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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. OK fair enough. I just loaded a default theme and I now see what your talking about. I guess I'll have to either learn how to use the theme editor or live with the dang black background on the PVR. It's the only thing that bugs me. Those icons are baffling. but I guess they are better for multi language users.
  2. Ya I realize there are many ways to create chords but what Kalle is saying and like me, is to be able to do this in Piano roll view. I often have to flesh out simple 2 or 3 note chords I have played. I'm not a keyboard player but I can play real basic chords. But then I have to manually edit note by note to make those chords more interesting. I need a really smart mouse tool!
  3. Edited as was dead wrong--- Yes I see what the OP is talking about. So much for my favorite theme
  4. As I said, Cakewalk is optimized for and expects to see an ASIO driver. If you choose to use any other mode you will have these issues. It's the price you pay for not having a solid system. USB class compliant devices are fine in a pinch but not what you build a smooth running studio set up on.
  5. You cannot expect Cakewalk to perform properly using a crappy driver from 1998. And if the other drivers are not working then your whole system must not be up to par for audio work. Try the WASAPI mode again as that the most stable for on board audio. I can certainly use it with out issue. You for sure will have audio issues when you do not use ASIO mode. Cakewalk and all DAWs for that matter expect the user to own a proper audio interface.
  6. Exactly- This is why you need to use ASIO mode if any serious overdubbing is to happen. ASIO mode is the only mode that can accurately report the latency to the DAW. It is not the DAW's fault. it can only use what is reported by the driver. All other modes need to be adjusted. I did a whole bunch of test along with other group members here a few years ago. I tested all sorts of modes and devices I had on hand. Everyone reported the same findings. Even the cheapest ASIO audio interface was bang on ( or very close) using ASIO mode. All other modes including asio4all did not stay in sync using a loopback test. And some like you say even wander around. If your serious about music being in time you will need a ASIO audio interface. Other modes are fine for making a live recording and editing, mixing a project. But to overdub new tracks it's ASIO or nothing.
  7. What you could do is install CbB which should have zero impact on X3. Hundreds of users here have many old versions side by side without issue. Now you should have already made back up copies of your projects so use one of those to experiment with in CbB. Your original copy with be safe from harm.
  8. What happens if you disconnect the Roland interface and use the on board sound card in WASAPI exclusive mode? Before I mucked about with the files I'd try a different system. I'd also try opening the wave files in a editor like Audacity or Gold wave which are free. You can also download a demo of another DAW like Studio One and import the wave files.
  9. WDM mode is long forgotten and people use WASAPI shared for this, give that a try. But be warned, Cakewalk is a fussy DAW and is only really smooth sailing when using ASIO. Also for overdubbing your timing offset will be out a bit. In this screen shot I'm using a loop back test to demonstrate how WDM mode with a Sound Blaster audio card actually records early on the time line. The Berhringer records late with USB class compliant driver
  10. I used Dr T sequencer and an event list style editor for almost 20 years. My Atari died in 2004 and I just happened to have a copy of Guitar Studio that came for free with my Roland keyboard. I was disappointed that the event list was not the focus of editing with Cakewalk and forced to use the piano roll. I'm still learning. It's latest incarnation is the best yet and I could never go back to an event list. For first time users I recommend you bone up on the 2 main things before you get down to editing. First the smart tool. Go to the help files and read about the options and especially what happens when you hold the tool over different parts of the note blob. Second is the Workspace. Take the time to click on every option and drop down etc. There's a lot. You'll be surprised at what you'll find and possibly that feature you are looking for is right there under your nose. I love Kalle's idea. A little pop up window with drag and drop chords would be a huge time saver. I do believe Strum session can generate chords but I've never figured that out. I think you have to record them via midi out in real time.
  11. I have no clue which version it was. I never look as it's not what I consider critical to using Cakewalk. It might have been an older version. I update Cakewalk almost immediately when I see the hub bub on this forum.
  12. Old thread but some interesting insights into the user group personalities Almost all to good quality "Freebies" come with registration and require your email address. Come to think of it,, so do the paid for versions!
  13. Mine shows in the bottom there did you miss seeing that? But then as typical there is still a buggy install and I have to manually update.
