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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. I tried it and nothing happened. The trick does work when projects are identical. I guess next I would use track templates. But saving as a midi only file should strip away any corrupted data. It's not that big a deal to rebuild a midi only project. If you save presets for your vst instruments etc.
  2. WHat you could do if it's only the Audio missing is save the project as a MIDI file and try starting with that. To bring back all your synths and settings you could then try the MIX recall trick I just learned ( again) You take the original project and save a mix scene. Now open the new project and using the browser find the mix Scenes folder for the old project. open it and drag the cwm file into the track pane of the new version. It may or may not work but worth a try.
  3. I think there's some confusion here as the OP's claimed he does not have any other drivers listed. , the screen shot was from Roger who is also having an issue and definitely needs to nuke the Steinberg driver. The OP is using a complicated set up with 2 interfaces involve. To test I would go direct from the Apollo via USB and see if the problem persists.
  4. We were just going to sleep and this digital noise kept waking me up. It sounded like a fax machine sort of noise in a short burst. ?? I started looking for our cell phones and turned them off. get back into bed and every 3 minutes there it is. I get up and shut the window.. still,, I'm looking and listening where is this coming from?? I finally tracked it down to the clock radio which was on but off station. But what is that?? Then I remembered that our new ( 1964) house has 3 Smart meters. Hydro, Gas and Water. They send these micro bursts every 3 minutes I guess. I also discovered this house shares a transformer with 3 other homes. My old place had it's own and nearest neighbour was a half a kilometer away. Yiks. Haven't been recording live stuff here yet but I see trouble brewing with electric interference. The old house I had to unplug my electric fencer and hope the bears stayed away while I was recording. By the way, if you hear a ticking that might be an electric fence.
  5. What I found helped me out was to find an album (or playlist) of 12 or so songs that are not overly complicated drums wise but has a variety of tempos and styles. Put headphones on ( so you can't hear how much you suck) and play along with it everyday from start to finish. Keep adding different songs as you progress once you've sort of mastered the first batch. I found this forced me to practice for a full hour and keep in time. It also gave me confidence to try a few rolls and fills. I have a set of the Yamaha digital drums and they are OK for goofing around and recording midi. But your not going to improve much unless you use real drums. What I'm going to do is build a custom kit with the Digital kit for Kick, toms and then percusion. The snare, hats and cymbals will be real. The only digital kits worth owning are like the $ 5,000 Roland.
  6. Wow- This is top shelf great song and that's the first time I ever watched a video from end to end...
  7. I think you got it sounding real good on the NMS10's .... Just love that that guitar hook , this is sounding ready for radio to me. And by the way, the more I listen to your voice the more I like it. Well done ... And the more I listen to the lyrics the more I hear and enjoy this song.
  8. It's like I said, for me there a bit of a bug with it inserting additional busses. I've never dug in deep enough to fix this, I just delete the unwanted buss.
  9. Bass is much better now. This is sounding really good to me. I always found strings associated with Cheezy overproduced songs from the 70-80's It's just me. I just don't like them in the music I enjoy. So when I need a sustained part I will use either a Hammond or a Polysynth patch. There's lots of great synth patches that are well know and now as you say are retro! Funny thing is most were lame attempts to emulate strings! Just like a lot of our favourite electric piano sounds were not originally intended to be trade mark sound of their own, they were just trying to make a real piano more portable. Same with those combo organs. Look in Dim Pro, Rapture, Roland Groove synth, Ultra Analog session and my favourite is the Korg Poly 800 a freebie. ( only 32 bit alas) You mixed the strings right out of there now but if you feel like bringing them back try a hammond patch first. I think it might work with this song. You've got the midi part there play with it. Use the replace synth option to swap out on the fly as the song plays and mess with different patches it one of my favourite pastimes. You never know what works and my be surprised at what you find does.
  10. Did you install the midi driver for the Roland drums? This makes a big difference in latency. Otherwise Widows will use a crappy generic driver. And it does help to have a proper ASIO interface. I have no problem just like Max. I insert a blank midi track. set the input to my drums and the output to what ever VST drummer I choose, never makes a difference to me. I don't use simple instrument tracks I always keep midi and VST on there own tracks.
  11. You need to read the instructions and follow through with setting things up correctly. It's not really that complicated. Did you chack and make sure the interface was the only audio device checked in the preferences ?
  12. Great song , Loved the guitar hook and it's sound. One mix comment is the bass is not really there at all. Turn it up but be careful of the low end. I thought the strings took away from the overall great soundscape of the song. One thing you could try as a big fat Poly synth instead.
  13. John Vere


