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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. To quote The Big Lebowski: "That's a bummer, man"
  2. Besides that I'm willing to give anything a try that is "supposed" to make mixing easier. If it doesn't, C'est La Vie.
  3. That's great but it's not how you spell Studio One Pro 🤣
  4. I only use the ones I need at any moment in time. 😋
  5. I have the Songs forum and our band members to tell me that!
  6. Excellent question. I have used quite a few but certainly not all. I acquire to 'have it just in case'.
  7. The only time I actually revisit a project is because something got re-recorded/replaced. If a plugin is out of date or replaced by a newer version, I just "deal with it'. Chances are I'm going to come up with something just as good or maybe/hopefully even better.
  8. Included in my Slate/SSL subscription. And thus...... Installed.
  9. And then you and the actual buyer can meet at somewhat "dodgy" public place so neither has to reveal where you live. 🙂
  10. What is this "music that makes money"?
  11. With a rare guitar like that I'd suggest for you to decline the bump fee on reverb.com.
  12. reverb.com takes a selling fee and a processing fee and if you use the "bump" feature there's yet more they take. The bump only happens on the final sale price (allowing for if you accept offers).
  13. I need dupes Bit. That's Bapu with a Am.
  14. I do not need AI to write equally banal lyrics.
  15. We'll see how my offering fairs there and knobcloud.
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