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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Now it's tempting to have. Still pricy, but what price for quality are you/we/I willing to spend?
  2. Since it's offered intro price of $279 I applied to use my edu discount (30%). Here's hoping they apply that to the $279 price for further $43 discount to $195.30 . But if they say I must pay 30% off the $349 price then my price would be $244.30.
  3. I have 8 more days to decide if I want to be a schmuck who buys it.
  4. It's an acquired taste. I've only got 14 ?. One is no longer installed nor upgraded (Samplitude). Every so often I toy with buying FL but then I back away.
  5. At which point I will be 101 years old. ??
  6. It is a nice compressor.
  7. Bapu

    Behringer Deal

    I'm sticking with these: 22 inputs on the Apollo echo (28 total inputs) system are dedicated to drums, freeing up 6 of the DI inputs for do isolated 'band' recordings. I feed my Avalon U5 into one channel of the Audient, and my two outs from my SansAmp GED2112 into another two channels of the Audient, as well as my Aguilar Chorus and Distotion pedals in two more channels of the audient. My pedals are each preamped with Echoplex Preamps which are fed by my Origin Effects Cali76 where I drive any of my mono basses (P-Bazz, Schecter Jazz, one of two Ernie Ball Stingrays, Warwick Thumb BO, Epi Jack Cassady, 1974 Gibson EB-3, Hofner Ignite and sometimes my Rick 4003 in mono).
  8. @Fleer want's it all for $19.99 and he wants it now?
  9. What's really strange is that it did not affect any of my other DAWs (ProTools Studio, Reason 12, Mixcraft 10, Digital Performer 11, Cubase 13, Reaper 7, MIxbus 10, Bitwig 5 and CbB).
  10. OK I demoed it. It crashes Studio One 6.6.1 in you insert it. It also loads GainAimPro itegration in the startup list like Melodyne Integration etc. Guess what that does? It won't allow me to save a project that I don't even have GainAimPro inserted (cuz of course it crashes S.O. in that case). UNINSTALLED!
  11. Why? BandLab bought the assets (and IIRC not all assets and thus not every Gibson/Cakewalk add on is available in CbB). They did not buy the company (and thus did not assume the debt/liabilities/company promises). That is just sooooooooo simple to digest, but in today's society many people, IMO, look for "conspiracy" or "injustice" in things that are just there upon close rational examination. I too once thought I read CbB would be free forever. I was proved wrong. That was never stated (the forever part). I bought Gibson's Lifetime plan. I have zero regrets for that. I don't feel burnt, betrayed or broken up about it. I made that choice and Gibson made their choice. End of.
  12. TT support says there is nothing to be done. I essentially cannot geta 'discount' or get a future serial # for the freebie. My only other option would be to 'sell' (for the $15 transfer fee) one pack and then replace it with my 'freebie'. Too much of a hassle.
  13. u m key-wrecked. I had a bad Thur- Sat. No time for true lurking here.
  14. $269 (NOS) has just made my MKII worth about a negative dollar four eighty.
  15. The Monkees and Ziggy Marly's Spiders From Marz Volta I'll me coat
  16. Rush Against The (Tin) Machine <--- that there is my first thruple
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