An interesting composition - I enjoyed the listen. I thought the mood of the song was positive and upbeat - very cool.
There are some really cool synth lines in this one - the mix sounded quite good to me.
DeeringAmps - Hey Tom - I appreciate your ears - thanks for listening.
Old Joad - Thank you very much for listening to my song.
emeraldsoul - Thanks for your crits - I appreciate it.
Bajan Blue - Thanks for giving my song a listen.
treesha - Thank you very much for giving my song a listen and for your crits.
Hi Everybody,
Here's a song off of my recently completed album "The Westerly Sessions Vol. I". Any comments and critiques are welcome, and as always, I appreciate your ears.
Here it is:
Another good one from you - I would turn up the lead vocal a tad - just a bit - but that's to taste. I like your genre - hard rock christian music. Excellent guitar playing.
I agree with David - your songs sound professional.
I enjoyed your lead vocal - you should be in Nashville? I agree with a comment above that this could use a bass line. Besides that, the mix sounds quite good to my ears.
Good song - well done.