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Frank DeFede

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Everything posted by Frank DeFede

  1. Thanks for the information! I believe I downloaded and installed this about a week ago, I just now went to use it and found it under insert drums. I also found Addictive Keys under soft Synth. Is Addictive drums better than session drummer? And is Addictive Keys better than Cakewalk TTS1? I have several songs to record. I am trying to set up a usable template with everything I need. I am having a lot of problems with Cakewalk TTS1. I'd like to use different sounds on different tracks, but can't figure out how to route it correctly. If I record a piano let's say on midi channel 1, and then try strings on Channel 2 it changes the sound of the piano to strings. Any suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks
  2. Thank You, would I have all of those listed by just installing Bandlad?
  3. I had Sonar Platinum before the Bandlab switch over. I seem to remember that there was addictive drums included. I don't see it in the bandlab software. Is it still included?
  4. Thanks Mark, I have never done that before. I will try to figure it out. I have two tracks. One is piano, the other a short string section. When I record one, two it also on the audio track. I will see if I can figure out freeze. Thanks for your patience with me. I owned and ran a 24-track two-inch tape studio for 30 years. Not up on the digital that great yet.
  5. I am just getting back into using Sonar. I know a fair amount, but I am a little lost on how to bounce a cakewalk TTS track to an audio track. I think I have setup the TTS-1 correctly, recorded a track, and I see where it is being bounced right below when in the preview mode. I push the little play button and it generates an audio wave file on that audio track. I learned that if I hit the record button it actually records the wave file. Great! But, I inserted another midi track, and I recorded a string part on it. I can't figure out how to generate the wave file on one of the other available cakewalk audio tracks for the strings. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks
  6. I seem to reminder some feature that allowed me to automatically duck empty parts of a track to silence. For instance in a vocal where in between sections of the vocal you can hear faint carry over from the head phones. I have been doing it manually by going through each track and trimming every clip and every track to get really clean tracks. I tried Remove Silence under Process audio but it didn't work. Any suggestion most welcome, and thank you so much for your help!
  7. Thanks I'll try to find it. Where do I look for a (sustain) event? I think I found it in the Layers below. but can't seem to figure out how to add the 0. OK, I found how to add the 0. I clicked in the layer to add it where I didn't want it and took it out from the point. I started to populate some sustain by clicking at the highest point in the layer, It worked at first, but when I went back in to add a few more places the same procedure of clicking at the top or at 0 did nothing. I must be an idiot. Your advice is most welcome. Thank you
  8. I am laying down a Yamaha keyboard into Bandlab. It was working fine and for the most part always has, but today I laid down a track, and then went to punch in to fix an area from about the middle of the song to the end using auto punch in. It punched in fine, but it is playing back with SUSTAIN. Therefore even if I hit short chopping chords they keep ringing out. And when playing regular chords that I an holding they sustain into the next chord. Any help is appreciated. Thank You
  9. Thank you for your reply, that makes sense, but I can't find it anywhere. I followed the instructions from your link. Can't find that Icon and it doesn't come up in the Edit, Options, button. Never mind, I just found it. Thank you. I will try it now. I have no idea how that got selected.
  10. This is most likely simple, but I can't figure it out. For some reason, in this new song every time I try to insert, delete or move a track one way or the orther all of the tracks are effected. For instance, if I delete a small section of a vocal track, he deletes the same area in all of the other tracks in the song. If I try to add sometime like insert a midi drum track it moves everything over. I tried the prefaces and all of the edit choices, but nothing works. Please help. Thanks
  11. One last problem. I was able to record the midi piano just fine. I want to bounce the midi track it to an audio track so that I have more control of the sound. I used to be able to do this in the track folder, and select bounce to track. I can't get that to work. It says something about I have to select an audio track. I have the midi track selected. Thanks again.
  12. Thank you Randy! I got it. Looks like it's gonna work. I found it in prefaces now, and I am getting a signal. I can proceed with the song! Much appreciated.
  13. I want to use my Yamaha 635 Keyboard as a midi controller in Sonar. I used to know how to set it up, and used it on many projects in the past. I haven't recorded anything since Bandlab has taken over. I am finally finding the time to work on one of my songs, and ready to add some keyboard parts I have plugged in the Keyboard into a USB port. The computer is showing midi activity, but when I go into prefaces the Yamaha Keyboard does not show up under devices. Can someone please give me advice on what I am missing. I am sure it is something stupid, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Thank you, much appreciated.
  14. I have been a Cakewalk user for many years. Had the latest version of Platinum. Just bought a new HP Workstation, installed Platinum and the new BandLab. I know how to set things up. I have BandLab recognizing my Presonus Firestudio. I can select any of the inputs in the pull down menu for input. The presonus unit is showing that I am getting signal, but nothing is getting to the record monitoring or showing any signal when I record. I tried all of the inputs. Any suggestions is much appreciated.
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