  14. I was just curious and took a quick look using the hover over 3 locations in C drive. I just realized I missed 1 folder, Program Data which is another 8 GB and thats all my samples for default Cakewalk stuff. I keep 3rd party VST libraries on my data drive but I only managed to point Rapture Pro at the data drive, the rest are default. But not a problem as I have 151 GB free space on the 240 GB C drive. In the Program folder is sample libraries. Dim Pro alone is 3.4 GB. Studio instruments 1.3 GB and VST folder 2 GB.. The old versions of Sonar use very little room example Sonar 8.5 shows as 81 MB, Splat as 200MB. Cakewalk Content - 4 GB Program Files Cakewalk- 8.2 GB Program Files 82 - 750 MB Program Data - 8.5 GB
  15. You mention saving project as a WAVE file and a Bun file? Did you not save it as a Project file? CWP is the best format to save as. Bun files are known to become corrupted occasionally.
  16. That's the ticket. Just install what you use. I just hovered the mouse over all my Cakewalk folders and I'm sitting at a total of 12 GB. I have 8.5, X3 Studio, Home studios last version, Splats last release and CbB. I never instal tutorials or anything that says it's a loop but I grab everything else.
  17. There are a many tutorials and help files regarding the Piano roll. It is always a wise move to perhaps do a little reading and watching in your spare time. It's a very complicated workspace so it is advised first time users do a little learning on their own before complaining that it doesn't work.
  18. You can always screen capture! I like OBS Studio for capture. I rarely need it for Utube's but it is handy when some presentations are only a one shot deal then your expected to pay.
  19. Are you trying to open a project? Are you using the start screen and picking a project from the list? Please let us know what it is that cannot be found.
  20. Once you use CbB you'll have little reason to regress to X3. It's a giant upgrade with many new features that were introduced during the Splat era before Gibson bailed on us. When Bandlab took over much to our relief they announced they would focus on cleaning up a lot of the bugs that had grown over time in the earlier versions. They did a great job in my opinion. X3 is the last version that used a serial number for activation so if CbB ever gets flushed and all the servers go down I'll sadly have to return to X3 or switch to Cubase. I think X3 would be way to outdated and not optimized for W10 like CbB is.
  21. You will get help faster if you provide as much information as you can about what you are doing and using for playback. I can only assume that you hear nothing obviously because you took your headphones off. The answer to that situation is put them back on and you'll hear sound. What audio interfacer and driver mode are you using etc,, give us something to go on don't be afraid to say too much.
  22. I think this is normal. It's certainly been what I experience if I walk away from my computer and have to wake it up. I think it's just the way computers are no matter how fine tuned they are for audio. You want delays then try going back to Windows 7! I just fired up my old W7 laptop,, I forgot how slow everything was back then. Even the internet seems slow.
  23. You don't really have to " move stuff over" you can open any project in either X3 or CbB. The only thing is once you open and edit in CbB X3 might warn you that the project was opened in a newer version and features will be missing ( a lot of features!!) CbB has been the most stable version of Cakewalk since 8.5 for me. Any issues I have are related to W10 and drivers,, not CbB.
  24. What do you see when you look in the plug in manager? That's the place to sort this out. Use the plug in manager found under tools menu.
  25. Split Track has been around along time. Locally I've been asked to make these for Schools and Churches. This was put on a Cassette in those days and then their sound person would just have to split the cassette outputs into 2 different channels of the mixer as Tim is saying. A simple matter of then sending those mixes to either FOH or monitors. In my acoustic duo we use backing tracks that originate as finished songs we have recorded. So they have vocals, guitars,banjos, mandolin, drums and keyboards as well as the Bass. When we perform we want only the bass for FOH. So my split is with the Bass track Left and the "band" in the right. To make the split track my easy method is using Cakewalks Busses. The recordings have busses for drums, vocals guitars and bass etc. To make a backing track I mute the Vocals and guitar busses. I then pan the Bass buss Left and the keyboard and drum buss right and export to a wave file. Note: I use mix recall to keep the 2 versions of the song. I then take it to a mastering step in Wave Lab where I analyze and make sure each song has the same average RMS level left and right. I generally use Wave for live performance but I make a backup to MP3. At the gigs I simply use a 1/8" stereo Y 2 x 1/4" into the mixer from my Netbook. A cell phone is sitting there as a back up with the MP3's. At some gigs I run the Bass output directly to a Fender bass amp. The drums/ keyboards are only sent to our floor wedges. This can also be applied to any monitoring system. Example run the click track directly to a powered speaker or in ear headphone amp.
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