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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    String Music

    Well that had the furry Paws tapping which is usually a good sign, nice grove worked well here, thanks for sharing.
  2. Trick topic @jack c. delicately handled I think. I know how hard it is some day just to get out of bed.
  3. @John T May I suggest you make a feature request in the Features Forum In the meantime this thread has very quickly achieved its rabbit hole. I woudl remind everyone here be polite and speak to each other like you are face to face not hiding behind a screen and keyboard. It is most disappointing to see such child like behaviour.
  4. Wookiee

    My single

    @Puppet Did you create this using Bandlab samples/loop? Mix is not bad here the Kick could do with a little more weight. Bit to short.
  5. Sounds very warm Philip, quite dense, last mix I believe.
  6. Short, but then building a track from loops is not as easy as some seem to think. It works.
  7. Wookiee


    Mix works well for a demo. Another tune showing your many talents Alan.
  8. Pleasant little ditty, are you playing the harp?
  9. I was interested if you were running a WiFi network, obviously not with a gigabit lan.
  10. @freddy j thank you, you are correct they are very personal lyrics. Glad to know you enjoyed my amateur guitar noodles, that Echos T7e Mk2 is a dream.
  11. Wookiee

    Stratos 1977

    @bjornpdx Nice to hear you have had a chance to play with the Elka-X not really had much of a chance myself for obvious reasons. It is a real beast though from what I have had a chance to do with it. Do you really need more on this I doubt it, well perhaps another 10 minuets . Just sit back close ones eyes and float off drift with it. ?
  12. Nice to hear something as raw and honest as this, I like it @freddy j. Happy anniversary to you both.
  13. @tulamide just as a matter of interest what type of Network connection do you use?
  14. To see Richard Wright and myself in the same post is a real honour. Thank you you are so kind.
  15. @mark skinner thank you sir you are most kind. The chord progression is nothing but that basic Root, 4, 5 fundamental we all learn in the days before we discover the 6th or the added 7th or the more exotic 11th, 13th etc. As ever your ears, time and comments are really appreciated.
  16. So I have been told ?. Tricky subject very close to my heart, thanks for the ears and comments. Good to know all is well.
  17. Wookiee

    Drunken Eyes

    This has a 70'sKinks vibe to these furry ears. Mix works Ok here.
  18. Wookiee

    Angry song

    Sorry to hear about the Saw and your fingers, it may be little consolation but Django Reinhardt only had two fingers and his thumb after an accident. Plenty of commercial music out there made by people poking keys. Sounds OK here perhaps a little longer. As noted by @mark skinner some bass and some timing adjustments in the piano solo woudl not go amiss
  19. I suspect very few people like hearing their own voice. I am glad to hear you escaped with just a limp, with some good music therapy I am sure you will make a full recovery. Thank you for listening and commenting.
  20. Thank you Mark, true nothing we can do to stay the march of time, though this has a second probably not so obvious story of loss of something we all need but some lose.
  21. I suspect this will find a place in some DJ's arsenal for segues between similar tempos, quite possibly the chill room to aid with the come down. Yes it is repetitive but it works, but not sufficiently so to be boring.
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