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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. I found a workaround for the tech issues. I re-connected all the synths from the non-functioning pre-amp unit to one I barely use (I have 4 and mostly use 3). The issues are still the same but somehow this works. I can't use headphones, that signal is still overloaded with white noise (a sign of samplerate mismatch, so I contacted RME support). It is weird, because the incoming signal is ok but the outgoing not. Luckily my father got out of bed today (12 hours after surgery!) and walked a bit. This is such a crappy weekend. On top of everything there was a hostage situation (!!) 5 minutes from my house. Snipers, bombsquad, DSI (the guys who get called in by SWAT or even military units to 'handle things'), the whole nine yards.
  2. That's a compliment I'll take any day.
  3. A bit of a cheecky title. Here we go again. It's sunday! The synths in the break are a bit thin, but get back-up from the Matriarch. Vocals a bit too loud, but hey. Sadly, this could be my last jam for a while. I'm having technical issues which I can't solve at the moment. Nor do I have the time. Somehow I lost sync/lock on all my ADA8200's and I'm having trouble pinpointing the issue. I hope it's something silly but I can't figure it out yet. It seems like a samplerate thing but I haven't changed anything so it baffles me. Add to that that my father broke his hip this weekend so my attention is elsewehere and I'm away next weekend. So maybe I will record something with the units that do work. Anyway, enough personal stuff. Enjoy!
  4. The 2024 Drum Broker Easter Sale has arrived. Get 50% off Sample Packs, Drum Kits, Breaks, One-Shots, & More! Rules and Exclusions: Cannot be combined with other discount codes Excludes: Filth Bundle, Minta Bundles, Vinyl Discount Code Expires 4/2/24 at midnight https://hiphopdrumsamples.com/
  5. I think the Pianist bundle at the UJAM site is as low as it ever got, I could be mistaken though. I believe the lowest was 149 and it's 99 now.
  6. Thank you so much! I love making these breaks. Synths are so awesome for that. This week I'm a bit strapped for time, BUT I did record a fun project some weeks ago which I might edit and put out. I might as well say it, I connected the MIDI out of the Roland J-6 (a little chord machine) to my Prophet 6 and recorded all kinds of progressions. Very fun project! Now I 'just 'have to edit 24 seperate audio and video files. And I have to record another jam midweeks somewhere this week or the next because I will be away for a weekend for a citytrip with my friends to Dublin.
  7. I'm very happy with this one. The synths really shined in their 'optima forma'. Lots of sustained sounds which almost mimics low strings. The Prophet 6 is magical, and the Moogs are well, Moogs. The stuttering lead is a stack of leads from the Peak with a modulated (unsynced) tremolo.
  8. Thanks! Yeah it got a bit out of hand, but now I'm pretty much done.
  9. Hahaha I just got the ping from Youtube and thought he must be on a well deserved vacation or something 😅
  10. Upgrade price for me is €69 (nice). If that would be based on the (still?) free VCA, that's a pretty good deal. I'm tempted, it's another 2A and 1176, but the added features like drive could be interesting.
  11. Purchased, I like their stuff (use it too little though) and I would like to have the collection complete, which is a stupid reason but still a reason.
  12. Interesting, I will snatch this up.
  13. Agreed, I have the free VCA and would gain the Opto and FET. I have plenty of options for those including Universal Audio.
  14. I guess so, I don't have those but all the rest and my upgrade price is also 199. A bit too much at the moment, seeing I just bought a Roland E-4 and some good kitchen knives.
  15. Yep, that's how I do it. And the Neold stuff is pretty good most of the times, so I just might Forever29 this one.
  16. Oh my god, I'm doing stupid thumbnails. Please don't hold it against me. Well I had no clue what to call this, I't basically all over the place. It's a pretty standard jam, but there are some nice details. The pan spread funtion on the Prophet 6 is pretty awesome which pans different voices. Switching the paraphony from 4 voices to 1 of the Matriarch sounded cool. Oh and for the Lego fans, in the background is the new R2D2 😎
  17. Nick Blanc

    Trash is back

    The Youtube community doesn't seem that impressed from what I've seen. Perhaps Izotope didn't pay enough? That being said, Trash 2 is/was an absolute staple in modern EDM/techno/hardcore. One could say it influenced the direction of multiple genres, which is a pretty significant accomplishment. From what I've seen and knowing that community a bit, this won't replace Trash 2.
  18. I would love to get my hands on Lumina and this is about as good as it gets (perhaps a 60% in a bundle?). But still a lot of money for something I don't really use. I can get the Behringer JT-4000 and Roland AIRA E-4 for that money. With room to spare for cables and a case.
  19. I was hoping that with the new Ableton, they would remove the limit on the categories. I now have: Master & Favorites Synths & Drums EQ, channelstrips & filters Dynamics (so yes, all the compressors and limiters) Distortion & saturation Reverb & delay Utility & creative Some have overlap and I just tag them in multiple categories. Clippers can be used as a dynamics tool but also as a creative distorion tool. Something like a chorus would fall in the Utility & creative category, but some multi fx span over 4 cateogries.
  20. https://kazrog.com/collections/frontpage/products/true-252 The sweet sound that sparked a legacy - just $19.99 this month. Get THE most precise emulation of the ultra-rare Langevin EQ 252A 7-band Graphic EQ - the original hardware circuit that sparked one of the most resounding legacies in music history.
  21. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/projectsam-offer-2024/ Offer ends in about 18 days.
  22. Probably one of my favorites so far. I did some (basic) live playing, slapped on a vocal for good measure and voila.
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