but mixed with audio/video/plugs, I think that's where it starts to get bogged down. Yes - not using anywhere near my RAM, but seems to act like ceiling for some reason. Like in the old days of Win XP, you could have 16 GB of RAM but windows would only allow 4GB to be used at one time. I know modern windows can use all it's RAM but still strage. Just trying to figure out where the bottle neck might be. All the meters show reasonable load except "power" being very high when using plugins/midi and moderately high when only midi. It's the only thing I see in the red so to speak. happy to upgrade, just not sure what!
  19. Well, that's the thing, no, I'm getting dropouts while trying to record new midi. I don't think it's overheating, I'll check in the bios. I just have so much going on in the file. Large libraries loaded and running live, video file playing, plugin city (although disabled) It's a tv score/musical. *Basically, at a certain point, after adding more midi, it can't handle it. Task manager is just telling me of the problem. I wondered if doubling the RAM and getting a bigger power supply would help. i'll check the temp j
  20. NVIDIA Quadro P4000 Tons of services running but nothing using very much resources.
  21. I've tried all different ones. I usually mix at 2048 and track at 128. I have plugins disabled, so I assume it's all the midi stuff going on.
  22. Hi, I have a session with a lot of midi tracks running some fairly large samples. Even with all plugins disabled and buffers set higher than I'd like, I'm getting freezes and stops when trying to record additional midi. In task manager, Cakewalk shows CPU: 7.2% Memory: 13,778.20 Power usage: VERY HIGH I have 64 GB RAM. (Is it too little?) How can i fix the VERY HIGH power usage? Bigger power supply? Or is there another factor causing that? Any help appreciated! Thanks Jono
  23. Got it to work with copy paste special. It would be cool if you could export a tempo map that could be imported by an import command.
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