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Posts posted by solarlux

  1. Please add posibility to hold cntrl and presing some key to change default behavior of duplicating step sequencer clip as linked. For example i want to duplicate some step sequencer clip as unique and not linked directly without doing unlink step sequencer clip operation. Maybe some additional key with holding cntrl and i can drag with mouse duplicate as not linked clip?

  2. Would be cool to make similar in Cakewalk with posibility hide cables. Also Send level button and if Mixer can be more smaller view posiible. Cakewalk mixer occupies much space and also very long faders.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Billy86 said:

    What spurred my question was wondering why is a DAW like Studio One, a relatively new kid on the block, seemingly  more supported by third-party folks than CbB. Native Instruments is just one example, but there are others I’ve noticed. More users, and therefore a potentially more lucrative pool of buyers of those third-party apps? A behind-the-scenes biz deal with Presonus? Just curious...

    All is marketing, but in future CbB will be more popular and situation will be different. Studio one have bigger development team in size

  4. On 2/25/2021 at 12:12 AM, Brian Walton said:

    Toneboosters EQ4 and MeldaAutoDynamicsEQ also have this functionality, so it isn't just the most expensive on the market.

    Not to mention Cakewalk LP-EQ can also do it.   Though only available to us old time Cakewalk users (and doesn't work in the pro channel).

    Also would be cool solo band and also moving it in defferent frequency ranges. Soloing for example simillar frequency ranges from groups.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Kaustub M. Joshi said:

    This is a small issue found by one of the members in the Facebook group Cakewalk by BandLab.

    The bypass buttons found in the plugin UI (top left) and the FX Rack (on the track panel and the mix console) don't seem to be linked. Toggling one of the buttons should automatically toggle the other one as well, I think. And it doesn't seem like there is any difference between the two either.
    It'd be great if this bug could either be explained or fixed, thank you!

    (Attached pictures show the behavior)

    Screenshot 2021-02-24 214912.png


    I think its special not synchronized maybe is there some purpose to don't do it. Maybe someoen can comment why it need to be seperated behaviour.Anyway it can be logical and good to it working together but i guess its made by that for the reason

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