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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Happy belated birthday Lars.
  2. "Why should I give him a lifetime of experience for free?" ~Delroy Lindo, as Bobby Blane in Heist (paraphrased)
  3. I got "Paul McCartney The Lyrics" from Mrs. Santa
  4. I'll stick to these for my audio connections
  5. Seems a decent build as is my Squier Fretless Jazz (the only two Squiers I own). I'm going to be sending it in for setup today. They gave me round wound strings and I want flat wounds on this bass.
  6. Where? How much? Oh wait, cost does not matter to the bapu.
  7. I think it was The Lovely Lady that sent it to me. Typical.
  8. Santa already was here. He already brought me a Squier Bass VI.
  9. I hope you get it sorted out. I have severe loss on my left side due to deterioration of what is commonly called the anvil & hammer bones from infections at an early age. On top of that I have a big drop in 6KHz and greater (which I can compensate for in an EQ boost during mixing, but not in exports). And then of course my tinnitus can act up randomly sometimes for an hour and sometimes for days on end. Being almost 69 I doubt much can be done for me. My ENT Dr. told me at 50 years old there was not much to be done for me except hearing aids which are useless in the mixing environment as I mostly mix through headphones.
  10. The taxes/VAT will killya everytime.
  11. See? It appears you can't live without it.
  12. @Doc HI have a couple of small djents in my car, does that make me a bad person?
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