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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. This one developed a life of its own so if you do not make it to the end of all 6:48 of it I do understand. Between Night and Day Thanks for listening.
  2. @Makke My thanks for your ears and time.
  3. Listen elsewhere nicely done chapess and chaps.
  4. Wookiee

    Flowing Going On

    Listening to the first post version jumps a re a little to dramatic for me.
  5. Tad hot and rammed up against the buffers @FMented without the music many songs would be not worth the effort so do not knock the instrumental. All songs are instrumentals with someone wailing over them.
  6. Usually I am not one to watch video's they can distract from the music, but this was worth the effort, looked stunning on the 32" 2K HD monitor. The music was a real pleasure to listen to as well Randy, nice mix, space and depth with room to breath. Nice one sir.
  7. Hi @G Randy Brown, it is sometime I hope you are well, thanks for the listen and kind words. I saw you put one up and am hoping to let the furry ears have a listen this afternoon.
  8. @kakku Thanks for dragging this back for the bottom glad you enjoyed my musical meander.
  9. @FMented Link did not work here either and I am logged in to Bandlab. A search found you but not sure what tune any chance of a clue as to which one?
  10. Likewise to the best of my knowledge Superior Drummer 2 or 3 are only a VST 2 plugins.
  11. @chuckebaby My thanks Charles glad you enjoyed it.
  12. @Lynn My thanks sir, you are most kind.
  13. Wookiee


    That is beautiful, heart felt lyrics, nicely understated support backing, nice tones, that EP is just right, well worth a nicely done @SPAK
  14. @kennywtelejazz Cool grooving from the kickoff, nice sounds from all the guitars Kenny, open mix, solid drums, bass just sweetly sitting right where it should be holding the groove, Ssssswwwweeeeeeeeet. Nice to hear you are mending as well my friend.
  15. @freddy j The healing is progressing, there is somewhat a small crater on the top of my left fore-paw, but I suspect that will disappear under as the fur regrows. I suppose it is melancholic and introspective this was one that just sort of appeared out of the ether down the furry arms and out through the clawed paws. Thank you for your, ears, time, kind words and your healing wishes.
  16. @emeraldsoul My thanks Tom nice to know you drifted in a state of reverie to my musical rambling.
  17. Wookiee


    I quite enjoyed slightly bluesy funk groove going on, nice.
  18. @SPAK Sorry about that, whiskey is supposed to help apparently, do not think it does anything for the fur ball but it will help you forget about it for a while. Lots of Floyd tribute pack sounds from Arturia used but as ever tweaked just a little to fit in to the mix.
  19. Wookiee

    Dance Shower

    Nice dance groove going here Kakku.
  20. @bjornpdx thanks for having a listen and commenting, no not Z3ta+ all Arturia Analogue Lab patches apart from the drums which came for Superior Drummer 3 Dark Metal kit, if my furry brain remembers correctly.
  21. That opening piano riff is familiar but from where I have know idea. Mix wise sounds good here, slight imbalance in levels when you move to the funky bass section, but as you said it is work in progress that I feel should be pursued. Will keep the furry ears out for the more finished work.
  22. Has that classic Lynn sound and feel, sorry I am late to the party but I too have had a bit of health issue to deal with since September so I have been distracted and unable to type that much as my arm was to painful. Thanks for sharing.
  23. I like this, it is well written and the arrangement and production are also well executed. We all have dark moments, sleep escapes us all sometimes, as to where the music comes from who knows. Thanks for sharing.
  24. @amiller Nice to hear you made it to the end of my ramble, thanks for the ears and the comments.
  25. @Bob Oister Hi Bob, thanks for the listen and the very complementary comments. As to the operation site on my right forearm(paw) it is healing but having a chunk of furry skin 2 inches by 2 and 1/2 inches by a 1/4 of an inch deep removed takes time heal. Thankfully this one sort of fell out of the paws all on its own. You enjoy what is left of the weekend too Bob.
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