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Everything posted by cclarry

  1. (Ableton Audio Effect Rack presets) is free for a week: https://isotonikstudios.com/product/one-knob-wonders/
  2. Probably what many don't like is the paid .5 Releases... I don't know of any other DAW that charges for that... I, personally, don't mind...it's small enough pricewise, and you really don't have to do .5 releases...just wait the 2 year cycle till the next release. I'll only do the .5 release if it's on sale....
  3. Yep...I shouldn't have...but I did...couldn't "not" buy it...
  4. Mixbus32C v6 Plus AVA-SC Spectral Compressor Cross-Platform Plugin Get Bundle $149 Limited Time Only. Expires Saturday April 20th Mixbus32C V6 and AVA-SC Retail $438 All prices USD before tax or VAT Learn more about the AVA-SC Plugin
  5. $29 https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/lea-bertucci-acoustic-shadows/
  6. I still haven't received a coupon for this...
  7. Right...I was referring to the one's I don't have...
  8. If you use Softube Central you can update each one individually.... I only have the Time & Tone Bundle, so I don't know if all of them were updated, but that's usually what they do when they do an update
  9. THAT would be a GREAT bargain!
  10. I REALLY should have never downloaded the Demo....LOL
  11. https://store.two-notes.com/en/smartblog/122/freebeastmachine.html
  12. It's a pretty big file Mesh...I bought it this morning and COULD NOT AFFORD IT AT ALL! I put myself in BIG trouble...but WOW!!! I'll figure something out...LOL My justification was that it would push my Discount Coupons up....to what I don't know, but I only get 15% right now...don't know what the next level is...but this purchased pushed my spending total to the next level... Total price was $105. SUPER DUPER WORTH IT! I've bought (and sold) a LOT of plugins...this one takes the cake IMO! I had heard it was good...I just didn't realize HOW GOOD!
  13. You get Spectral Layers 6 + the upgrade to 7 in Pro X5 Suite off...as well as Sound Forge. Pro X5 Standard won't include it I don't think...
  14. https://new.steinberg.net/cubase/upgrade-offer/ But not the update 😡
  15. $34.95 https://deals.lockergnome.com/sales/the-2020-complete-learn-piano-for-all-master-class-bundle?jl_uid=f6a87a56f26d5942e8b87608e511622d&jl_cmpn=20200415_Tech_DailyDeals_16204_LifetimeMBABootcamp_a0x1P000004NNdt&utm_term=jetloresub5&utm_source=StackSocial+Deals+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200415_Tech_DailyDeals_16204_LifetimeMBABootcamp_a0x1P000004NNdt
  16. You can buy the Presonus Plugins without buying the DAW....just FYI
  17. Run the KDM to update
  18. Run Presounus Hub to update New Version # is
  19. cclarry

    Klevgrand Ting!

    The sound of 2020 It feels a bit strange to release a new product today, while the world seems upside down. However, it would probably be worse to get paralyzed. "Business as usual" is not the right expression, we're just doing what we can, for as long as we can. We're lucky to to be able to work from home, and today's product is actually a result of just that. Appreciate the little tings in life Ting is an instrument with 12 different percussive sounds, taken from everyday things laying around at home - such as silverware, a sofa, toy drum or a pair of car keys. Each sound is carefully multi-sampled and processed with the common goal to be musically playable. Ting is intended to be a creative tool and a substitute for ordinary drum and percussion instruments. In addition to the sounds, there is an EQ, a room simulator, a reverb and a compressor. Read more / Try free demo macOS/Windows AU/VST/AAX plugin $14.99 Buy now iPad AUv3 plugin $4.99 Buy now
  20. vocal detuner/thickener and Mongoose bass mono-izer, now $16.91 with code FORUM https://www.jrrshop.com/boz?dir=desc&order=special_from_date https://www.jrrshop.com/boz-digital-labs-mongoose
  21. Yep...I know...I was just basically giving my personal review, HS, and a plug for the sale....
  22. On sale right now for 109 Euros...cheaper if you have an Acustica Customer Discount code...BUY IT! I just pulled the Demo on this and HOLY MOLY! IMO, it's THE BEST I've ever heard!!! Yes it's a bit CPU heavy, and the GUI is bit unintuitive, but I've never, ever, heard a better Tape Simulation ITB, the Console EQ's are great, and the compressors are very nice....it's actually 21 Tape Emulations, 3 Consoles, and 2 Compressors, and ALL can be used separately or in a Channel Rack, and it's a STEAL at this price https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/taupe
  23. VSTBuzz: 70% off “MFreeformAnalogEq” by MeldaProduction - Normally €50 Now Only €15! More information at https://vstbuzz.com/deals/70-off-mfreeformanalogeq-by-meldaproduction
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