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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. This is something that is possible to do in REAPER: On CbB, all you have is changing a DSP option in a external options file and that may not even do anything. While I can dial lower latencies with REAPER with WASAPI shared, on CbB, I seem to be stuck in 400ms with no provisions of changing it.
  2. Hi. I've been trying to create a tempo map for a song by using AudioSnap to mark the transients. It's been working fine until I got almost 3 minutes into doing it. Now AudioSnap is starting to complain about "Invalid measures and beats" and giving crap values on the average tempo as shown here: I figured maybe the audio clip is too long and split it at some point. Not only that didn't fix the problem, but this happens? And the same error continues. Since there's no other practical form of doing that ( tapping the tempo manually with midi then using fit to improvise would take three times longer because I can't have waveforms laid on the piano roll like you can in FL Studio), I must stop and wonder how much Audio Snap was tested for this purpose.
  3. It helps when the rest of the crowd is the band.
  4. Here's some classical. Nancarrow was doing Black MIDI before the MIDI standard even existed.
  5. I was banned from the Kerbal Space Program forums three times.
  6. I doubt it. Some nutcases might be offended by submarines and experience pstd effects from a war they never fought in that doesn't exist.
  7. This is what happens when you have a heated argument about tone woods.
  8. I mean... It's not like they could use Bandlab for that sort of thing...or anything like that..
  9. Image Line is also very good at shafting their own legitimate customers if they suspect they are pirating a product.
  10. Shouldn't the whole "getting paid" thing be a consequence of you finding an audience, rather than something you think you should deserve?
  11. And you win precisely nothing with that, especially considering music is compressed to be louder and you have permanent hearing loss at the maximum headroom of 32 bit audio. Higher sample rates have become unnecessary after the introduction of oversampling in plugins and so on. Plus you can't hear the extra 24 thousand frequencies added by the sample rate anyways. Only advantage would be file size but then... You'll find many instances where FLAC files are larger than their WAV equivalents.
  12. No wonder K-Pop and Instagram playing are so popular.
  13. I find ironic that you paid quite a lot for an ear training course when you can't even be bothered to dedicate time for something like transcribing, having to squeeze it in between busy hours as an afterthought.
  14. There's another extremely effective way of doing ear training that doesn't cost anything: transcribing music.
  15. Why would you record something professionally and make it look like it was a home recording?
  16. I don't think he's the one singing these. Why fake what's real? If it's the guy really singing and playing, why mime a fake performance?
  17. Now, this looks like a plain old music theory course disguised to not look like one. Also, there are some strange things: You get the first fourteen chapters, but the bold ones are free of charge? how that works? Also, the bold chapters amount to fifteen modules. Is there a 21st module we're not seeing? What are you paying for? 5 chapters? Someone really needs to make a better landing page. I don't know Rick's qualification's on these things but...The educational content I've seen posted on his YouTube page is quite mediocre in many aspects.
  18. This is a sort of small project I badly put together with little regard to several things. It was a sad day that day and neither of the band member could agree where the lyrics would go nor how to structure the song, so they went for this instead.
  19. Sure. There's still some marketing going on in that regard. You start using Cakewalk, then you go into that thing when Bandlab "comes to you" and goes "By the way, did you know we also have a place where you can master your stuff for free and host your music. We also have sample packs too!"
  20. Well, that will depend on how profitable the DAW is into making people make use of the other Bandlab products IMO. Companies don't do software as a "labor of love" after all.
  21. Should I be feeling envious? Offended? Threatened? Humiliated? Some hints would be helpful cause I'm having a hard time here. And not a desirable one.
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