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jono grant

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Everything posted by jono grant

  1. The problem here is resolved. It was that Cakewalk's default render bit depth somehow got got changed to 64 bit rather than 24 bit. Melodyne obviously couldn't deal with the 64 bit files. That's why newly imported files into Cakewalk would open in melodyne whereas if I bounced down first, they wouldn't open in melodyne because they would have been changed to 64 bit. J
  2. Every time I get an update from Cakewalk I fail to remember to go and save my basic.cwt, so it removes all the settings I carefully set up including a huge synth rack full of stuff. Cakewalk, give the user an option to keep their settings as they are, very annoying to have to re set up all that stuff. Or show a reminder to save your basic.cwt. !!!
  3. I had this issue. I changed the workspace to "none" and then it would just open up in the last state it was in with the rulers removed.
  4. Thanks! I do see tons of errors/critical problems in the list. I'd love to learn about what this stuff is and fix it all. On another note, my original problem is solved, the Realtek sound card on my motherboard was somehow enabled and should have been disabled. I can load up 96 kHz at 4096 if I need to now after disabling it. Cheers
  5. Thanks Bob. Yeah, I actually hate anti virus of any kind. I run Spybot manually every-so-often but don't have anything else running ever. This is just immediately crashing if I try to use 2048 buffer or anything higher than 1024. I wonder if it has to do with ram allotment or page file or something like that? J
  6. Hey, in the past, if cakewalk had a dropout and stopped the transport, I would get a notification down in the right hand corner of cakewalk. Now if I dropout, the notification doesn't appear. Is there some way I could have turned off notifications or something? I'd like to get more info on the dropout, like the code etc. How do I get the notifications back? Thanks Jono
  7. I have a ticket in to UAD for support on this, yes. I don't know much about crash dumps or event viewer or even how to access them. I am running the session at 1024 but I'll get the odd audio gap and wanted to try the next higher setting (2048)
  8. Hey there. I use UAD Apollos via thunderbolt. I have a very involved 96 kHz session that I would like to increase my buffer size of the UAD to 2048. However, if it try to set it there Cakewalk crashes. I see a message about Page fault in non page area on the blue screen of death. Any idea what's happening here? Is it RAM related? Thanks Jono
  9. Hi there, I'm bouncing a mix down internally in cakewalk. My session is at 96 kHz. At the end of the real-time render, I see cakewalk display a re-sample message "sample rate conversion" right before it draws out the wave form of the mix. Why would it be re-sampling anything if I'm using "bounce to tracks" ? I'm using a UAD system, everything is set to 96 kHz. Thanks Jono
  10. Thanks! I used to manage tools that way for sure. I just wondered if the tools editor thing did it. I don't see any instruction on how to remove stuff with it, only to add.
  11. No groove or rex file, just regular wave file. You can use Melodyne as a regional effect, as a bin effect or as a tool in the utilities menu. I like to use it as a tool for quick access. You don't have to play through the file etc. Still trying to figure it out
  12. It seems to be only certain wave files in the project that are getting refused by melodyne. What the heck?
  13. Not solved! I spoke too soon. Must be something else...will continue to hunt...man! J
  14. Solved! But still weird... It seems there was an instance of melodyne inserted into a track effects bin. It was powered off but still must have been causing the TOOLS version of Melodyne not to allow any waves to open. I removed the inserted plugin and then the melodyne tool allowed me to open waves. The things you learn! Jono
  15. Even more strange... I just tried to bring in a wave to melodyne and it wasn't accepted like I mention in the main post. BUT I tried exporting that wave out to my desktop, brought it back into Cakewalk and then it opens fine in Melodyne!!! Gonna check the permissions of these waves in the project audio folder but this is really weird! J
  16. Hi, I'm having a very strange problem. I use Melodyne as a tool in Cakewalk. (I also use it inside CW but often prefer to use it as a tool) Anyhow, I have this session and any wave file I try to bring into Melodyne through the utilities menu gets rejected. Either "can't open this tool clip" or "Can't open this sample type" or something to that effect. If Iexport the wave to my desktop, I can open it in Melodyne fine. If I make a new CW session and bring in some audio I can open it in the melodyne tool fine. If I bounce that clip in Cakewalk though, then it won't open in Melodyne, I get the message when I try to bring it in. Sample rates and bit depth are the same. I can't think of any other reason CW would be altering the wave file so that Melodyne won't accept it. Any ideas out there? Cheers
  17. Cool! How would I go about removing a program from the list? Cheers J
  18. Hi, I'd like to remove one of the editors I have in the Cakewalk utilities menu. I used scook's "tool editor" to put it there. Can I remove it using the tools editor as well or is there another way? Thanks Jono
  19. I'd like to be able to disable all comping mode features. I don't like being forced to cross-fade two clips, especially when they are on different lanes. If I set Cakewalk to something other than comp mode, it should remove that clip grouping feature. The only way to stop this behavior when it happens is to split one of the clips and delete the portion that touches another clip, then it becomes independent again. Shouldn't have to do all that. There should be a name for this feature and there should be a setting to turn it off. J
  20. I'm really hoping there is a way to disable it somehow! J
  21. I don't use that Override feature, it just happened to be on in my screenshot. Yes I'm on Win 10.
  22. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? Seems like a simple problem... Thanks
  23. I'm not sure what you mean. Here's a screen shot of my efx bin when I right click it or hit the + sign. It seems to be the way I remember it. Is yours different than this?
  24. 4K monitors are surprisingly cheap nowadays. I don't think the TV is quite the same thing. Your video card needs to support it as well. The 32 inch 4K display I got was only like $350 or something. A smart TV is okay if you're just putting it up on the back wall to view videos but if it's a main display for computer programs you'd probably want a computer monitor. Some nice ones out there...
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