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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Inappropriate posts will be removed.
  2. Wookiee

    Some arp fun

    Thank you Tom. ?
  3. Sad people don't know what they are missing @batsbrew
  4. Wookiee

    Some arp fun

    @Makke thank you nice you thought it joyful
  5. I think many would have missed it if you had not mentioned it, the whole thing worked well and flowed.
  6. Vocal sounds little thin here on the Adam's? In fact the whole mix feels like it has had the middle scooped out, sorry to say. It sounds like you have worked hard on the songwriting and the playing sounds quite accomplished. Very abrupt end.
  7. MIx works OK here, sound sliek chillout room stuff.
  8. Most definitely fine on the Adam's
  9. Wookiee


    I am not hearing a problem with the mix here, the vocal is fine and balanced against the support instruments. Listening on my Adam A7x's driven by my Focusrite Pre 8 USB.
  10. Wookiee

    Secret mission

    Nice, nothing I can add.
  11. I could happily drift off with this one too @bjornpdx nice
  12. Wookiee

    Need to Forget

    This is nice, I agree the vocal is a tad dry. It could just be these old furry ears but I am hearing a little frequency masking on the bass.
  13. Ah @batsbrew Nothing quite like a litte 7/8 to put an edge to a tune, nicely executed sir, as ever your chops and mix excel.
  14. Furry Paw tapping, fuzzy head grooving bouncing, squelchy funky bass, production and mix at your normal level of experience, what is not to like.
  15. TD has landed in @bjornpdx land, I like this is definitely dark room listening material.
  16. Wookiee


    @David Sprouse nice I like the sense of menace, the erie pipe sound, the manic drums. cool stuff.
  17. Mix is close but in my furry opinion the vox is to loud or upfront, it needs bring back by 2 or 3 dB along with some compression to level it out a little without losing too much of the dynamic.. If you are after the old school Rock and Roll sound then you are pretty much there with the instrumentation, if you want a more modern sound then as suggested above some punchy parallel compression on the drums and bass will add that depth.
  18. Wookiee


    Ouch, sounds like it could be expensive.
  19. As addition to John's comment, a search of this thread has at no point called you that sir. Please peeps keep this civil, I would also remind suppliers that people are allowed to offer their own personal point of view, provided they are civil too.
  20. Would you care to clarify to whom you are referring too. Your comment is vague.
  21. Keep it nice peeps, all are entitled to an opinion just do not step over a line, some can be sensitive.
  22. Enough I think time to close this discussion down, there have been unnecessary comments from both sides.
  23. Wookiee


    A gentle relaxing moment, the furry ears thought it nice they smiled.
  24. Wookiee


    Nice, but if I was mixing this, would just take the vocal back down into the mix just a tad, it is good but the vocal feels/sounds little to forward and detached from the rest of the backing. This is obviously just the furry opinion of a furry alien from a galaxy far far far away. I did enjoy as is though.
  25. Wookiee

    S P A N

    Furry paws tapping double time as I listen, funky horns and squelchy bass, nice steady drum groove with some tasteful fills, then we get the axe man and sax man, well what is not to like. Another production worthy of standing applause @Hidden Symmetry
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