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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I have viewed this video. He does a great job. Unfortunately as of the time I posted this, it was not working consistently. I heard the new update works better
  2. And just for clarity, I did not mean that as a slight. I think the target market that the sampler in bandlab is aimed at it is awesome. It's very intuitive and nice for found sound type work
  3. Koala is actually very functional for what it's designed for. It is basically an app version of an sp404. Koala's functionality in sonar would have went a long way in making it more useful to modern pop production. It's not kontakt, but kontakt is useless for what koala does despite being exponentially more powerful.
  4. It's like a stripped down version of koala. It's not bad at all
  5. I got it yesterday. It's pretty extensive. Have not tried in cakewalk yet
  6. Thanks. Tried grace. Decent but workflow is too meh for today's generation. Poise may be an option
  7. Decisions decisions. You all make great points.
  8. I'm trying to make some decisions and i need his deal knowledge.
  9. I remember poise. It is actually free now??
  10. so far in my demo, I noticed two things. Ezbass seems to have custom note mapping unless it's just me Modo sounds fuller. I think i will come down to how valuable I find Toontrack's AI since Modo definitely sounds better
  11. The songwriting aspects of EZbass are kind of impressive. The two instruments sound good. Doe anyone have experience with scaler 2 and ezbass? if scaler 2 functionality is somewhat comparable modo may be better value
  12. that's what makes i tough. just downloaded trial of both
  13. Trying to decide between this and modo bass
  14. I revisit it from time to time. it has improved greatly. Maybe the only DAW that works well across phone and computer. i am thinking of even testing on my xbox too
  15. I'm hoping that bandlab app getting a sampler is a sign one may come to cakewalk
  16. I tried hard to like beatsacape but never found i useful. It's not that is sounded bad. it just had a workflow that was clunky o me
  17. I decided o play with it some more. I think i may be underrated
  18. I understood you were just politely asking for clarification. Thanks again
  19. I'm trying to get myself to like this. i like the idea more than actual practice so far
  20. sorry if i came off as snappy. I just have my reasons for attempting this. i have been kinda beta testing with a few advanced students and they like this idea better than alternatives so far
  21. It's not a very good DAW. great instrument, but horrible DAW. If you are going to keep telling me what you think i should do, instead of helping me, can you let someone interested in helping do so instead? i get that you think i should go another route, and that may be the case, but until i think my options are exhausted I want to at least try. i have had success in other DAWs. I just have this issue in cakewalk
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