    Loved that. Well done. There's an over or a lip smack at 1:05 I hear a clip. It might just be in the MP3 conversion. Damn these NSM 10's they take all the fun out of listening
  14. John Vere

    Summer Daze

    Awesome! and ya we are pushin' 70 Love the outro too.
  15. John Vere

    Lucky Me

    Great song really enjoyed it but like the others did not like the drums at all. When using canned drums it's best to not bring them to the listeners attention. Because of the crashes and crazy rolls they got mine and I knew without you telling me they were canned. I would dummy them down a bit. AD does have some pretty nasty crashes and I never did find a ride with a bell sound. I just recorded a band with a real drummer and now I can't stand my in the box drum tracks!
  16. Didn't really like the style but your production is excellent.
  17. Great song, love the harp etc. but I'm hearing 'plosives on your vocals. If you have a sub woofer system hook it up. But I'm hearing them on my Yamaha NSM10's which are not a bass heavy speaker.
  18. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Arranging.08.html#:~:text=Cakewalk - SONAR Documentation - Working with track templates&text=Select the track or tracks you want to save as a preset.&text=Select File > Export > Track Template,select Save as Track Template. Track templates are your friend here. Open a project that you are using these new tracks in and set it up the way you want it complete with effects and buss assignments. For drums it's nice to create a folder too. Now save this as a track template. Now when you open the next project all you need to do is open the saved template and it will do all that work for you. The only bug for me is it often creates a new master buss if there is a small difference in the text box- as in- Master , MASTER or master.
  19. If the click track is the metronome then yes that does nte easily export. I think Charles has a good way to test your system. You can drag any midi loop into a project. An easy way would be insert SI drums Create a blank midi track and assign the output to the SI drums. Now from the SI drum GUI pick a loop and drag it to the midi track.
  20. I've often read on the forum ( old one ) that you should clean out your picture cache every now and then. I have never done this myself and have never really had any issues. This currant set up I'm using is over 5 years since I re did the OS and Hard drives. Just looked into this and the information is dated. The W10 Task Scheduler does not seem to have a add scheduled task option. Might be because I have the Home Version.
  21. Well I tested a few different interfaces and everyone of them was bang on if I used ASIO mode. You have something going wrong if your ASIO driver is not syncing up with Cakewalk. You might want to try a different interface. Here was a Behringer USB interface that used a generic Codex Here is a Crappy Sound Blaster card but with ASIO it seems to be OK. Notice WDM mode which always seemed to be early in my tests.
  22. Good advise as always and I will add that for me a lot of buggy issues have all disappeared as they upgraded CbB. I used to have to save after every change for fear of Cakewalk freezing up. It's latest version is definitely the most stable, solid version ever. I could never go back to Splat. It was not stable for me. And your issue with vocals going weird after too many takes needs to be looked at. It sounds more of a driver issue than DAW.
  23. There seems to be changes made as time goes on. I set up a laptop over a year and a half ago for my bandmate to record his parts at home. It ran without an issue until this July when he finally got that pop up. Took me a 10 minutes to update it and all is fine once again. He doesn't have internet were he lives. Only a Cell data plan so the update thing sucks. I could always set him up running Sonar Splat, but it so nice to have the software up to date when transferring.
  24. Does it appear in the Command Center? Did you not save and backup all your files from the CCC download folder back when Gibson gave us the boot? These files are worth a lot of money and it's best practice to have them all backed up to a few safe locations. I certainly wouldn't count on those old Sonar servers being around forever.
  25. Great, The offset is calculated by Cakewalk and it needs correct information which can only be supplied by the ASIO driver. This is why you will see timing offset errors like this in all the other driver modes. Have you tried a loopback test? Take a midi drum track, just a kick or snare will do, Freeze it to audio. Now patch the output of your interface back to an input and set up a new audio track to record this input. Turn OFF input ech for that new track. Record the loopback, and then zoom way in to see if the transients match up. If you do this with a 3-5 minute track, you can check at the end of the song to see if it drifts off time.
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